The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Lula62

  1. .
    Uhhh yeah talk about desperate to appear young... a pink babydoll dress for date night, Jen? Come on, honey, you are not in your 20’s anymore.
  2. .
    I literally cannot believe she told the entire world that she stays in bed while her kids get ready AND ALSO LEAVE for school!!!!!!!
  3. .
    Today she posted some giveaway on IG... the kind where you have to follow 5 other accounts to enter.

    If this is what she learned to do in Vegas, I predict she will get more commercialized/sponsor-oriented on IG and then find it’s too grueling to keep up with because of IGs algorithms. Sam from Happily a Housewife just posted a link to a much bigger Influencer’s stories about this BS way of making a living today. Depending on how far Kimmy goes into this territory, people follow you and then unfollow when the giveaway is over or stay and don’t engage, which drives your whole account down, so you have to keep doing more and more and more giveaways.

    Sounds real fun. 🙄
  4. .
    She apparently learned how to make Reels in Vegas. Today’s made very little sense to me and just made me mad—STOP STAYING UP UNTIL 3AM!!!!
  5. .
    Oncie? 👏🏻🤣🤣🤣👏🏻 Wow.
  6. .
    I thought vlogs did pretty well! But what do I know.

    She just did a live. Putting on her makeup and leaving for home today. She is ready to go be a homemaker again. She really needed this trip. She learned SO MUCH (business-y type stuff I think, which I only say because it was touted as a “boss babe” trip so maybe learning more about... sponsored content? 🤣🙄). But yeah she really needed it because she had been sooooo stressed out.

    🙄 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
  7. .
    QUOTE (Goomie12 @ 1/5/2021, 16:38) 
    Where did you see the Vegas thing?

    She’s been posting stories each day and the other gals are tagged in some.

    I agree, she seems out of place, but I also see variation across the other ones too.

    I kind of want to applaud her for really stepping out of her comfort zone but at the same time it just seems really off brand and so a bit odd.
  8. .
    So this is just an Influencer trip. Here I am getting my hair done by this Influencer, here is this brush I have to advertise to you in order to be here. Here is a purse I have to advertise to you in order to be here. Here is a grown up onesie I have to advertise to you in order to be here. I swear I am so excited as I speak in this monotone voice and look really tired. Also I didn’t post my video today but I will tomorrow. It will show me cooking at 1 o’clock in the morning. I’m fine, everything’s fine.
  9. .
    Hey you guyssss so it’s after 11pm and I’m SPRING CLEANING! But I’m going to go to bed in an hour (which is early for me...) so I won’t be able to post the video on Sunday. I’ll just do it on Monday. So yeah time for me to wind down for bed by making a Reel of me dancing all manic like and posting it with grammatical errors. I’m fine everything’s fine. Love, Kimmy
  10. .
    Maybe wildfires. She could potentially be evacuated due to wild fires. It’s not that likely I would say because they seem sufficiently far from mountain canyons where they tend to happen but 🤷‍♀️

    But it sure does seem that Mormons doubled down on the disaster prep when Covid happened.

    Haven’t watched Kimmy in a while—she’s going on trips again??
  11. .
    Wait wait wait.

    She is admitting she is cooking for content and giving like how much away?
  12. .
    QUOTE (Ziva @ 13/3/2021, 08:49) 
    She did an instagram live yesterday. I missed the beginning but she told that heavenly father told them to move, the first year was very hard, they couldn't figure out why they had to move but then everything fell in place and it's not her story to tell but their family grew and they reunited with Jonah's bio family. They are happier than ever and all assumptions were so wrong. Well, she seemed very agitated telling this, like on drugs, and as always just made it worse. A lot of people asked what it was about and didn't even know Jonah was adopted. She should've kept quiet about it.

    Uhhhh, wow, really?

    I clicked in right at the end when she was telling everyone she wouldn’t “be saving this Reel.” Not a Reel Kimmy.

    I can’t believe she went into all that... just kidding she is always doing the “it’s not my story to share but here are three vague things about the thing I won’t be talking about.”
  13. .
    It takes an hour to get out of bed? And you’re just like, welp?! Wow...
  14. .
    Wow. She’s on IG stories with 17 gallons of eyeshadow on and asking people what to do because her FB got hacked.

    Your job is social media Kimmy and you don’t know what to do when your FB gets hacked? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
  15. .
    QUOTE (Wildflower2020 @ 28/2/2021, 22:05) 
    She posted a selfie to Instagram a few days ago then deleted it. Weird 🤔

    That IS weird. She was talking about the things she has been learning/teaching herself the last few months or something. She’s mentioned it on IG stories too. She said she’s taking at least 10 minutes a day, sometimes more, to learn all the US Presidents in order, facts about major wars and major world leaders... that’s what I remember.

    I thought it was kinda weird but 🤷‍♀️
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