The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Snarkattack

  1. .
    I’m watching the March 2019 Disney World Vlog and TBH it’s making me kind of sad. I’m only about half way through, but they just look like a normal happy family to me. There isn’t a ton of interaction between the two of them, but what there is looks pretty normal. I know it was almost a year ago and people are good at putting a good face on, but it really just does look like everything is fine.

    I know we snark on them a lot, but it is sad.
  2. .
    QUOTE (EyerollOlympian @ 20/1/2020, 04:41) 
    I remember when they went to her brother's house and traveled with not one, but TWO water stands, taking the entire back seat of the car. One for the hotel room, one for her brother's house.
    I was fascinated.

    I don’t remember that. Seriously. Is that dog incapable of drinking from a regular bowl? I think she’d survive it for a few days.
  3. .
    I honestly doubt patreon or anything like that will pan out to be enough for her.

    I think she could really make bank on her channel pretty easily (with work, but she has the views and fanbase in place) but we'll see what she does about that. She basically wants more money doing exactly what she's doing now which isn't going to work.
  4. .
    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 1/18/2020, 12:33 AM) 
    QUOTE (Snarkattack @ 18/1/2020, 00:30) 
    Am I the only one who really doesn't think Don makes THAT much money? Being in the 1% is like $400k or more per year MINIMUM. I just don't see him making that much, but maybe that's just me.

    I know people who live similar lifestyles (million dollar house, lots of trips, etc.) and they make probably half that which wouldn't be enough to support two households in the Chicago area like Don's going to have to do.

    Someone looked up the publicly available financials for the company and the CEO salary was $1M +/-

    Oh dang! Thank you, I didn't know that. I really all this time figured he made a lot, but certainly not that much.
  5. .
    Am I the only one who really doesn't think Don makes THAT much money? Being in the 1% is like $400k or more per year MINIMUM. I just don't see him making that much, but maybe that's just me.

    I know people who live similar lifestyles (million dollar house, lots of trips, etc.) and they make probably half that which wouldn't be enough to support two households in the Chicago area like Don's going to have to do.
  6. .
    I'm back after not really watching or being in here for a while.

    Kimmy just got boring in addition to her paper plate use that makes me ragey.

    I saw maybe her daughter got engaged? Anything else exciting I need to know so I don't have to go back and watch hours of mundane videos?
  7. .
    QUOTE (PrettyNeatDivorce @ 1/17/2020, 07:28 PM) 
    QUOTE (BackupSize8 @ 1/17/2020, 07:22 PM) 
    Is that a thing?

    I just bought my wife a Subway sandwich because she didn't like the hospital food.

    I pushed out three kids with no push present in return. To me, the kids were the present.

    I also requested wine in the hospital and a decent meal. ;)

    My MOM gave me a Roomba after I had my son so...
  8. .
    Been lurking here off and on for a couple of years. I think maybe posted a few times too.

    Is there a chance that she won't get much in the settlement? I mean his family is the one with the money and the good lawyers, right? So is there a chance that she'll be left with very little to live on, but the kids are well cared for? School paid for, trust funds, etc. But little cash for Jen to pay for her own lifestyle?

    I don't know much about divorces, but I think it's smart of her to try and get that income up to be safe if she wants to maintain anywhere near the lifestyle she's had so far. A membership? Not so much, but I bet she can make some good dough if she's smart about it.
  9. .
    I'm watching vlogtober 2012 in the background while I work today and caught that she had "spend time with Winnie", "drink tea", "eat chocolate" etc on her to do list for that Utah trip. I can't.
  10. .
    I could have done without so much footage of them manhandling raw turkeys. :sick:
  11. .
    The pie disaster. My goodness. I was just in Whole Foods. There are racks of premade pies all over that place. I understand wanting to make stuff but I think everyone would live.
  12. .
    I can't even remember how I found Jen! Maybe one of her organizing videos? I was fascinated because our lives were similar in a way. I was a housewife with no children. I mean, I was working from home trying to start a work at home career, but I was home all day and feel like a housewife. When I found her I was probably 24-25 and wanted to be like her. Her life seemed so put together and organized. Now watching her is just a comfort. I actually used to snark way more back in the day than I do now because now I see that we were pretty similar. I'm just a little less crazy and a lot more self aware. And my husband isn't a millionaire. :snickering:
  13. .
    My son and baby on the way will be about 3 years apart. I was a nanny for years for families with 2 and 3 children so I have an idea of what I'm in for, BUT wow being a mom is so different from being a nanny. With my nanny job even on 12 hour days I got to go home and take a break. Not so much anymore!

    I think Jen will adapt and honestly if I were her I would just suck it up, stop being so controlling and get a nanny or stick the older kid in preschool. It would be worth it for both parties and they can afford it. Nothing wrong with it. I'm lucky in that my MIL doesn't work and helps out 1-2 days a week for a few hours.
  14. .
    That tiny little braid :snickering:
  15. .
    It's really hard for me to just watch one a day and not binge on like 5 videos.

    I miss these videos! Bring back vlogidays Jen, I promise you have time. We want to know mundane details.
156 replies since 24/8/2017