The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Legally Uncool

  1. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 1/7/2022, 18:16) 
    “I don’t care enough…” when talking about trying to get the kids to eat different meals.

    I get it. Kids eat what they eat but something is so off with the way she says “I don’t care enough”.

    Hmmm, this screams “I can’t compete with my kids stepmom who is a personal chef so I’m just going to say f* it, eat whatever you want kids.”
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    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 1/7/2022, 18:01) 
    QUOTE (BerthaGene @ 1/7/2022, 17:41) 
    LOL, she's bitching about some people making "elaborate snack boards" and how she'll never do that. Keep firing shots at Tensleigh, Bertha!


    This times infinity for the next thread title please.
  3. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 1/7/2022, 17:47) 
    talking about coparenting/their schedule:

    it's kind of settled into a routine that we'll have for the next little while before we make a big shift in our parenting schedule

    big shift????

    Big shift? Is Jen selling the grey mausoleum and moving to a tiny log cabin in the middle of nowhere with a rusty tub?
  4. .
    QUOTE (Huzzah @ 30/6/2022, 17:47) 
    I never watched the OLW 2017 video before. This definitely stands out to me. She really did just need one good, honest friend.

    She would never keep a friend who was honest with her though, so…it would never happen.

    This just exemplifies the position of superiority she thought of herself in she and Don’s marriage. Don “struggling” and her being the pathetic piece of garbage she’s always been. Karma always works out! LOVEIT!!!!!
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    QUOTE (Ican’twiththelikesofher @ 28/6/2022, 16:11) 

    A Peloton ride at 11:30 am on a Tuesday? Sorry, asshole. Most of us are working.
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    QUOTE (pinkumbrella @ 26/6/2022, 23:24) 

    this is such a bad look. she’s been divorced what, 2 months? and not even officially yet, she only filed 2 months ago. yet here she is, pictured with a guy to the left of the pic. i bet that’s intentional too, another fuck you to adam.

    That gummy smile. Is she wearing hair extensions?
  7. .
    Are the kids with Adam? Fairly new to Bri but, while looking for her pregnancy announcement which another viewer was spot on about it displaying her REAL voice when she snapped at Adam, I saw the vlog about them building their dream house. Did they end up selling it or offloading it before it was completed? If so, why?
    They went from building a mcmansion to a trailer in Hawaii. These YouTubers confound me. Love Meg sold their house so she, her husband, 2 kids, and dogs can backpack through Europe for a year. It’s crazy!
  8. .
    QUOTE (Rbk8vb @ 26/6/2022, 18:38) 
    Oh my goodness. I am trying to get caught up but I am so far behind. I think I’m still on part 14. So I apologize if anybody has posted this yet but I just have to…


    Those look like stripper shoes. Is this dry run for her OnlyFans account?
  9. .
    QUOTE (Idiot savant @ 26/6/2022, 18:34) 
    QUOTE (OstracizedLikeJen @ 26/6/2022, 18:28) 
    Wall of text? I apologize for using an discussion board for its intended purpose, I guess?

    The point is that Jen did what was recommended by her medical team, and that I don’t agree that THAT of all things is what makes her or anyone else who does so a “selfish bitch mother”. Also, I don’t agree that there is a universal “turning babies is inherently dangerous” mindset. We can agree to disagree without being snarky to one another. Let’s focus that snark on Jen, yeah? Like how she values her bins of boxes and rocks more than her kids.

    ETA: they did try. “ If the procedure had been successful they would have induced labor shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, it was not. I wouldn’t say it was incredibly painful, but it was extremely uncomfortable to have two doctors pushing that forcefully on my belly to get baby to move. She wouldn’t budge, though, and after about ten minutes of trying, my doctor said she didn’t want to risk distressing the baby and wanted to move to surgery.”

    So sorry, just a sensitive subject on which I am far more well researched than you on.
    That happens after your daughter flips on her own at 38 weeks and DIES.
    This is the only thing about Jen that makes me rage. She shouldn’t have tried to flip her because it is so dangerous at that stage.

    I’m so sorry to hear that.
  10. .
    I just thought it was dorky that she’d post the pic publicly. Considering who were talking about, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Rigid like Gene was hellbent on not getting a c-section and that’s why she inverted herself like that and asked Don to snap a pic so she could use it to guilt trip him at a later date. I hope we find this planner with love the baby soon!
  11. .
    Guys, I tried to find it and had to give up after stumbling upon whatever the heck Jen’s doing here. She is SUCH a loser!

  12. .
    As dumb as a plastic storage bin of rocks like Jen.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Good Morning Friends @ 15/6/2022, 02:36) 
    Her narcissism is on full display tonight. Then she wonders why she's all alone and the few people in her life ditched her. :rolleyes:

    Will she reflect and learn anything from this? Lol of course not. She's never wrong! Everyone else is ganging up on her! She's so sweet and innocent!

    She’s a “chipper person” - she told us herself and if it’s coming directly from her it has to be true.
  14. .
    QUOTE (The Ghost of Glenview's Past @ 15/6/2022, 02:24) 
    Oh look Jen has some chub rub going on. That inner thigh is about to burst!


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    Why is every picture with her kids taken on that dumb staircase?
  15. .
    QUOTE (OstracizedLikeJen @ 15/6/2022, 02:02) 
    She said in her vlog that the whole family is on two wheeler bikes now. I thought that was rather impressive since both kids are still pretty young and it’s only the begging of biking weather…

    But she just posted a picture of the kids with their new bikes. Both have training wheels.

    What do we think: did she take the training wheels off or is she just lying again to make her normal kids sound more advanced than they are (remember she did this with potty-training… she claimed CC was fully out of diapers and pull-ups and then a few weeks later accidentally mentioned that she had to buy pull-ups for CC)?

    Honestly, when someone mentioned that last week, I thought they’re both for sure on training wheels. Neither kid walked until they were well over 15 months old. Plus, she’s still pretty much on training wheels in every aspect of her life.
453 replies since 1/3/2018