The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Legally Uncool

  1. .
    Wonder if Jill and Gravy got an invite to the brunch. C’mon, Jeff and Joe, all I need is a pic of them in the background. You delivered last night, which we appreciate. If you deliver again today, I take back all the mean things I said when you put Oliver down.
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    QUOTE (T-time @ 8/5/2022, 16:42) 
    Well, Jen has made it very clear that she needs to be pampered and treated like a princess when she's in public. The tearful tantrum in Italy because she didn't get the prime table as an example. So, I'm on the fence as to them extending an invitation, I certainly wouldn't have invited her, no way. She is a little bit crazy, and you can quote me on that.. :smoking-smiley-face:

    I agree. Tens unfollowing Jen coincides with the August trip to Utah. I have a suspicion that Jen threw a hissy fit when she dropped the kids off at her Heart Home. Since the Rosses no longer have to coddle her, she’s been seething with bitterness ever since. It’s pathetic, weird, and immature.
  3. .
    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 8/5/2022, 05:18) 
    Jen was shook when they got engaged because she thought it wouldn’t last…he would be alone forever while she thrived. She probably thought it wouldn’t last, or the fam wouldn’t embrace Tens, it would be awkward because they loved Jen so much…well married a year, now a big celebration her kids were excited about and a good chunk of people there celebrating D&T that aren’t celebrating Jen anymore. That’s gotta sting and I’d be really surprised if we don’t see evidence this week that she is struggling.

    I also can’t get over the fact that the kids will most likely be celebrating Tens tomorrow and not Jen.

    It’s crazy how quickly things imploded for Jen. When she announced the divorce, she thought she was winning when she bought the sad, grey mausoleum while Don wallowed in his rental bachelor pad. When she filmed herself in Utah the summer they all RV’d out there, she mentioned the new family dynamics as being their “new normal” as if they were all going to continue to travel together as a family like they did when they were married. Little did she know that, less than a year later, Don gets engaged, married, buys an awesome house for he, Tens, and their gaggle of kids. Jen’s probably eaten twice her body weight this weekend in sweet treats. The new fam jam looked great last night, happy, well adjusted. Mazel Tov, Don and Tens!
  4. .
    QUOTE (boredmom @ 8/5/2022, 02:42) 
    The worst part of this is knowing that most likely we won't get any good pics of tomorrow unless Tens decides to share them herself. I'm guessing they're not invited to the Mother's Day brunch. I wanted to see if Jill and Aunt Julie were there.

    Oh, they’ll be invited. They flew from LA to be there. Don and Tens are too classy to not invite out of town guests to a post-wedding brunch.
  5. .
    The Tosh video?
  6. .
    QUOTE (Dolly_Girl @ 17/4/2022, 19:28) 
    QUOTE (SoloNana @ 4/17/2022, 07:22 PM) 
    She doesn't celebrate Easter because she is Jewish on her Mothers side.

    But she doesn't celebrate Passover either apparently and she does celebrate Christmas which is not a Jewish holiday.

    She's F'd up.

    Not celebrating Easter is just another "do over" from the years she celebrated with Don and is family (not hers if you recall) plus she is just to selfish and L.A.Z.Y. to do anything fun for her children.


    Her parents always went to the Ross Easter celebrations too. They seem like cheapskates who would never turn down a free meal. Their way of showing gratitude was Gravy serenading everyone after the meal.
  7. .
    Whatever went down in Bora Bora was a turning point in their marriage. She probably thought she could continue to string Don along with him thinking she wanted kids and would get around to being ready someday. Why not? It worked the first five years of the marriage. The conversation(s) that took place on this trip made her realize he didn’t want to wait and was ready. Up to that point, she used her anxiety as an excuse for anything and everything she didn’t want to do. He told her on this trip to deal with it and get it resolved because he was not going to let that get in the way of him breeding. She realized she either needed to get on board or he was going to find someone else to breed with. Shortly after, she started her social media “career”. That was a decision point moment for her, she was either going all in with breeding or they’d divorce. She’s been living with her decision ever since.

    Edited by Legally Uncool - 4/17/2022, 06:54 PM
  8. .
    QUOTE (merino wool underwear @ 17/4/2022, 17:25) 
    Happy Easter



    I will never understand an Adult taking photos of a stuffed animal, talking for it like its a real animal, and posting it online. YIKES! imagine going through your mom's things when you are older and seeing crap like this. I would flat out ask my mom if she was mentally ok during that period. cause this is not normal adult behavior. Jen wanted to be a forever child and still is. youthful is not the same as immature and stunted, Jennifer. You are stunted and very immature, GROW UP AND GET THERAPY!

    She looks completely demented and deranged in that costume.
  9. .
    I love the fact that Jen will essentially be playing whack a mole with trying to get her pirated videos taken down. Just when she’s succeeded with getting one removed, up pops another link.
  10. .
    Yes, she did. Complete with okie dokie hand gestures as captured below. You’re welcome.
  11. .
    Okay, I’m barely 5 minutes into her video from yesterday and I’m already annoyed. Jen doesn’t have the slightest grasp on cyber law & what she thinks is “legally uncool” is not in violation of any law. Under Jen’s logic, when someone goes out in public, acts like a Karen, is filmed for being a Karen, the video is uploaded to various social media sites, & people are able to do some online sleuthing to figure out the Karen’s identity, is that illegal? Nope. Jen, you’re a f*cking moron. Stick to what you know: binge eating, over exercising, ignoring your kids, spending your ex-husband’s $, pretending your happy. Loser.
  12. .
    QUOTE (Yetta @ 16/4/2022, 20:58) 
    She referred to their 2019 Disney trip as "the last Disney trip we took as a family of 4"

    She should have said the ONLY trip as a family of 4 that didn’t include the Ross or Boyles clan (family reunions and the log prison annual trips).
  13. .
    QUOTE (LogPrisonSquatter @ 16/4/2022, 18:12) 
    If the trips were so horrible with D**, why would she want to go back ALONE?? Bora Bora would be sad to experience ALONE. She is miserable, why would she want Italy or Bora Bora -- she'll just be miserable there by herself, ALONE, with no one to share the experience with. Has she had the kids on a weekend since their sad Disney trip?

    That is a loonnggg plane ride there and back. Why? So she can ruminate about how caged Don made her? Bish, please. If you were that unhappy 5 years into your marriage, you have no one to blame but yourself for staying almost 10 years after this. She is exhausting and infuriating.
  14. .
    I know it’s been mentioned many times before but she can’t deal with the most minor slights or setbacks. When things don’t go her way, she pitches a fit. It’s called life, Jen. Goes to show how, when things didn’t go her way when she was married, Don must have bared most of the brunt of her ire. Now that Donald’s Gonald, she takes it out on the Bakery.
  15. .
    She’s pathetic!
453 replies since 1/3/2018