The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by OstracizedLikeJen

  1. .
    That light COULS be cool as a seasonal decoration. Or possibly it could work if it were hung low, in an impeccably styled, maximalist, dark, and moody dining room over the table… but it’s $900+ mistake in 99.9% of spaces, including hers, and it pleases me. 👀

    The ghost is probably just trying to tell her how stupid it looks.
  2. .
    We can all agree that there’s nothing being said in the background of that voice memo clip she just posted… right?

    Like… nothing. Not even something that could be construed as anything other than her own obvious and grating voice.

    QUOTE (Yogilou @ 13/12/2023, 14:56) 
    She’s officially lost her damn mind, it’s time to get her real help. She thinks the house is suddenly haunted after living there 2 years and she’s hearing voices, she also did this in another house when her anxiety got real bad and she was manically posting on stories back then too. She needs to get back on her medication, weight gain doesn’t matter. She’s crying on stories thinking demons are talking to her, I can’t believe what I’m watching.

    Nick has torn apart the entire house and put it back together in 3 months and he’s not a builder, THAT is more likely the cause of doors opening and TV’s coming on, and fire alarms going off. Dust can set off smoke alarms too, and she needs to find the remote to the tv because the sensor is likely causing it to come on randomly, or the battery is dying, lots of logical explanations before you jump to demons taking over.

    Right? We all saw how crooked that bathroom door is framed and installed. The doors will 100% fly open at random when they aren’t square. The electrical is also probably supremely fucked, which would explain a TV turning on randomly (though we know that didn’t actually happen, plus no one believes that “constantly recording Aaryn” wouldn’t have caught that on camera).

    She should be less concerned about demons and more concerned about the inevitable house fire (which she’ll no doubt welcome because it will rid her of her biggest problem: that money pit).
  3. .
    QUOTE (Suzanne’sBiggestFan @ 11/12/2023, 18:43) 
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 12/11/2023, 06:41 PM) 
    Jesus. if you gave her 3 guesses as to which topic the Sandy Hook Promise deals with...would she be able to get it?? :20130930101758-5e972761:

    No, certainly not. That particular massacre happened before she was allowed to follow news and current events.

    I remember her trying so hard to squeeze out a single tear that day in her Vlogidays video. She was unsuccessful and she jumped cheerfully into Vlogiways right after the attempt. It was late at night when she finally heard about it, apparently… which just seems unfathomable.

    She’s always been so uninformed and ignorant, which is her own fault… but I remember finding it so fucking odd that no one else had told her. Looking back it’s obvious that she just didn’t talk to anyone other than the camera all day, of course. Not even her husband. Just Winnie and her faceless friends on the computer.
  4. .
    So she’s back to believing in masking and distance again now that the covid protocols aren’t being “forced on” her (and she’s diagnosed herself with an illness that she thinks makes her immunocompromised)?

    This takes me back to Elgin right before the pandemic started. When she was panic buying masks and sanitizer. Then her political party told her that masks don’t work so she was naked-faced for two years… now she’s back?

    Girl needs to pick a lane.
  5. .
    Her post about the leak had me rolling. It seems that ol’ gal is getting all of her bad karma paid out this year.

    I also had to laugh at her saying “luckily Nick knows how to remediate properly”. We’ve seen his handiwork in this house and the last one. Ol’ mate doesn’t know how to do anything property. He’s like Homer with a hammer.
  6. .
    QUOTE (Alimony and Wonder @ 9/12/2023, 00:04) 
    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 8/12/2023, 23:51) 
    I bought an air filter to help with wildfire season. Whenever else I run it it shows the best score, nothing to filter. Get your mould fixed!

    So if she had to give blowies for prezzies and Don was such a controlling alcoholic then why did she have TWO kids with him? If she let go of everything that was her old life why didn't that include Disney? Was the princess celebration and Christmas tree not tramatizing to her?

    This is the worst part of it all. She's implied that she was in an abusive relationship, that Don was (is?) an alcoholic, that he cheated (possibly more than once), and that he basically turned her into a sex worker for designer handbags. But she still chose to have two kids with him and still pawns them off on the man she's basically described as a monster every chance she gets.

    Ugggh, yes. This enraged me. There are absolutely people who are abused in this way, and it’s horrific… but Jen sold herself for the gifts. She wasn’t given things and then asked for something. She asked for the things and did what she had to do to get them. The woman had a “see it want it” Pinterest board for her husband to buy her shit from. She filmed herself playing into his kinks and then edited AND posted those videos. She has always been a willing participant in whatever exchange she and Donna had.

    Then she made their relationship even more contractual by birthing literal human beings so that she would never have to get a job.

    Suddenly pretending that gifts are triggering for her is so fucking stupid.
  7. .
    QUOTE (Aloner Like Jen @ 8/12/2023, 17:38) 
    Does anyone have a theory as to why Disney is such an absolute obsession for her now? She has always loved Disney, but when she was caged, it was within reason. Now it’s just Disney, all day, every day.

    I honestly think it’s the same as all of her obsessive stages in that she is drawn to things that allow for lots and LOTS of spending. At one point it was Winnie (who never needed 16 beds in the house, several custom hand-painted water stands, bags of seasonal bows, etc… that was all for her). Then it was crafts (which she never actually did but felt the need to build a Michael’s in her house). Then it was organization (and she spent thousands on bins and “tools”). Then it was makeup. Then it was hosting all of the family “parties”. Then it was her “business” (the constant expensive rebrandings, business cards, website overhauls, custom logos, filming equipment, headshots, etc). Then the travel in her emotional support SUV which required a new car, supplies, equipment, etc.

    What’s more consumeristic than Disney? It’s a never-ending opportunity and excuse to spend. She could spend every last cent she has and still not have everything that Disney has slapped their characters and logo on. As an added bonus, I’m sure, it was Don’s family’s “thing” and she gets to feel like she took it from him.

    The only one of her fleeting hobbies that she doesn’t haemorrhage money into is her children.
  8. .
    A super simple concept that Jen has never been able to get a proper grasp on:

    When you commodify your body and your exercise addiction, and that commodification takes place on social platforms, you yourself are opting to have people comment on it. It’s your voluntary content. People pay for said content, and part of that contract (again, on social platforms, includes commentary).

    If you don’t like people reacting to your body and its changes, don’t make your body and it’s changes the centre of your “business”.
  9. .
    Jen’s always had a relatively small waist from the side. She’s really not proving anyone wrong, because very few people have ever tried to say that she has a gut. She’s always carried her extra weight in her lower half and her upper arms. Her upper arms in that video are nearly as wide as her waist is. We all saw her from behind in today’s vlog. She’s gained weight, but no one would notice if she weren’t constantly body checking when she’s at her thinnest. It’s the classic situation where you only take notice because of the shocking and blatant differences. Just stop body checking and start wearing clothes that actually fit you, Jen. You wouldn’t be able to tell that she gained anything if she stopped trying to shove her size 14 ass into size 6 pants.

    I’m another one who doesn’t give a flying fuck about her body, but I definitely care about her lying about her body (and making other people feel like shit about their own). Jen, we hate you because you’re terrible. Your weight gain isn’t a factor, it’s your own dickheadedness surrounding your weight/body/other people’s bodies/lies about sizing/etc that’s a problem. Keep up, pumpkin.

    Edited by OstracizedLikeJen - 8/12/2023, 06:42
  10. .
    I’m only just now watching her Teton video from last week… how in the everloving fuck is she confusing black bears with brown bears, repeatedly, whilst she LITERALLY READS FROM A PAMPHLET THAT SAYS “BLACK BEAR”?

    Then she ends her ‘bear encounter journey’ she smugly presents herself as a bear expert, all while still calling black bears brown bears. Lord knows she thinks she’s more educated than the experts that put that pamphlet together.
  11. .
    I was watching Dylan Mulvaney’s stories yesterday (from fashion week). Her hair was slicked to look “wet” for the show she was in.

    She was drunk as a skunk and eating Taco Bell and the Jen facial expressions were UNCANNY.
  12. .

    If this ain’t our drama queen.
  13. .
    She looks like Gary Busey. I’m not even trying to be mean, I’m actually concerned for her face.
  14. .
    This was the first video of hers that I’ve watched in quite a while… did she Don something to her face? Her whole mouth and nose area doesn’t seem “quite right”.

    Like, who the fuck is this?
  15. .
    Fuck me, she’s gotten unattractive.
2405 replies since 1/3/2018