The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Snarkattack

  1. .
    Wait. You can have your stroller waiting for you when you leave the plane? How does that work? Why do I not know this? I'd rather do that than deal with trying to shove it in an overhead bin.
  2. .
    I haven't watched the latest video but the GIF of the hot chcoolate with creamer made me queasy. I have a major sweet tooth but I just can't. I'm a few weeks behind Jen in pregnancy and I definitely could not stomach that right now.
  3. .
    QUOTE (PowderRoomCandy @ 3/10/2017, 07:01) 
    I like that Payless has wide widths that are often cute. I have caveman feet so I appreciate they have non grandma styles for wide widths. My favorite nude heels are from there actually. My everyday shoes are flip flops or Toms, but Payless is good for sometimes shoes.

    Also, kind of random but Oofos are the most comfortable dang flip flops ever. I wear them mostly as house shoes and they have helped with my hip pain so much. Sharing is caring!

    Look at me hating on Payless then finding out they have lots of wide options and considering checking it out. I'm such a flip flopper. I have flat feet and finding decent shoes sucks. I live in Sanuks and Toms because it's too much effort to find other shoes that my fit will fit in.
  4. .
    I have no problem with affordable stuff, I just find that Payless quality is less than what I can find for the same price elsewhere. Not that it's expensive, it's just cheap quality. Just my preference though.
  5. .
    I don't even shop at Payless and we're a one (mediocre) income family. I was shocked to see she shopped there! Also I hate character clothes and shoes. My son just recently started picking out his clothes when he turned 2 and now it's all character crap.

    My son is about 6m older than CC and a 9/10 shoe. Those are some teeny feet!
  6. .
    Wait how do we know it was because of a Murphy bed? I remember her saying it was because there was something wrong with the rooms they were giving her, but no details.
  7. .
    I was also going to say that it's possible Disney asked them not to use the word "sponsored". They may not want to be affiliated with people in that way (with that term/language).
  8. .
    I know she's pregnant, but she is so not as tiny as she keeps implying. I'm about a month behind her in pregnancy and girlfriend is much more plump these days. We look to be about the same size and I'm a 10ish and a Large in most things.

    I just did Disneyland for a whole day yesterday and it was exhausting! Even more so when pregnant. I can't blame her for looking exhausted and not being super chipper. I did my best, but it was rough!
  9. .
    What's funny about Jill making fun of Whole Foods being expensive is they could still have decent money and feel that way. My mom has no issues dropping a couple grand on a Gucci bag, but won't stop at places like Whole Foods because it's "too expensive". She gave me the side eye when I bought the $5.99 eggs instead of the cheap ones. Priorities I guess?
  10. .
    She wasn't being a brat, she was being a toddler. I think she's a relatively normal toddler, I haven't seen much to indicate she's terrible. I mean toddlers can be terrible in general, but from what we've seen at least she seems pretty average.

    Also I totally give my kid goldfish. Started this kid on veggies when he started eating real food. Now he hates them and just wants carbs. Normal. I think goldfish can be better than allllll the sugary snacks all the time. Even granola bars and the like can be unhealthy. Would I love to give him a bowl of fruit and veggies when we're out? Hell yes. Will he eat it? Probably No. Will he be hungry and cranky? Yep. I see Jen feeding CC a decent amount of fruit and assume they share their adult meals with her. I see WAY worse among my the people in my mom groups.
  11. .
    TBH that looks like the amount of snacks I'd pack for my 2 year old. While I don't shove food at him 24/7 to avoid conflict I will happily do it in an environment like a plane where his whining will piss off other people for several hours.
  12. .
    QUOTE (Flossy Rossy @ 21/9/2017, 01:29) 
    Yes. It's much safer for them.
    My daughter's first flight I held her the entire time regardless because she was upset. I could nurse her and keep her calm.
    She slept in my arms.

    Luckily my son sleeps amazing in the car so it was just like a long car ride for him and he passed out in his car seat. We did take him out once or twice but made sure he was strapped in during take off/landing/turbulence.
  13. .
    I know my opinion probably isn't a popular one regarding this, but we bought my son a ticket when we flew to Europe and back. He was only a year but I did my research and was much more comfortable with him safely strapped in. Everything in that plane is strapped down for safety except lap babies which seems silly. A lot of people wonder why it matters because if the plane is going down it's going down, but it's more for smaller accidents like runway accidents or intense turbulence. With enough force babies go flying no matter how tight you hold them and babies have died in accidents like that. It might also be that I'm terrified of flying, but I think getting a baby a seat and installing a car seat is a great idea!

    But I do agree, why not just check your Stroller? I mean if it fits carry on dimensions then fine.

    Edited by Snarkattack - 9/21/2017, 01:25 AM
  14. .
    Yep! TJ flowers are a great deal! Usually around $3.99-6.99 if I remember correctly.
  15. .
    The blush thing was ridiculous. You couldn't have just tried it on your hand or something? She was terrified of it. I agree that this box kind of sucked. I would have given most of that stuff away and kept the cozy socks.
156 replies since 24/8/2017