The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by SingHo!toDons2ndWife

  1. .
    QUOTE (LyingLiarWhoLies @ 26/12/2023, 17:35) 
    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 26/12/2023, 07:49) 
    Why would Don need to reach Jen in an emergency situation? He is the biological father of the children, able to make decisions on their behalf. The kids are not closely bonded to Jen, they do not need her for comfort while sick. I have no idea what value Jen could possibly offer in an emergency situation (or in life).

    Why wouldn’t Jenny want to be reached ??? What kind of decent parent does to be reached in case of an emergency???? It is perfectly normal for either Parent to reach in case something happened happened … it’s called Co-parenting !!! Neither one of them are single parents!!!!

    Have we been following the same Jennifer Ross?
  2. .
    I do not trust Jen’s word at all (parenting time increasing significantly, tell-all book, etc) but the fact that Don appears not to have seen his kids for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is pretty significant.
  3. .
    Why would Don need to reach Jen in an emergency situation? He is the biological father of the children, able to make decisions on their behalf. The kids are not closely bonded to Jen, they do not need her for comfort while sick. I have no idea what value Jen could possibly offer in an emergency situation (or in life).
  4. .
    We are going to be so disappointed when it comes to light that all this was about an RM3 bathroom reno and Jen was asked to change up the custody schedule to suit the contractor’s schedule/availability of materials.

    It’s the only theory that checks all the boxes. We will find out about it when it’s featured in Architectural Digest :lol:
  5. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 25/12/2023, 22:51) 
    is this the most posts we’ve had on Christmas Day other than the year of the Christmas morning death stare? :lol:

    I have been nap trapped for two hours and this has been the greatest entertainment
  6. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 25/12/2023, 20:55) 
    I could be wrong (I was only half listening) but I didn’t get the impression that it’s full-time with her and they were never seeing Don (or that he’s going to be out of town indefinitely) just that she wouldn’t be able to travel for days in a row because the schedule might be unpredictable. She said she didn’t have all the information yet.

    She’s such a fucking attention-seeking drama queen, who knows what’s going on.

    I’m sure we’ll find out soon though, no thanks to her of course 🤣

    I know she’s a sociopath but if someone was really sick, I can’t see her joking that she could write a book because that would be psychotic, even for her.

    All of this.

    Jen is an unreliable narrator but she’s the only one that there is. A lot of the speculation is not lining up with the trail of bread crumbs that she left.
  7. .
    QUOTE (Identifying as Single Mom @ 25/12/2023, 20:27) 
    With the amount of money the Rosses have, it makes no sense that even if he’s out of state, he can afford to fly back and forth or fly the kids back and forth for visits.

    Her commentary about a tell all, her commentary about not digging, that isn’t a medical issue.

    Agreed. Jen would make sure everyone knew if Don was sick and she had to step in to save the day, caring for the circumstances for him. Martyr mommy.
  8. .
    QUOTE (Urbane Bronze @ 25/12/2023, 19:48) 
    Either Don got a job out of state or he has filed for full custody so she needs to stay in town until the court date.

    Loving this second theory 😏

    I don’t believe Don is sick; even if he was ill, he’d want to see his kids. Don is young and in good health; the kids are self-sufficient enough to not require constant supervision when they’re there for less than a handful of days at a time. The dude is in the best shape of his life, eating homegrown organic veggies lol he’s not some old decrepit grandpa who is so ill he has to ask Mommy Jen, of all people, to shoulder more of the childcare.

    Rehab/DUI/divorce seem extremely far fetched.
  9. .
    More matching blue and pink toddler shit for the kids and now Winnie is sending stuffies from beyond the grave. :confused-smiley-emoticon-1:
  10. .
    Bunny for Charlotte and fox for Donny, forever. This robotic freak. :20130930101758-5e972761:
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    QUOTE (Van Solo @ 23/12/2023, 20:30) 
    is krusty going to summon the polizia di stato? LOL.

  12. .
    This is Jen we’re talking about here. She is always so dramatic about absolutely nothing. Exhibit A: The hair parting video.

    All the hand-wringing is probably a result of Don asking her to please pick up the Circumstances 15 mins earlier next week :confused-smiley-emoticon-1:
  13. .
    QUOTE (ifyourenotfamiliar @ 22/12/2023, 01:06) 
    "Age 40" LMAO

    Just the biggest fucking loser lol :rolleyes:

    (Being 40 doesn’t make Jen a loser… stating so on a Christmas card, does)

    The heifer doth protest too much about loving being with her kids :shaking_head_smiley_emoticon:
  14. .
    Jen must be sending cards to every Airbnb host she’s ever had because otherwise WHO is she sending them to?! :blink:
  15. .
    Of COURSE Krusty is bothered by the fact that people are discussing her and the kids’ looks… she’s been called a shit mother, a failed doctor and people speculate on when HB will leave her high and dry, but don’t you dare talk about her looks! This is a case for the FBI!
5192 replies since 1/3/2018