The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Stitcher

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    QUOTE (looseygoosey @ 11/1/2017, 02:47 PM)
    I’m in the 1% that doesn’t think that kid is cute. But yeah totally called filming her walking like oh that little thing she does? That’s not a novelty at all! Now that she’s walking I’m curious what thing Jen will be smug about next.

    QUOTE (DonsEternalPaternityLeave @ 11/1/2017, 02:49 PM) 
    I love that age so much :wub:

    I agree; poor little girl looks too much like her creepy father for me to see cute. All i see is creepy.
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    Do any of her subscribers say negative things about the videos? All I see is "you're so amazing" "love this", blah blah.
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    She needs to stop with her Instagram stories....I love animals but am sick of seeing the dog. Yet another indicator that she is so over having children; all her focus is on the dog.
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    QUOTE (PuppyCat @ 8/6/2017, 01:29 AM) 
    Hello all! Long, long time lurker. I look at this forum so much! I adore the inside jokes that no one in my life would understand! Thank you for so many laughs!

    I know this is going to get me in trouble but I don't think CC is that cute. She's ok but I would not look twice at her if I saw her in public. Most certainly not ugly by any means but she doesn't stir anything in me.

    Rant over! Lol!

    So agree with this PuppyCat. I hate to say this but she looks so much like her father, who makes my skin crawl, that I don't find her cute at all. Not a bit.
199 replies since 8/8/2017