The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by SingHo!toDons2ndWife

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    QUOTE (Pinkpanfa @ 4/3/2018, 00:30) 
    Yep. I made cookies for my milk supply and got a bit snack monstery one night and gobbled about five of them. I ended up with blocked milk ducts from oversupply! :blushing-smiley-emoticon:

    Me too. I popped fenugreek pills like they were Skittles because I was paranoid about not having enough milk when in reality, I did. First time mom issues. :rolleyes:

    Forgot to say, you’d think that Jen, as someone who has allegedly suffered from mastitis, would be more cautious about fixing what ain’t broke. But nope, must buy all the things.
  2. .
    Thought you were no longer going to use the term “nudes”, Krusty? :20130930101758-5e972761:

    Between that and not showing Harper anymore for “safety” reasons, it’s like this idiot has short term memory issues about things that she herself put out to the internet :wacko:
  3. .
    She’s missing out on how easy it is to schlep a baby around at this age...they’ll eat and sleep anywhere! And nursing means she doesn’t need to lug around bottles, nipples, etc. Get out and about instead of being held hostage to your senior citizen setup, sheesh.

    And buying those boobie bars even though her supply is just fine? It’s okay to not buy things just because someone talked about it on their IG, Jen. Trust me. You’d be fine.
  4. .
    Well, as long as the kids have activities which don’t include eating choking hazards off a disgusting hotel room floor, we’d be moving in the right direction! :20130916100225-d5fc431c:
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    MD, wife, mother...she enjoys having titles but not putting in the work to make herself the best version of each. Mediocrity at best.

    It will be interesting to see how she handles Harper as she gets older and becomes mobile. Your days of neglecting her on the boppy while you spew nonsense into your camera are coming to an end, Krusty. Or they should be, anyway. Good thing you hired that nanny to mother your child for you.
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    I think the stars just aligned for her there. Her face didn’t show any change in expression, either from effort in moving or a “yay, I did it!” afterwards. :cant-find-it-smiley-emoticon:
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    If Jen has it hard it's only because she over complicates everything in her life and whinges about it like a child.

    Totally... and I can’t understand why. Nobody feels sympathy, everyone sees right through it and thinks you’re annoying for having it all and not expressing an ounce of gratitude for it. :flipping-the-bird:
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    [QUOTE=eileen-,3/3/2018, 10:51 ?t=60585293&st=60#entry430988208
    Let's just hope for Alessia's sake it's 'just' her parents not stimulating her enough and her not getting the chance to develop and there's nothing actually going on with her medically because I don't think they'd be able to deal with that at all, aside from exploit it for views....... :(

    I think I could get on board with that theory if Alessia was younger... but she’s way too old to not be doing things kids less than half her age are doing, like rolling over. Especially with two older siblings, she has plenty of motivation to get moving herself. The fact that she does not appear to want to is perhaps even more worrying to me than the fact that she physically cannot. I remember when my daughter was 5 months old or so, she wanted to be mobile so badly she would get visibly frustrated when she couldn’t figure out how to move. And she doesn’t even have siblings to mimic! Just my two cents, I totally agree with you that for Alessia’s sake, I hope it’s just lack of proper stimulation/help from parents but I’m not convinced... I am convinced though, that they are completely negligent and irresponsible to not sort out her “issues” before even THINKING about bringing another kid into the mix :enraged-smiley-emoticon:
  9. .
    I can understand someone having a knee jerk reaction like that...but to think it, vocalize it, keep the footage in and then hit publish to thousands of people? Like, WHAT?! :doh-45:
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    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 2/3/2018, 17:45) 
    I bet she even has one of those pincher claws to pick things up from the floor. GOOD LORD.

    She does.. Its name is Don and he comes with a coordinating crab walk 🤭
  11. .
    Her nursing station is legit what my grandma’s TV watching setup was. When she was 85 years old. Minus the stupid stuffed bear. I CANNOT with adults and stuffed animals.
  12. .
    Guess this means Alessia isn’t going on any play dates/groups with similar aged children either. Even if they can’t recall the experiences they had with the Es, surely they wouldn’t be so blind as to ignore the delays when they see other children of her age being able to do much more, some are even walking prior to their first birthday!
  13. .
    QUOTE (lipstick jungle @ 2/3/2018, 10:18) 
    Also have great veins.
    suck it Jen!


    Can she please quit with the omg so zen, much ethereal pics of her smugly grinch smiling down at Donny? We get it, he’s here, he’s very cute and he’s your new favourite child. Stop making us look at the same pic over and over again.
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    QUOTE (PowderRoomCandy @ 2/3/2018, 15:46) 
    Spinach squares. Always spinach squares.

    Or your namesake...hey kids, wanna eat something that pre-dates you? Presenting some defrosted powder room candy from 2013, ya’ll!!
  15. .
    QUOTE (popsugarlikejen @ 2/3/2018, 02:49) 
    New Instastories - she is drawing CC’s bath while holding Donny

    I get irrationally annoyed at the frequency at which Jen needs to remind everyone that her kids are “cute”. Of course, all parents think their kids are cute; I think my own kid is adorable. But I have never felt the need to vocalize and remind people of it time and time again.

    Other irrational annoyance: the nickname “CC”. Why give her such a pretty name just to insist upon birth that you already thought up a nickname for her, rather than letting one develop organically?

    A bit BEC, but I tend to let Jen bring that side out in me 🤨
5391 replies since 1/3/2018