The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Usernameofchoice

  1. .
    QUOTE (Rumpus Nail Polish @ 7/5/2022, 19:16) 
    QUOTE (toneitup pancake @ 7/5/2022, 19:07) 
    If they really wanted to keep things quiet they wouldn't have used an online invitation that anybody with Google can find. They're not bothered.

    Seriously. Whole ass address and everything.

    Woah, long time lurker, never been able to crack the Tens code so far, found it instantly... They obviously want ppl to see!
  2. .
    If I had several full days without my children, with a car, unlimited resources, and no job... Even in a pandemic I could find some fun/worthwhile stuff to do... She doesn't even do the stuff she did when she didn't have kids...
  3. .
    I came on after seeing the 'distance learning' story... It's not distance learning, he's in childcare! They are presumably just offering this to make parents keep paying the fees when they are closed.
    As another poster has said we're in full lockdown again in the UK, except nurseries which for some reason are open.
    We've chosen to keep our son off nursery as I'm on maternity leave for the next couple of months, and it's a pandemic Jen! Unfortunately we still have to pay, but that's not a good reason to send him anyway...
  4. .
    Yeah the subtitles are kind of expected from all the Instagrammers I follow (in UK) and they get called out for not doing it.
  5. .
    Woah sex book Jen was out of nowhere!
  6. .
    QUOTE (heyheyheynow @ 28/7/2020, 21:18) 
    QUOTE (Usernameofchoice @ 7/28/2020, 03:12 PM) 
    Genuine question on her latest insta story, are her kids school age? Here in the UK we start mandatory school the September after you turn 4 (though I think technically you can wait until 5), so her kids have been in what we'd call (optional) pre-school/nursery/childcare so far right? It bothers me for some reason when people call it 'school' for a 2/3 year old but maybe it's a UK thing?

    No. School-age means kindergarten and up.

    Jen is a single divorced mother of school-age daycare-age children.

    That's what I thought...!
  7. .
    Genuine question on her latest insta story, are her kids school age? Here in the UK we start mandatory school the September after you turn 4 (though I think technically you can wait until 5), so her kids have been in what we'd call (optional) pre-school/nursery/childcare so far right? It bothers me for some reason when people call it 'school' for a 2/3 year old but maybe it's a UK thing?
  8. .
    4am UK time, baby obviously wanted me to see all this unfold live do kindly kept me up for hours!
  9. .
    Wow, thank you Christine!
    UK reader and I am expecting a lot to catch up on tomorrow morning!

    I can't get my head around not only lying about infertility, but then making a whole YouTube video about your lies. And those poor kids, imagine finding all this out when they get older.. :(
  10. .
    Ran here at the Don sighting! (Hearing?!)
  11. .
    Wow! Even though I was silently lurking on the train without a valid ticket, I'm shocked she actually said it. Bakery, you called it!
  12. .
    The early holiday decorating is definitely putting me in the 'single mama trying to make things fun for the kids' camp.
  13. .
    Between Jen and a load of drama going on in the British mummy blogger world this week has been a blockbuster week for internet drama. My phone battery is feeling it...!

    Was just thinking how weird/telling it is that we have no outside sources on Jen... No other people's profiles to hunt for clues or real life presence. She really does exist in this little self protecting bubble!
  14. .
    I wasn't sure yesterday (and by the way left the thread at discussing whether her flannel was flannel and came back to this!), But the DITL of solo mama with Winnie is convincing me he's somewhere else... She had many opportunities to mention him and conspicuously avoided it, rising above gossip is one thing but would have been easy to get a subtle hint in.
  15. .
    QUOTE (eileen- @ 17/2/2019, 12:29) 
    I barely made it through her vlog, but glad I saw the last bit where she had an evening with , a company that does first aid evenings for parents or childcare providers. It's always good to refresh your knowledge, and to know what to do when something happens. Lilly said her parents were not too sure as this would be their 6th grandbaby, but it's still good to know what to do. And hopefully, by doing the course, you'll not panic as much?

    I think this was the first time that I watched one of Lily's vlogs and thought, that's a great idea! I hope she'll 'influence' ('Oh, I hate that word') more people to do this.

    This is great if it gets ppl to take first aid, never a bad thing.
    But kind of funny that with all those grandchildren hers is the first golden child who needs first aid..
    I know that's not the intention but her whole superior vibe gets to me!
    I would unsubscribe but I want to see how she copes on 4 hours asleep for months..
98 replies since 28/11/2017