The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Rory0425

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    Tongue Thrust, I'm so sorry for your loss.
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    QUOTE (lolobird @ 26/4/2020, 23:13) 
    QUOTE (Rory0425 @ 4/26/2020, 02:06 PM) 
    Here's an idea for Jen that would give her something to do, something to film, and get plenty of head pats- bake/cook something for healthcare workers. In my small town, a bunch of us have gotten together over social media and planned to bake/cook foods that one group member brings to a nearby hospital. It's our way of saying thank you to the healthcare workers who are working so incredibly hard to help others. Jen could feature herself making something, even maybe have the kids help, and she wouldn't even have to interact with anyone outside "the fam." All she has to do is check a local Facebook group- mine is for my small town and we do this weekly.

    Except her hygiene is questionable at best and the results never look appealing.

    Then that's the batch the workers could dump, lol.
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    Here's an idea for Jen that would give her something to do, something to film, and get plenty of head pats- bake/cook something for healthcare workers. In my small town, a bunch of us have gotten together over social media and planned to bake/cook foods that one group member brings to a nearby hospital. It's our way of saying thank you to the healthcare workers who are working so incredibly hard to help others. Jen could feature herself making something, even maybe have the kids help, and she wouldn't even have to interact with anyone outside "the fam." All she has to do is check a local Facebook group- mine is for my small town and we do this weekly.
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    QUOTE (fiercelyprivate @ 22/4/2020, 18:27) 
    QUOTE (Anastasia Beaverhausen @ 22/4/2020, 16:29) 
    No wait, are we supposed to be isolating our packages for a number of days before opening them? Seriously?

    I am just opening boxes and removing packaging immediately to the garage, then wiping down the counter where the packaging touched, then washing my hands. Is that the wrong way to do this?

    If I were a planner “influencer” I would probably require a specific amount of time to receive a product and then review it or show it online. It requires... planning. If EC sent things out late, too fuckin bad. Not my pig, not my farm, not my problem. It still takes X days.

    That’s how we are doing it too. Depending on what it is, I do wipe down the items inside the shipping box though. Example: if it’s a glass jar, I wipe it down. If it’s an item that comes with its own paper box packaging, I open and throw away the box. Then I wipe down the counter and wash my hands.

    I feel the same way about the EC reviews. No way would I accept a one day turnaround for some free shit.

    That's what I'm doing as well. I don't have a garage and my foyer is small, so I Lysol wipe the box, open it, wipe the contents, recycle the box, and wash my hands. Jen didn't want to film a video.
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    QUOTE (Rooibos D-bag @ 22/4/2020, 05:46) 
    QUOTE (Winnie‚ the good daughter @ 22/4/2020, 03:09) 
    I didn’t know this but think it’s interesting she hasn’t had a Charlotte Sex in The City moment. She’s had so many different personas this one might come up one day.

    Pulled from last thread-
    She has
    Art history major
    Little brown and white dog
    Married a trip (don III vs trey )
    Divorced (probably thinks she will marry the divorce lawyer)
    Shoulder-length brown hair
    Named her daughter Charlotte

    LOL I was referring to the Jewish journey Charlotte took, but I've alway thought she named CC after her. Does anyone know if this is a family name or did this loon really name her that because of the show?

    Didn’t she have a panic attack when she had to toss the tower of old EC boxes that were in the craptice? She wouldn’t dare put it in the garage. She makes my brain hurt.

    The thing is, Jen's more like Carrie- totally self centered. Charlotte, Samantha, and Miranda at least cared about others.
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    QUOTE (Anastasia Beaverhausen @ 22/4/2020, 05:33) 
    I just learned from a friend (who lurks here - hey girl hey) about GoCleanCo on Instagram. Talk about cleaning motivation! Good ideas, too. Got me racing to place online Target and Walmart orders to get supplies. My house gonna sparkle!

    I started following GoCleanCo on Instagram and I found powdered Tide at Walmart. Remember, only mix bleach and Tide or you'll need an ambulance ride!
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    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 21/4/2020, 02:30) 
    The way Jen talks to her children—when she even bothers—is what concerns me. Constant baby talk from a parent keeps children from developing good language skills. I’m not sure Jen actually talks baby talk, but she does use a high-pitched voice that I would tune out if I lived with her.

    I knew a child whose mom reinforced her mispronunciation of words because she thought it was cute. The child needed speech therapy when she entered school. It didn’t take long for her skills to improve once she heard words pronounced correctly. Maybe Donny will catch up.

    Psychologically though—not sure those kids have a chance.

    I wouldn't allow anyone to use baby talk with my daughter. I can't stand it and it's really annoying, plus it serves no purpose. My daughter is almost 4 and very intelligent with an enormous vocabulary. Donny is definitely behind and would do well with early intervention. As a teacher, I've seen students enter EI and thrive! Jen needs to get her head on straight and help her son, and pay attention to her daughter.
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    QUOTE (IDon'tEatSugar @ 18/4/2020, 01:06) 
    QUOTE (Haggard Jen @ 4/17/2020, 12:47 PM)
    I finally looked up what oat milk exactly was: "Oat milk consists of steel-cut oats or whole groats that are soaked in water, blended, and then strained with a cheesecloth or a special nut milk bag." Yeah, strained oat water definitely not as creamy and rich as milk.

    Because I’m actually a 14 year old boy....”nut milk bag” made me :mocking_smiley_emoticon:

    I showed my mom some of the pictures of toys everywhere and asked if that would have been ok with her when my brother and I were little. She said “we’ll kids are gonna make messes while they play but when I told you to pick stuff up I would have only told you once. If you didn’t pick stuff up it would have gone in the trash.”

    When my daughter makes a mess and won't clean up, I tell her "Five minutes." That means get off your ass, clean up your mess, or what is left out is mine. It ends up in the basement until I decide to give it back. I had quite a few of her things down there this past week!
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    QUOTE (Depl @ 17/4/2020, 21:53) 
    So she won’t use her daily free time during naps for Lives. But she will do them when the kids are there so the internet can see CC be annoying. What a great mom

    I tried to watch it, but Charlotte was being very annoying. I know she just wants Jen's attention. And Jen was so mean to her in the vlog by showing Donny eating his cupcake and Charlotte having to finish her dinner first. Not everything has to be vlogged.
  10. .
    My daughter is nearly 4 and has been home for the past month. She misses preschool, her teachers, and her friends. My husband and I explained that there is a sickness and that's why her school is closed and she cannot come to the store with us.

    I've been keeping her busy with a preschool skills workbook, some pages I printed offline, and fun YouTube videos for exercise. She's learning to ride a trike- her feet just make it, lol - and when the weather is nice we're outside.
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    Congratulations Martini! :)
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    QUOTE (PrettyNeatDivorce @ 12/2/2020, 19:53) 
    QUOTE (deltaburkefan @ 2/12/2020, 07:48 PM) 
    Someone posted in the last thread that surely it’s not possible that Jen could read a few self-help books and blow up her marriage.

    But I believe it. Jen has no sense of self, no identity. Her identity is whatever she is trying to be or whoever she is copying. Jen didn’t like makeup until she saw TiffanyD use it. Jen didn’t like Disney until she joined the Rosses. She has no sense of self to anchor her. Jen is always searching for the things that will give her something that constitutes an identity and make her finally happy. She read divorce books and saw how much better Glennon Doyle’s and Ali Edwards’s lives are after divorce, and she decided that Don was the problem and without Do, she could finally find the life that would make her happy. It’s just the biggest, most destructive manifestation of a pattern she’s always had.

    I agree 100% that she was influenced by books and quotes. She is a cult leader's dream because she is s easily influenced.

    I'm waiting for the video that starts out with, "Hello, friends. Let me tell you all about my new religion, Scientology. Or is it Sky-entology? You know how bad I am at pronouncing things!"

    I haven't watched much Jen lately but y'all have been keeping me up to date. If Jen imploded her marriage because she read some books, then all I can say is, Wow. I don't care much for Don, but I thought they'd stay miserable together.
  13. .
    YGSM and Yetta. 🤗💖 You're both amazing!
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    I got Jen!
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    QUOTE (martiniflightlikedon @ 12/1/2020, 22:58) 
    I think she's probably just happy she doesn't have to hide anything anymore
    This has been brewing for so long and I'd imagine the initial sadness about it has transitioned
    But I also think they both honestly wanted this and needed this and they're feeling some relief
    I'd imagine this is such a shock to a casual viewer/fan of hers
    The bakery has had the inside scoop for so long -- even the Hayriders knew there was a lot of trouble in paradise

    I don't think they were happy together for a long time, but I thought they'd stay married and miserable for the kids.
415 replies since 1/8/2017