The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Snarkattack

  1. .
    I'm watching vlogtober 2012 in the background while I work today and caught that she had "spend time with Winnie", "drink tea", "eat chocolate" etc on her to do list for that Utah trip. I can't.
  2. .
    I could have done without so much footage of them manhandling raw turkeys. :sick:
  3. .
    The pie disaster. My goodness. I was just in Whole Foods. There are racks of premade pies all over that place. I understand wanting to make stuff but I think everyone would live.
  4. .
    I can't even remember how I found Jen! Maybe one of her organizing videos? I was fascinated because our lives were similar in a way. I was a housewife with no children. I mean, I was working from home trying to start a work at home career, but I was home all day and feel like a housewife. When I found her I was probably 24-25 and wanted to be like her. Her life seemed so put together and organized. Now watching her is just a comfort. I actually used to snark way more back in the day than I do now because now I see that we were pretty similar. I'm just a little less crazy and a lot more self aware. And my husband isn't a millionaire. :snickering:
  5. .
    My son and baby on the way will be about 3 years apart. I was a nanny for years for families with 2 and 3 children so I have an idea of what I'm in for, BUT wow being a mom is so different from being a nanny. With my nanny job even on 12 hour days I got to go home and take a break. Not so much anymore!

    I think Jen will adapt and honestly if I were her I would just suck it up, stop being so controlling and get a nanny or stick the older kid in preschool. It would be worth it for both parties and they can afford it. Nothing wrong with it. I'm lucky in that my MIL doesn't work and helps out 1-2 days a week for a few hours.
  6. .
    That tiny little braid :snickering:
  7. .
    It's really hard for me to just watch one a day and not binge on like 5 videos.

    I miss these videos! Bring back vlogidays Jen, I promise you have time. We want to know mundane details.
  8. .
    I'm so excited! It's 2am and I can't watch or I'll wake up my son and husband, but tomorrow I'm going to actually sit down and have a meal with the first video. :cheers:

    Sadly Jen made my pregnant self crave Greek yogurt and fruit from the vlogust video that was posted earlier in the thread so I guess I'm headed to the store in the morning.
  9. .
    Omg I didn't realize how much I miss old Jen. 😭 It's just not the same. Someone find me a new crazy Jen.
  10. .
    I wonder if it's anything like me where with my first I had a hard time connecting with my baby and I was scared something would go wrong so I never really acted super excited. This time around I'm a mother already so I know better how to love this baby I've never met and I'm a little less nervous so I think I have more little bursts of excitement when I think about it or feel a kick. I'm more confident and open to feeling joy (ha) about it.
  11. .
    My cleaning lady is coming today. Whenever she comes I think of Jen and her excuse that it helps the local economy. Whatever man, I'm lazy and if I can afford to have someone help clean I will. Nothing wrong with that.
  12. .
    QUOTE (Lucky_Me @ 2/11/2017, 02:01) 
    QUOTE (DaringGreatly @ 2/11/2017, 01:19) 
    Ok this is actually intriguing me now, she talks so much about how she can never take CC to target for more than 15 min and stuff, like what exactly happens that she physically can't be in public?? Just tantrums?? Like that is either an exaggeration or there's like a serious problem there

    I think it's more Jen's issues than Cheeto.

    I agree. I prefer to be in and out with my toddler too. He doesn't really tantrum or anything. Just tends to get bored and whines or wants out of the cart and a 15 min trip can take an hour if I'm dealing with him sometimes. I used to get flustered when he fussed in public. I'm sure that's how Jen feels. Now I know it's just what kids do, but after a while it really grates on my nerves so I leave for my own sanity. In general he's good, but I believe that you can only expect so much from a toddler. I don't like following my mom around while she shops either and I'm 30 😂
  13. .
    I have no issue with someone spending $500 on a backpack. I'm all about quality over quantity! I'm just glad to see it back and that it didn't disappear for good after a few weeks/months of use. I have several coach bags that last way longer than my cheaper bags have. I also carried a $1500 Gucci bag for a while, but it was just ridiculous worrying about it. After spilling water in it I threw it in my closet and haven't touched it since. My shopaholic mother bought it and used it for like 2 months before moving on. Then handed it to me after I had my son and told me to use it as a diaper bag. Nope.

    Backpacks are so convenient for me with a toddler. The last thing I need is a purse that slips off my shoulder every 30 seconds when I'm bending down to pick him up/hold his hand/etc.

    I can't believe that decal is $50!!! I should start selling planner shit. It does take a bit of time to weed out the void areas but maybe 10 min max on that piece. Boho berry must be rolling in it!
  14. .
    I just use coconut oil to moisturize if needed. But Jen couldn't do that unless it was a specially marked tub for moisturizing with a 500% mark up to match.
  15. .
    QUOTE (Todolovethebaby @ 21/10/2017, 06:56) 
    I'm just watching the empties now.
    I used that burts bees stretch mark butter stuff when I was pregnant.
    She's gone through TWO! tubs and she's only halfway through pregnancy.
    I gave birth at 40 weeks and I still have over half my one tub that I had leftover.

    Does she EAT body products? Maybe she has pica and that's why she isn't allowed alone at Utah?! Only half joking. It can be a pregnancy conditon...


    I still have over half a tub too! I don't understand how she can do empties videos with so many products so often. I'd have to do one a year to show that many products. Even then it'd be the same few items over and over.
133 replies since 24/8/2017