The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Big Bertha Vanlifer Gene

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    I love Basset Hounds, they are the sweetest dogs. We had 2 dogs that we got in 1992 at 10 weeks, mom was a Rottie, dads, yes dads were unknown. Sadie was red with a white chest. Very short hair. Max was white with huge black spots, a few small brown spots, one of which was right as his butt hole so it always looked like he had poop on his fur. He also had long ears, a long body, and short legs. The vet said there were 2 dads involved, as there were 7 that looked like Sadie and 2 that looked like Max, the other only had brown spots. I do not remember them being as naughty as Guinness, but we both worked full time, so they spent more time with each other instead of finding things to get into.
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    I think Gene’s underbite is getting worse, thus pushing her lip out even more. Hello Bubba Gump!
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    This was 8 weeks old, the day we got him.
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    I saw that picture of her and thought, why does she have a hammer and sickle on her face. Then I saw it was some dumb Peloton thing.

    I color on my iPad. I blame my sister, she started it. I use a different app than she does, I tried hers, did not like it.
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    Sorry about the sideways birdie.
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    For those who hate lizards, as I sat my fat ass on a bench near Canada a couple of hours ago, a large whit bird was behind me, it had a lizard in its beak. Struggled a bit and finally got it where it was swallowable. Down the crop it went. I took a video. But I won’t post it.

    Edited by Big Bertha Vanlifer Gene - 4/28/2021, 06:17 PM
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    I posted my pugs in Harrys House, the pet thread.
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    It would be great if she had a nanny. Someone who could take them places, feed them more than take away, grilled cheese, and chicken tacos. If she had a nanny, she would not have to bake so many fattening tasty treats. Imagine how much more me time she would have. No more fake hugs and kisses. Hell, get a nanny who is also a dog groomer, Winnie would be better cared for.
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    He is just so bad. When we got Chu he was settled down, he had beeb given up to the shelter, then adopted and returned! The lady that had him said there were alpha dog issues, she had a pug. So fortunately the shelter knew I wanted a small dog, called me the day they got him back and I got him the next day they were open. It took us from February 2018 till May of 2019 to decide we were ready. We drove from 20 miles west of Disney to some hick town in eastern NC and brought him home. He was so much work, and he had Giardia, he was down to just over one pound. Thank goodness our vet ladies cured him. Now he is mostly naughty and sometimes bad. But he loves DH the most, just like Chu did. My father said “There is no life without dogs”, he was right. Ladies, enjoy!
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    Top pic is Chu, he was probably 3. I got him in NH to keep me company while DH worked and traveled. Adopted him from a SPCA shelter, he was 2 and a week. He loved to ride in the cars and the first RV. He was 13 when he passed. Bottom pic is Guinness, he will be 1 in June. Holy terror at times but he loves us. Also loves to ride and RV with us.
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    Ooooh. Maine Coons are gorgeous. I love cats but horribly allergic. Today I was ready some celebrity crap, Mayim Balik (sp) said Purina has come out with a cat food that neutralized feline saliva, which is what most people are allergic to. I would love to know someone who has put there cat in it so I could pet the kitty without getting hives on my eye balls.

    More kitty pictures!
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    QUOTE (zizizouzou @ 27/4/2021, 21:45) 
    Me making notes of everyone’s wildlife neighbours so I am properly prepared for the elusive Bakery meet up.


    Anytime anyone wants to meet up at WDW or SeaWorld, I will probably be too busy with my other imaginary friends! Beings that I like to be aline, I would be no fun.

    Actually I have met up with a lot of Internet friends and became friends IRL with a few. I would never presume to crash anyone’s family vacation or weekend getaway, unlike Gene.

    I will leave this one home.
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    Gene would use everything in her arsenal to fight off a bear, moose, deer, coyote, fox, chicken, or wildlife that would dare think about getting near her tasty treats!
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    There is a large private lake and a huge amount of wooded acreage in my community. We have at least 2 alligators, a river otter, a bear, a FL panther, lots of predator birds, cotton tails, sandhill cranes, even a bald eagle. No one goes out onto the golf car paths from dusk till real daylight. Some of the residents that back up to the woods have trail cams and have caught the bear and the panther. Even during the day, you need to be aware. We are spoilt by our RV, we do not boon dock, we don’t go to parks, except in a car to see the sights. I have seen a bear in Alaska, but it was so far away, even in binoculars it looked the size of a house cat. That was as close as I wanted to be. Does Gene live us yet? I have not peeked.
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    Gene will start whispering to the bear and it will either runaway scared shitless or die from boredom.
1113 replies since 19/2/2018