The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by Big Bertha Vanlifer Gene

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    QUOTE (Craptice @ 21/5/2021, 09:22) 
    Not to be judgy, but totally judgy, but wtf is with the hashtags? Is she like really young?

    She must be really dumb if she thinks he is "crazy smart".
  2. .
    Why did we not have an emergency tens pic phone tree established?!
  3. .
    Theory for why Jen is using Peloton app and suddenly running but not riding:
    Tensleigh is a Peloton rider, Jen found her Peloton handle, and Tensleigh’s stats are WAY better than Jen’s.
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    Dying on my hill. :embarrassed-smile-smiley-emotic
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    What if Don has enrolled his new lovers kids into the soup kitchen? That would definitely cause some drama
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    QUOTE (Big Bertha Vanlifer Gene @ 21/5/2021, 06:46) 
    QUOTE (BackupSize8 @ 21/5/2021, 12:42) 
    It's 2021. You don't know how to post on a forum that uses basic HTML? Right.

    I had the same issue when I was new, no user friendly directions. But a kind baker taught me how. I am not a kind baker, if she has been here a long time, the how to post a picture has been in many comments.

    Good morning back up!

    Okay, granted she doesn't know how to post. I give her grace for that. But... she claims she is friends or even close friends with Don's new girl. If my good friend shared gossip and pictures of me on a random gossip site, I wouldn't consider that person a friend. What kind of person does that? Spill some tea..okay... granted... but share pictures? With random people on the internet? What an absolute douche move. And yes, hate me for scaring the good Samaritan away, but this "tea" is either fake or the person is worse than Jen.
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    QUOTE (Big Bertha Vanlifer Gene @ 21/5/2021, 06:41) 
    The lurker with all the new info can’t post because she has no idea how to do it. I do not for a hot moment believe she has anything real. Another Christine.

    It's 2021. You don't know how to post on a forum that uses basic HTML? Right.
  8. .
    Moron-such a mild term for what she is.

    “Dumb cunt” comes to mind.
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    QUOTE (ItLooksDelightful @ 21/5/2021, 05:35) 
    Wow, all videos are sadly no longer available on MHWL now.. :rolleyes:

    Anyone else picturing our girl rage deleting and violently shoving donuts in her gaping maw, all while pedaling like Almira Gulch?

    Edited by Rumpus Nail Polish - 5/21/2021, 04:38 AM
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    I am pretty sure Jen removing her old content is one of the signs of the apocalypse.
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    She used the term "content creator' THREE times in that diatribe. WHO do you think she's trying to convince? WHO could it beeeeeee?
  12. .
    Just remember that you brought this on yourself, Jen. Maybe remove the scepter from your ass and realize that. Sad little attention whore.

    Edited by BerthaGene - 5/20/2021, 09:22 PM
  13. .
    I feel Jen is only days away from uploading a Katie Sorensen type of post.

    -I was in the Whole Foods parking lot and noticed someone sitting in a car next to me constantly staring. Said person is actually just looking at their phone.

    -I got out of my car and noticed they got out of their car too but I tried to tell myself they were just going into WF to do some shopping. Said person is oblivious to Jens presence.

    -Once in the store they started following me around and making me really uncomfortable. It didn’t even look like they were there to shop. Said person has a basket full of items.

    -At check out I noticed them behind me, eyeing me and talking into their phone and it seemed like they were referencing me. Said person was actually at another checkout and using their WF app on their phone for discounts.

    -When I left the store they were still behind me and the only thing I could think of doing was to head to my car. Said person heading to their car...still oblivious of Jen.

    -Every time I walked faster or slower they followed suit. I really started to panic but had no idea what to do. I got to my car and I was so nervous I just fumbled trying to find my key fob. All of a sudden they were just a few feet away from me, sizing me up. And I thought this is it...this is really happening. Said person is already in their car, pulling out and heading to the parking exit.

    -Fortunately another car stopped near my car because they must have seen what was taking place and asked if I was okay. At this moment the person that had been following me ran to their car, pulled out and left. I just needed to come on and share what happened to me so that others can learn from my story. I know this is the risk I take because I’m a content creator but this is not okay.

    -Sorry...I had to stop recording for a moment..someone came up to my window that saw what took place and asked if I was okay. Said person came up to ask if Jen was leaving so they could have her space. 😂

    Edited by Arby - 5/20/2021, 03:28 PM
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    QUOTE (ifyourenotfamiliar @ 21/5/2021, 00:20) 
    She’s already losing Instagram followers. She was at 61.2k this morning and is down to 61.1k. People can only take so much of little miss whiney pants.

    That should make her happy, less people to invade her privacy.
2666 replies since 19/2/2018