The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Rory0425

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    QUOTE (LateKate @ 4/9/2019, 10:55 PM) 
    I still can’t get over the fact that a person with zero friends has a friend with the same initials as herself. I think I like Noelle’s theory. Her :to-quote-smiley-emoticon: friend that wanted those bags probably lives in her craptice. :shaking_head_smiley_emoticon: :5153:

    Before I got married, my best friend and I did have the same initials. It made it fun at work when we'd initial something and people were like, did Rory sign it or was it the other R?

    However, Jen...46 minutes of you purging your bags? Nobody has time for that!

    Just got to the part about Jen selling on Poshmark, and you know she wanted to say "I bet you losers can't afford my stuff." That's the attitude she had!
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    QUOTE (HomeInTheZoo @ 3/28/2019, 03:09 AM) 
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 3/28/2019, 02:41 AM) 

    Ok, it takes a lot to get me to literally LOL but this did it.

    Poor CC. That germ infested bunsy gives me the heebie jeebies.

    Can't Jen toss that bunny into the washer on hot to kill some of the germs? My daughter (and husband and I) have all been sick this week with fevers and upper respiratory crud, and kiddo's stuffed bunny lovey (that she's had since she was an infant) has a date with the washer tomorrow! Germs be gone!

    I haven't been keeping up on Jen's IG stories today. I thought Charlotte had a cold? Now it's pink eye? Yikes!

    QUOTE (martiniflightlikedon @ 3/28/2019, 08:01 AM) 
    QUOTE (gardenhoe @ 3/28/2019, 06:29 AM) 
    Her IG stories, it’s like Don and Jen are not together on this vacation. No interaction at all between them.

    I think the rose colored glasses are off for good. They love each other, but there is zero spark. They don't seem to share anything except the kids and (I guess???) the love of Disney?
    I also think Don is severely annoyed with Jen's instagramming/YouTube hobby
    And I think he finally sees that he married a truly selfish person who is incapable of change
    So he no longer coddles or babies her
    And she resents that
    All the body language is there

    Maybe he (naively) thought Jen would grow up and act like an adult once they had kids, but it's still Jen being #1 on her list, followed by Winnie, and then the kids and Don. And Don's fed up, but he dug the hole and now he's stuck.

    QUOTE (Mygoodness @ 3/28/2019, 01:46 PM) 
    I haven’t watched anything of Hillary in awhile. I found she became very boring and repetitive. She has nothing to show but her kitchen and greasy hair. Anyway I was on YouTube and I guess it’s a new video. She shows her “sunroom “. Aka breezeway. Dan made a huge mess and left it for her to clean up. My husband has never done that. He cleans up after any project he does. Never would he walk away and leave it for me to clean up. It says so so much about their relationship.

    I'm not a huge fan of Hilary either, but really...Dan needs to be throat punched. He has his "guys nights out" all the time, leaving her with three kids to take care of. Then he leaves a huge mess, and unless she told him not to clean it up for her video, he is a big boy and should put his toys away.

    QUOTE (IfYouWill @ 3/28/2019, 09:04 PM) 
    Why does she insist on doing CC's hair the same way every day? With hair that long you can do so many things with it. Especially in the parks, a pony tail or pig tails would be so much easier and cooler.

    I know I am not a 1% like Jen, but we try to Disney every 2-3 years. Even when my son was CC's age, we never did just 1-2 rides and a couple hours in the park each morning. If we were out late the night before and he was tired, we would go back to the room to nap and go back to the park after. It seems like such a waste of money to pay that much for park tickets and only go for a few things a day. They are staying on a monorail resort. It is so easy to get back and forth.

    If Charlotte is like my daughter, she might want her hair done just one way. My daughter only wants hers down right now, but at least it's manageable. During the summer she likes a ponytail or braids.
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    QUOTE (fiercelyprivate @ 3/23/2019, 02:39 PM) 
    Pooping socks :woot:

    Can those be worn for farting too? Or does Jen have special socks for that? ;)

    QUOTE (BackupSize8 @ 3/23/2019, 02:45 PM) 
    All of the socks were extraordinary PETITE, though.

    And sadly, no longer available!
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    QUOTE (martiniflightlikedon @ 3/22/2019, 10:07 PM) 
    I have literally never had something hanging in my closet with the tags on it

    Have any of you? This is a bit crazy to me. I also see this in YouTubers closet tours or purge or whatever

    "Oh yeah this ____ top, I never even worse this!"


    Not me. I cut the tag off and hang it in my closet.
  5. .
    QUOTE (IfYouWill @ 3/21/2019, 02:51 PM) 
    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 3/20/2019, 10:32 PM) 
    So introducing the kids to Disney is a gradual journey????
    Give MaMa hell CC! :jolly-smiley-emoticon: Let her and everyone within 50 yards of you know EXACTLY how you feel about leaving the park at 11:30 for the day. I’m counting on you!

    Ths sad part is they did this as adults with no kids. They have never spent an entire day in the parks. They go early morning for a few hours, then rest, then dinner. Before they had kids they would go to Wishes and Jen would sing along, but they haven't done that with the kids.

    I came across a YouTuber by the name of Blair Lamb back in December. I was looking for cookie recipes and found her channel, and I've watched some other vlogs. She and her husband love Disney and go to Disney World each year, and went on a Disney cruise last year. They're all over the parks, going on rides, having fun, staying at the park until it closes. They don't have kids yet - they're just in their 20s or 30s - but it's so fun to watch her vlogs and see someone who truly loves Disney, and she mentions having visited the parks as a child. She shows a lot of the park too, like the different countries at Epcot. Definitely a place my husband and I would take our daughter when she's older!

    Quick question for those who have kids and have gone to Disney - what is a good age to take them? My daughter will be 3 this spring and we already have a trip planned (not Disney) so it'll have to be another year, but hubby and I want to do a lot of research before we go, and maybe even make it a family trip with his sister's family.
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    QUOTE (ooooooolikejen @ 3/18/2019, 05:54 PM) 
    QUOTE (PillPoppinSkank @ 3/18/2019, 08:17 AM) 
    When did posing for family photos on St Patrick's Day become a thing? My feed was full of them yesterday.

    Just another opportunity to stick people's faces in front of a camera and post on social media in order to get followers to say how great everyone looks, especially Jen (they all look like they rolled out of bed, though)

    Heaven forbid the Rosses leave the house with the kids and do something worthy of a picture.

    Has she ever taken the kids to Chicago? I would bet no. They could've seen the river dyed green for St. Patrick's Day. I'm sure even their town or a nearby one had a parade the kids would've enjoyed.

    I agree, enough with the Disney. Almost every time we see Charlotte she has something Disney on. What's Jen going to do if Charlotte decides she's not into Mickey and wants to wear something else?!

    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 3/19/2019, 12:27 AM) 
    I stopped watching when she became insufferable Mama Jen. I didn’t think she could be any worse. I was wrong.

    I put on her jewelry purge as background noise while I did some housework. In past years I would have actually watched the video, but she's gotten too boring for me.
  7. .
    QUOTE (PillPoppinSkank @ 3/18/2019, 03:17 PM) 
    When did posing for family photos on St Patrick's Day become a thing? My feed was full of them yesterday.

    I posted a picture of my daughter wearing a cute shamrock shirt! :)
  8. .
    QUOTE (Todolovethebaby2 @ 3/17/2019, 06:19 AM) 
    Am I the only person who doesn’t wear any jewelry while I have young kids? Earrings scratch baby faces when they’re up on your shoulder. Bracelets hit them in the face when you’re trying to dress them. Plus they’re always trying to pull necklaces etc.
    I wear my wedding set, that’s it. And often my engagement ring is off with a newborn because it also scratches them when they can’t support their own weight and you have to hold them carefully.

    My point being that she had one Hermès - could have worked out it was scratchy and getting caught before buying two more. In fact likely did and bought them anyway. Jen.

    I wear a plain gold band that belonged to my mom. I was so afraid that I would scratch my daughter with my engagement and wedding ring that I stopped wearing them and only put them on for date nights. Plus I'd lost a couple of stones and it wasn't cheap getting them replaced! Lol

    I used to always wear earrings, a watch, a necklace, and rings when I worked. Now that I'm a SAHM the only jewelry is my gold band. I had a necklace on the other day and my daughter was surprised that I was wearing it, lol.
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    QUOTE (Lucky_Me @ 3/15/2019, 04:37 PM) 
    I know I'm not a hoarderlikejen, but is it normal that I only have one watch? I watch her decluttering videos and feel like I don't own enough underwear and socks. :blink: But then I have to remember Jen is the weird one.

    I only have a couple, plus a Fitbit. Half the time I forget to wear my watch and just look at my phone to know the time!
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    QUOTE (popsugarlikejen @ 3/13/2019, 06:24 PM) 
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 3/13/2019, 10:52 AM) 
    if I were Don I'd be so incredibly pissed. thousands upon thousands of dollars spent on shit that sat untouched in a vanity only to be tossed later in a big purge

    donating fine jewelry is just WTF. as some have mentioned that should be kept for Charlotte. someone mentioned TiffanyD and yes she has mentioned saving both jewelry and some of her LVs specifically for Olivia to have one day if she wants them. that's something a normal mother would do

    she IS nuts-when my Mom passed, sis kept her diamond rings....her DD used one as her engagement ring a short time later-what a treasured keepsake

    I didn't watch the jewelry purge yet, but from what I'm understanding from the posts is that Jen got rid of - as in tossed in the garbage - some really nice jewelry?! WTF?! Give it to Charlotte! My engagement ring was my grandmother's, and she passed away after I got engaged, so it means more to me than something my fiance would have bought in a jewelry store. I just don't get Jen sometimes.

    Sugarfoot, I am so sorry for your loss!
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    QUOTE (Catapultingtheflavordownmythroat @ 3/8/2019, 03:46 PM) 
    QUOTE (#doingmybest @ 8/3/2019, 06:42) 
    Am I reading that correctly? Does she schedule potty time?!? I assume this is for CC?

    This has me scratching my head!!! Poor CC!!!!! Who. Schedule. Potty. Time????? They are home all day. Does it matter when she goes?????

    I wonder if the Montessori school has a schedule like this? I remember when working in day care we had to have a daily schedule displayed in each classroom and I had bathroom time listed. Obviously the kids could go whenever they needed, but it was a state law that bathroom time had to be on the schedule.

    QUOTE (Mrs.Saint @ 3/8/2019, 07:35 PM) 
    I can't believe jen has emergency craft supplies in her nightstand drawer. There's some wild stuff going in that bedroom ladies. Poor Don :snickering:

    I was laughing at that part because I do store craft supplies (specifically my scrapbooking supplies) in my nightstand drawers because it's the only area I have that will hold everything. I don't have a craft room like Jen. I'd be happy with half of her craftice!

    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 3/10/2019, 12:15 AM) 
    I need to get into Frasier. That clip is me :D

    It's such a funny, well-written show. You'll love it! :) I think it's on Netflix, but Hallmark channel runs about 4 episodes late each night.
  12. .
    QUOTE (hardswallowtsk @ 2/26/2019, 05:27 PM) 
    another Q & A? 44 minutes? Jesus this girl sure loves talking about herself!!! Its no wonder she doesn't have friends...

    That's why I'm here for the recaps. I can spend 44 minutes doing something more creative with my time...and Jen is so boring lately, she's turning insomniacs into narcoleptics.

    QUOTE (IfYouWill @ 2/26/2019, 10:01 PM) 
    QUOTE (LateKate @ 2/26/2019, 06:23 PM) 
    She thinks children’s tantrums peak at 2.5 years. Just you wait, Jen Ross :snickering:

    I can't wait until her kids reach puberty and get moody. Let's talk then, Jen Ross. I can ruin my son's whole day just by asking if he wants juice with breakfast.

    That's what my friend with two teenagers has said, that the toddler tantrums are just a warm-up for teenage hormones! Thank goodness I have ten years until that, lol.

    QUOTE (JENSEYEBROW @ 2/27/2019, 01:45 AM) 
    QUOTE (AmpleBosomLikeJen @ 27/2/2019, 01:39) 
    I love that don had shoulder surgery last week and she didn’t even bother to mention it until today. It was totally off hand too, like oh ya btw don had another surgery.
    I know it’s nothing major but still.

    Omg!!!! When my husband had surgery I was a nervous wreck!!!! I sure didnt off hand comment oh ya... she is soooooo self centered

    Yeah, but...this is Jen. The same woman who conveniently threw her back out a week or two after Don had his back surgery and forced the guy to carry her around.
  13. .
    Regina King was stunning and her speech was wonderful! I'm hoping Bradley Cooper will win! I thought he should've won for Silver Linings Playbook and American Sniper. I haven't seen A Star is Born yet, but I love him, I really like Lady Gaga, and my husband and I are renting ASIB tomorrow night - it's finally available to rent On Demand! :)
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    QUOTE (noelleaussi @ 2/24/2019, 11:50 PM) 
    Between the sticker books and the cork board with pics of her besties, I felt like I was back in boarding school. She just needs some Tiger Beat posters. That's a room for chatting on the phone all night about your crush, while kicking your sock-clad feet in the air. Not a place to have the sex with an adult male.

    Those shoes would be way too close for comfort while sleeping. I don't mind small apartments. It's the clutter. The clutter. :tearing-hair:

    There was way too much clutter. I also hated how she tossed the cat like she did! She definitely should've cleaned the bathtub before showing off the bathroom - and the toothpaste spit on the picture frame! The whole place just looked dirty and cluttered. I shut the video off with just a few minutes left.
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    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 2/19/2019, 06:26 AM) 
    Has this oldie been posted?


    I think Jen looks really good here!
415 replies since 1/8/2017