The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by BatBat

  1. .
    Beanbag - That's right ! We don't know for sure if anything is going on with Jack but if it is she isn't going to be able to blame the Orphanage this time - Oh My !
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    QUOTE (Whackadoodle @ 5/15/2020, 01:03 AM) 
    I don't think it's creepy to tour a open house, especially if she has moved out. At that point, it's just a house like any other. Besides, it's not like Hag and the kids are going to be there. Now that would be weird and crossing the line. Haven't you ever gone to a neighbors estate sale just to have a look-see inside? I have.

    the only issue I would have is it could be wasting the realtors time. she might feel she has to "sell" the house to whomever is there and that would be unfair knowing you aren't a real potential buyer. Then again, I've known people who frequent open houses to just look around to get decorating ideas and such. Bored on a Saturday afternoon, they go to an open house.

    A lot of the time the realtor is in the house bored. So they are happy to talk to anyone. People go in and out all day. It's no big deal . You are not wasting their time. They are there anyway.
  3. .
    I think Jen has bought a regular house - just smaller. I am really ticked off with her. Looking at houses is one of my favorite things. She could have taken us along. If the realtor didn't want to be filmed she could still have taken pictures. She could have involved her viewers. Asking us which house had the cuter this or that.

    Kitchens and bathrooms sell houses. The biggest drawback to her house is the kitchen. There isn't enough room in it for a lot of people to congregate. And that is what buyers want. They will not get the asking price.
  4. .
    Cold One - You are hilarious - your last sentence made me pee !!!

    I really think that Jen was taken by surprise by how fast she needed to be out. On the one hand at least a lot of the stuff is already in bins. On the other hand there is still a lot that isn't.

    I would be shocked if they get that much for the house. The kitchen is nice enough but it doesn't have a wow factor. Lots of bedrooms but the whole lay out is boring to me.
  5. .
    I am not so sure about her having things in storage. If they had decided for her to move spur of the moment then yes. It wouldn't be fair or even possible for her to go through it all in a week. But she is getting to have plenty of time. So if I were Don I would not pay for storage. And I think we know Jen won't "budget" for it.
  6. .
    Yes Zizi - Yes you Brits are really that special - You gave us the Beatles !
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    Fiercely Private said "Hope their having fun with the Rosses"

    Did you ever think that "Having fun with the Rosses" would ever enter our vocabulary ? LOL My how times have changed.

    I think Jens idea of contributing to the household financially is buying a box of light bulbs and going home and working the expense into her budget making sure that there is still enough left for $100 worth of truffles and pizza equipment.
  8. .
    She needs to Stop buying and Start purging !!
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    I think as far as custody that Jen would be fine with however much time Don wants the kids as long as she has them just enough time to still receive child support.
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    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 5/6/2020, 11:28 AM) 
    So, I skipped the last 10 or so pages. Are the discussions about ironing linen or Don over by now? Cause I really don’t care...

    Ironing for me was over 40 years ago
  11. .
    Concerned - You are right. To my knowledge she has not mentioned the bed even once. I wish we could talk to Keez - he would tell us the truth about it. She really has nerve doesn't she - Not buying the bed and now showing off the hundreds of dollars worth of non essentials they are buying. That either takes guts or she doesn't think that people will notice. It wouldn't surprise me if she is hiding some things that they bought that she can conceal . The gaming stuff would have been too hard to hide from the vlogs.
  12. .
    THIS thread title is hilarious ! Nice going !

    I feel like Jen is in a catch 22. If she spills the tea on what really caused the divorce and what led up to it she is crossing a privacy line . If she doesn't it leads to rampant speculation . And all of the theories can't be true. One of them might be, at least in part, but not all of them. Without details it probably puts both of them in the wrong light for different reasons.
  13. .
    Cookie224 - I like the one where she is on the tricycle
  14. .
    Do you think that part of her strategy is to announce how much they are spending on YL oils so that will entice others that are watching to buy it ?
    From what I see, a lot of her "fans" are young people. They certainly would not have the money to buy oils. And I don't think they would try to get their parents to buy them. If they are going to ask or beg for something it would be an Ipad or a game - not oils.
  15. .
    QUOTE (bitchybetty @ 4/28/2020, 10:38 PM) 
    Probably got their stimulus check. $1200 x 2 for the adults = $2400

    $500 x 6 kids = $3000

    $5,400 for Kat the blow. And she seems to be doing a great job at it

    The stimulus check - That explains it.
722 replies since 7/3/2018