The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by OstracizedLikeJen

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    QUOTE (jliz702 @ 24/7/2018, 06:37) 
    Did you ladies figure out if she is in fact filming in a bedroom? I mean it sure doesn't look like a bedroom to me. What bedroom apartment has all those key pads? It def looks like an apartment living room.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that the filming room/bedroom is actually the dining room/living room. Would explain the keypads and the fact that there doesn’t appear to be a door on their bedroom. It would also explain why the kids apparently each have their own room (according to her).

    I’m curious about the layout but I didn’t have any luck finding the apartment everyone was talking about! If anyone has a chance I’d love to have the link PM’d to me. :6792:
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    Y’all I am dying. Just watched her Nordstrom haul and she debated over this for so long. “Is this a yay or a nay?” :hearty-laugh:
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    I actually do think that mini-Don is much cuter in the live video than he is in thumbnails/still photos. Is he a cartoon-like copy of a Gerber baby? Nope... but he’s a new baby and he will most likely grow into his features. This all just confirms what we all know... that Jen chooses photos and thumbnails based on how she looks and doesn’t even glance at the other people in the photograph. :dunno:
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    QUOTE (LateKate @ 2/5/2018, 03:08) 
    QUOTE (EasingIntoMotherhoodLikeJen @ 1/5/2018, 20:36) 
    Which video is this in?

    I tried looking. I can't find it. I believe it was the first Christmas after Grace was born. Was it 2013? If I come across it, I shall definitely share. I remember there being a similar discussion when she showed that ornament.

    Yup. Similar. :jaw-drop-smiley-emoticon:
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    I don’t like to comment on anyone’s weight... but I have to call bullshit on her being “10 lbs away from her pre-pregnancy weight”. I don’t think she looks bad at all (except in the new video with its unflattering angles eek), but she’s lying for sure. She’d have been better not to brag about her weight, because she’s just calling attention to it.

    For what it’s worth, my baby is 5 months old and I’m still 30-40 lbs overweight. I’m 5’3” (which I think is about Jen’s height) and I currently weight 178 lbs. I’ll be totally honest... she looks exactly like me right now. There’s NO WAY she’s close to her previous weight. I wish she’d been honest, or just not mentioned it at all. She needs to finally realize that people like her a lot more when she’s being real.
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    QUOTE (Agirlhasnoname @ 17/4/2018, 22:40) 
    Guys the SacconeJoly's are like the BEST most CARING parents in the entire world! They just don't give a shit if one of their kids is killed in a car accident. They're not perfect you know. Leave them alone haters!!!


    Hooooly shit. I don’t really watch the vlogs anymore... that picture is insane. Nothing bothers me more than crappy car seat usage. Like, people will try to claim “maybe they don’t know any better”, but anyone who thinks that straps like that are going to hold a kid in is an absolute moron. You don’t have to know anything about kids or car seats to know that won’t work. It makes me so mad to see that so many parents just straight up don’t even read their manual.

    Don’t even get me started on the forward facing of a kid that small. It’s literally 500% safer to rear face. Hell, people have made fun of me for keeping my 2.5 year old rear facing, because she’s enormous... but her car seat allows it, she’s happy, she’s safe. Why wouldn’t I? They’re knowingly putting her at extreme risk. More and more it’s obvious that they don’t care about this poor baby.
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    Plus, even if she trusts her own dogs explicitly... Alessia WILL be around other dogs in her childhood. If she does that to the wrong dog it could end very badly. Also when you have 6 dogs you’re going to have a pack mentality situation. If one gets pissed the whole lot could, too. They do seem like sweet dogs, but it’s all just so risky. Especially when she allowed it to happen so she could plaster it on social media.

    Then again this is the woman who also put up an instastory of one of the “puppies” humping it’s mother. I don’t have much faith in her as a human.
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    IG stories of Alessia hitting three of the dogs in the face (also one of the dogs humping... why?). Anna tells her to be nice, but then doesn’t step in and stop her from continuing to hit the dogs. I’m a huge dog person, I love my animals, I typically trust them, but I’m also not an idiot. Eventually one of those dogs could easily lose their patience or get hurt, and that poor kid is going to get her face ripped off. She doesn’t know any better, neither do the dogs. Step in and parent, Anna. FFS.
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    I’ve never commented on Anna’s thread... but I had to come here after seeing that IG pic. Holy crapballs. First thing I thought of was this:

    “everybody’s looking at my tight pants, my tight pants, I’ve got my tight pants on” :jolly-smiley-emoticon:
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    QUOTE (Lucky_Me @ 26/3/2018, 20:01) 
    IKEA's children's furniture is great. My daughter has had IKEA stuff in her room, almost exclusively.

    Same here, and we’ve been super happy with it. It’s cute (Hi, a tiny wrought iron bed frame for $130? Yes please!), it’s cheap, it’s sturdy enough to handle my giant two year old’s day to day wear AND still be in good enough condition to hand down to her sister. I’m sure Jen has never set foot in an IKEA, though... because “paupers”.
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    My kid’s crib only converted to a toddler bed (not a full sized bed as well)... but we also got it at IKEA for only $120 lol. She just got her “little girl” bed (which converts from toddler to child to twin), again from IKEA, and it was a whopping $130. Her old crib/toddler bed got converted back into a crib and now it’s the new baby’s crib. Because it’s furniture. It doesn’t expire. It doesn’t need to be replaced every two years. When my youngest outgrows the converted crib, she’ll go into the little girl bed and my oldest will into the guest bed. I can’t imagine that the very expensive specially ordered crib she bought for Charlotte doesn’t convert into a full sized bed. Honestly, she should just get it refinished in a lighter colour or white and call it a day.
  12. .
    My new baby was just in the hospital with RSV because some jackass sent their sick kid to daycare with my older daughter (who is in daycare because 1. Socialization and 2. Two babies is hard and it’s okay to want/need a break, Jen. Just own it!).

    Jen needs to shake her head out and realize that sending your germbag child to school when they’re hacking up lung chunks is not okay. Young babies, like Donny, can die from this crap. She’s so “protective” that she won’t take her baby to Target, but she’ll send her walking plague to school. Plus the poor girl was clearly still in pain from that cough... that shit wasn’t residual. I actually usually genuinely like Jen for the most part (but can appreciate her complete oddness, delusions, and quirks), but dammit she’s an idiot.
  13. .
    Yaaaas, girl. Sleep mask and ear plugs. I had a repeat section and am formula feeding, so it was up to my husband to do the middle of the night hospital feeds while I slept peacefully on a cloud of morphine. I did enough... and, you know, I trust my partner with my kids unlike a certain YouTuber (on account of the fact that he isn’t a total moron and is perfectly capable of cleaning up a tiny human’s crap and keeping said tiny human fed and alive without me breathing down his neck).
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    QUOTE (MissReview @ 28/2/2018, 04:42) 
    QUOTE (Care2Share @ 28/2/2018, 02:54) 
    Still suffering through watching this brag sesh.

    She only got the epidural because they made her, you know. Just in case of a c section, you know. NOT because she needed it for pain control. Whatever. Just say it hurt like a bitch. We ALL know it did.

    Now, I'm not in the US, and already know things are done differently there, but I'm pretty sure that if she didn't want the epidural, they wouldn't make her take it. And it's got nothing to do with the c-section - epidural for vaginal labor is not the same procedure as for a c-section (they don't put the needle at the same place in the back, because you need def. more pain control if they cut you open - also not the same products). So I call BS.

    I’m gonna Jenfend a bit on this claim (only a little lol). I’m in Canada and just had my second c-section. My first was an emergency and they just upped my epidural as I was headed into the OR. I had been in labour for 49 hours, and it was a failed induction because I had preeclampsia. This time I planned for a VBAC, until complications arose that meant I had to have the baby at 38 weeks. My doctor HIGHLY suggested (but didn’t tell me I had to, so I call BS on Jen for that little tidbit) that if I were to go for the VBAC/induction that I should probably get the epidural for the same reason... so that if I landed back in the OR I wouldn’t have to be knocked out. We went with a planned csection instead, because screw 50 hour failed inductions lol.

    Mind you, my first birth “failed” because of baby’s size, positioning, and the fact that she had to come early and my body wasn’t ready. Based on scans and my condition this time around, there was a solid chance I would have complications again... which is why it was suggested. In Jen’s case, the issues she had during her first pregnancy weren’t a concern this time... from what I’ve been told that lowers the risk of a repeat csection by a LOT. I believe her doctor suggested it, but I don’t get WHY in her situation they would.

    Edited by BackupBaby - 1/3/2018, 04:14
2399 replies since 1/3/2018