The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by RossManor2.0

  1. .
    QUOTE (NefariouslyHappiestAlone @ 30/12/2023, 02:54) 
    Jens face as everyone dogs on Don...

    My avatar! :jolly-smiley-emoticon:
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    [QUOTE=ID**’tEatSugar,30/12/2023, 01:16 ?t=62940528&st=645#entry464022933]
    [QUOTE=Natural Single Mother,12/29/2023, 06:55 PM]
    QUOTE (ID**’tEatSugar @ 29/12/2023, 23:29) 
    That would be a great play on my one and only Jen thread title which was "Are You There God, It's Me Jen" :running_around_smiley_emoticon:

    QUOTE (CherieRose @ 12/29/2023, 07:01 PM)
    Do you think she washes Jasper in the washing machine? :confused-smiley-emoticon-1:

    Of course not! He goes in the bathtub with her. Jeeze :shaking_head_smiley_emoticon:


    With her?! That’s more than D** got, I figured she shared her lukewarm used bath water with Jasper. :snickering:
  3. .
    Anyone else think her ramble about things “looking perfect on paper” but a mess behind the scenes was aimed at Tens?
  4. .
    QUOTE (JenuinelyUnorganized @ 12/28/2023, 07:24 PM) 
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 28/12/2023, 19:12) 
    They're in the Magic Kingdom today. They decided that's what they were going to do on Charlotte's birthday.

    It is dang cold and raining today. Dreary yesterday, for FL it will be COLD tonight, tge 40s. I hope the travel vlogger looked at the weather before she packed.

    I was just thinking the same, not only is it cold and rainy but it's also one of the most crowded theme park days of the year. Good planning, Jenbo.
  5. .
    She’s absolutely being dramatic for attention. Where are we on the Jen Cycle again? I think it’s just about time to pull back and so she’s doing so from YT.

    Agree with others that she’s sick of shitty camp sites and murder airbnbs and was scared of not finishing marathon weekend and the coast to coast challenge.

    On the plus side, Jenny can’t keep things to herself and will be spiraling if she has more mommy duty (even if it’s marginal or perceived). Our content is about to get more interesting, bakers! :rubbing-hands-in-excitement-smi
  6. .
    QUOTE (SadlyNoLongerAvailable @ 25/12/2023, 15:43) 
    She won’t adopt. She will purchase.

    I’m praying that any breeder or shelter will google her and find the bakery because I cannot stomach watching Jen Ross abuse another animal.
  7. .
    I hope documented animal abuser Jennifer Leigh Boyles Ross of Northbrook, Illinois never adopts another pet again after causing her previous dog’s mobility issues and paralysis of the back legs after strapping an elderly dog to a paddleboard, stuffed her into a backpack for a hike, withholding pain medicine, making her sleep in a closet, withholding a wheelchair that would help with mobility until it was too late, consulting a pet psychic instead of a vet, and leaving an aging pet weekly for travel.
  8. .
    I see Ms. “Pulling back on showing my kids” is back at it again! No one wants to see the kids, Jenny, we’re here for the train wreck that is Jennifer Leigh Boyles.
  9. .
    I think it’s as simple as someone in RM3 is sick or has some sort of sprain/fracture or maybe needs some sort of procedure/therapy/etc. and Don asked her to either switch weeks or take an extra week or temporarily take them an extra day each week or pick cc up from her coding class more days per week (maybe one of the other children have an extracurricular at the same time) or something equally benign.

    I think the baby train has left the station for D&T, and agree if it was something like divorce she would be gloating.

    Whatever it is, the theatrics over “her chaos lottery number being called” is completely uncalled for.
  10. .
    In today's video and the live Jen has teased "big changes" coming in 2024 that she'll share about next week. Any guesses?
  11. .
    "I'm more of a cry into your pillow at night kind of girl." - Jen, in the live

    Care to tell us more, Jenny? :smiley-face-making-cocktail:
  12. .
    Many thanks to bakers who provide purified links so I don't have to give this shrew a view. :6792:
  13. .
    Watching the dating video from 2020... wow, I can't believe how much better she looks (relatively speaking, of course) -- her skin isn't grey, flaky, and dull. The tiniest bit of makeup. Her hair is an improvement just by being clean and shorter and not looking so ratty. Not wearing a Disney or Peloton top. She even correctly identifies herself as "a divorced mom" instead of a "single mom." The isolation has taken a TOLL on Jen.

    Edited by RossManor2.0 - 12/18/2023, 06:30 PM
  14. .
    Congrats on Mini Fan number TWO!, Suzanne’sBiggestFan!
  15. .
    I will begrudgingly admit I have a pair of kitschy Mickey Christmas earrings. Where do I wear them? Disney world. At Christmastime. I wear them with no other Disney clothing or merchandise. They do not see the light of day the rest of the year.

    Mr. RM2.0 and I are DINKS and what most people would consider “Disney Adults” because we live in Central FL and enjoy hitting the parks and resorts to grab a drink, people watch, and maybe go on a ride about once a month. I would NEVER buy or wear even a tenth of the garbage she does. Her obsession is entirely juvenile. Grow the fuck up, Jen.
755 replies since 19/11/2017