The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by BunnyCakes

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    QUOTE (Twyla @ 12/4/2023, 04:07 AM) 
    What is that coat? She looks like a deranged Elmo.
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    Dang, tis the season for ugly squirrels! Freakin' clown clown

    Is she still claiming peoples are jealous of her? :snickering:

    SunshineGirl, loving your screenshots - LOL - keep 'em coming!

    QUOTE (SunshineGirl @ 10/16/2023, 09:45 AM) 
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    QUOTE (Hjein23 @ 9/27/2023, 08:27 PM) 
    Holy crap!!! This gave me a scare this morning! Lmao 😂 YIKES. She looks like a founding father 😂😂
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    QUOTE (SunshineGirl @ 8/29/2023, 04:08 AM) 
    BunnyCakes!!! Where have you been? I missed you!!

    Please don't leave us again!!


    Awww, missed you too. I've been lurking the CheapCraftyGirl/Jen Ross threads. :snickering:
    I needed a break from Miss Flat-headed Piggy and her Groundhog Day life :rolleyes:

    But I'm back, catching up. I see chonky-chonk's stuffing her pie-hole :sick: while going on a healty diet, again.
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    QUOTE (SunshineGirl @ 8/29/2023, 03:58 AM) 
    She is beyond stupid. The directions say to cook 3 minutes for all the links. Anyone knows to adjust cooking for less food in the microwave. Anyone, but Stephanie. Yet, in her tiny mind she is never wrong.

    That whole "snack" was disgusting and enough for three people. FFS she said three times how full she was yet she kept on stuffing that fat face of hers. She is so gross.

    If this isn't Miss Piggy's twin I don't know what is. Oink oink!!


    I see ol' Bonnicles is still stuffing her piggy pie-hole :sick:

    Hello, Bakers, long time no see! <3
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    QUOTE (Summer girl @ 7/6/2023, 18:52) 
    And to think I was just diagnosed with breast cancer and her biggest worry is moving from Florida to Texas. Get real.
  7. .
    So sorry for your loss, I am whatever you say I am.

    QUOTE (I am whatever you say I am. @ 11/2/2022, 07:51 AM) 
    JustCarla and anyone else who has lost someone I am so sorry for your loss of a loved one. I lost my brother about 15 years ago, he was 23 and I lost my grandmother early this morning. She was 84 and had stomach cancer. She choose to be a DNR and just stopped breathing. I know that you are sad, devastated and probably angry at the world. I am as well. I got the text message in the middle of Walmart early this morning from my dad's wife. I am angry that the news came in a text but I keep trying to remind myself that I am not the only person who lost someone. My FATHER lost his MOTHER. She had 4 children, 11 grandchildren, and 15 great grandchildren. How do you decide who you tell first? I don't want to be angry I just want my grandmother back... Grief is a bitch just like cheap crappy whore. She has never had a meaningful relationship and only thinks of herself. I don't mean to ramble on and on I just felt that this was a safe space to vent. Thank you to anyone who reads this and you guys who are also grieving, you are in my thoughts... May you find peace.

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    What about the "ladder" she bought to showcase her fruits & veggies? How long did that last? :5153:

    QUOTE (Grammylikescake! @ 10/31/2022, 02:21 AM) 
    We knew when she started transferring her eggs from one container to another container and then starting a coded system for how long to keep them that it would not last. It was just a matter of how long it would take her to get over the obsession with making her refrigerator look “cute”. I can’t believe I just wrote that, but it is true. She wanted her refrigerator to look like one in a magazine or refrigerator brochure. Copycat. She is so unsure of herself that she even copies an advertisement. I thought at the time how stupid it looked for her to pour store bought lemonade from one glass container into another glass container because she wanted it to look cute. She is over the top ate up with appearances. Never mind the practicality and waste of her money on junk she did not need. Are those containers also added to the list of things she left in Texas??

    I think she is getting worse with all of her obsessions and neuroses. Gurl would be better off to take some of her new found money and book an appointment with a mental health expert to help her suss out what’s eating her. ‘Cause she is a mess. Certifiable. 😵‍💫

  9. .
    Sorry for your loss, JustCarla.
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    B!tch justifying why she's stuffing her pie hole, again: she's dizzy, she's got a headache, she didn't get her proper fuelin', blah-blah-blah. It's the same thing with each 'new' diet plan she gets on:
    Day 1--I'm doing this, kids!
    Day 5--I'm starvin' need some Buddy's BBQ and some 'tater salad becawls...carbs.

    Took several screen shots of Miss Piggy...but this one's my fave - LOL :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic
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    Flat-headed Squirrel has "OCD when it comes to shopping and then eatin' touching things and then puttin' something in your mouth."

    Lying b!tch!! She's always doing 'reviews' (right out of the store) on candy/sweets she buys at DT/5 Below/etc. and she's NEVER mentioned this or sanitized her claws prior to stuffing her pie hole.
    NOW she's claiming it's not a good idea to do so; let's see how long this so-called OCD lasts. (Just like her Nutrisystem and clean eating, here today gone tomorrow.)

    Freakin' pin-head! That side ponytail does her no favors; she looks like a shrunken head or a flat-sided bowling ball, just sayin'.

    Oh and Dumb A$$ says onceT (once), not the first time certainly not the last.
  13. .
    As CCG would say: It's giving Igor/Frankenstein vibes, just sayin'. :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic

    edit: Isecretlycopyher beat me to it-LOL

    QUOTE (seasonsinthesun @ 9/12/2022, 03:00 PM) 
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    QUOTE (Fawn Kirby2 @ 9/12/2022, 08:49 PM) 
    All she has in her life is shopping.. Her children don’t want her, words out about her and men, so there goes her chances of ever having a good man, no friends. Just another dead end job. She’ll retire one day with absolutely nothing.

    Her kids, especially the older ones, seem to distance themselves away from her (can't blame them).

    She's throwing this Halloween Party, kiddie party, for her grown a$$ children (Isaiah might enjoy it) but Miss Gracie aka Miss Bikini Girl? Blowing bubbles, bobbing for apples, stickers?! :nono2:
    I bet ALL her so-called parties/get togethers are lame AF, just sayin'.

    She'll probably vlog it and tell her Minions what a phenomenal/delightful time they had, Woo-hoo! (She'll scarf down all the remaining candy and tell herself: it's ok, laff is short, eat what you want, when you want ...Optavia who?).
    (Aloe) Alloy...Olay cain't speak becawls I'm, it's because you're a dumb a$$, you Flat-headed witch!
  15. .
    What the heck is going on with the top/forehead area? :scared-smiley-emoticon:
    Is she morphing into a Klingon? :dunno:
150 replies since 13/9/2017