The Gossip Bakery

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  1. .
    HOLY COW!! That pic at his office Christmas party??? They look like the saddest couple EVER. And these people are in their 30's???? Is 30's the new 80's?
  2. .
    Tried to watch the Target video but that lip smacking?! How long has she been doing that? Did I just never notice before?
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    [QUOTE=It'sADog'sLife,1/12/2018, 04:08 PM ?t=60494372&st=135#entry429906458]
    QUOTE (PuppyCat @ 1/11/2018, 08:18 PM) 

    I must have missed it since she didn't post weekly photos with her back arched to protrude her growing uterus - but what has been "so hard" about this pregnancy?? And why can't she bring the bins up? She is not sick or informe d- she is pregnant. I worked until the day I gave birth (water broke while on the job at work and it was not a desk job). She is lazy, she absorbed and child like. No wonder her own mother distances herself from this train wreck.

    I agree with this. Her mother probably is so disgusted with Jen and all her navel gazing and (self imposed) neurosis that she can't stand her. I'm sure she looks at this mess of a daughter and thinks "where did I go wrong? how did my child end up such blob?"
  4. .
    I see Jen checking into a mental facility (or "health spa") long before a divorce. She wouldn't have the courage to leave. If she did though, I can see her leaving the kids behind.
  5. .
    Jen reminds me of a family that lived across the street from us. They were a mom, dad, brother, sister. The two kids were the same age as my sister and me. Well the mother was always...odd. Never worked outside the home, never really interacted with neighbors. Hardly ever left the house. Years go by....The son took off when he hit 18, the daughter graduated high school but then retreated inside the house.

    Then one day, many of the neighbors started talking: "Hey have you seen Maria (fake name) lately" "It's been ages since anyone has seen her." "I sometimes see her hand reach out the door to get the mail." The husband dies, Maria doesn't go to the funeral. More years go by...

    Anyway, fast forward 40 years. FORTY YEARS. And a hearse rolls up to the house, takes Maria's body out and the daughter "little Maria" has rarley been seen. Brother takes her groceries. She sometimes is seen rolling the trash cans to the curb. Never worked, no friends.

    Don needs to get a hold of this situation soon or we are looking at CC and Jen. Grey Gardens.
  6. .
    QUOTE (Cookie Marnster @ 1/10/2018, 09:57 PM) 
    I wonder if she meant to say he was "struggling" with dinner or something trivial but it just to didn't get how it would come of?

    Am I giving her too much credit?

    I thought the same thing. He's struggling with cooking dinner. She's an idiot
  7. .
    This exactly. Her little man. Creepy is on the way.
  8. .
    Confession first: I did not watch the video.

    But Holy Hannah! Her nose in that thumbnail is GINORMOUS. And who smiles like that? It's a complete almost half circle. Like someone is pulling the corners of her mouth up; like a ventriloquist dummy.
  9. .
    QUOTE (looseygoosey @ 11/1/2017, 02:47 PM)
    I’m in the 1% that doesn’t think that kid is cute. But yeah totally called filming her walking like oh that little thing she does? That’s not a novelty at all! Now that she’s walking I’m curious what thing Jen will be smug about next.

    QUOTE (DonsEternalPaternityLeave @ 11/1/2017, 02:49 PM) 
    I love that age so much :wub:

    I agree; poor little girl looks too much like her creepy father for me to see cute. All i see is creepy.
  10. .
    She needs to stop with her Instagram stories....I love animals but am sick of seeing the dog. Yet another indicator that she is so over having children; all her focus is on the dog.
  11. .
    QUOTE (PuppyCat @ 8/6/2017, 01:29 AM) 
    Hello all! Long, long time lurker. I look at this forum so much! I adore the inside jokes that no one in my life would understand! Thank you for so many laughs!

    I know this is going to get me in trouble but I don't think CC is that cute. She's ok but I would not look twice at her if I saw her in public. Most certainly not ugly by any means but she doesn't stir anything in me.

    Rant over! Lol!

    So agree with this PuppyCat. I hate to say this but she looks so much like her father, who makes my skin crawl, that I don't find her cute at all. Not a bit.
176 replies since 8/8/2017