The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Stay at home shopper

  1. .
    Yes I see now it only went to 6th grade so I removed my post. So incredibly sad and praying for all those families
  2. .
    For my more tech savvy friends….when someone blocks you on Instagram,it blocks all your accounts?
  3. .
    Or a big ass banana! Those are awful
  4. .
    What is going on with rat tail and aunt Suzette? Can someone fill me in?
  5. .
    So she stayed in bed all day (the other day) with her in laws there???? 😳 unless I was VERY sick my in-laws would talk to my husband about maybe seeking me some help
  6. .
    All I kept thinking was “damn bitch,get you some chapstick ASAP!” Anyone else notice that 🥴
  7. .
    So Luke is Varsity as a sophomore? That must mean he’s good right? The town I live in (Texas) if you aren’t any good you stay JV until Sr year? I’m no football fan so idk,maybe someone can explain?
  8. .
    QUOTE (Call me crazy @ 21/7/2022, 02:59) 
    I stopped listening to her stories when she was in Africa. I would have been interested in the Africa part, but there was no way I was going to listen to the various different people each day who took over. Once she got back, I couldn't force myself thru 30 plus stories a day. I used to click thru and stop if something looked snark worthy, but I can't muster the energy to even do that anymore. I'm curious how many other followers she has lost. I just can't believe anyone has the time to listen to that many stories a day. It is all such nonsense and out and out lies. she has to be losing followers like crazy.

    Buying a house in Michigan. When did they have time to look for houses?

    Same!!!! I just come here every night for the highlights….I’m not watching all those stories!!!
  9. .
    “Similar” cuz her shoes are Valentino 🙄
  10. .
    QUOTE (Stor next door @ 22/5/2022, 19:47) 
    I heard the kids at that party were wasted.

    So what does one do in this case? Do the adults shuttle them all home? Surely they didn’t liquor up a bunch of teens and send them on their way?
  11. .
    I hope he’s not yelling at his poor dad like that
  12. .
    Steve is giving someone the WHAT FOR!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
  13. .
    QUOTE (Striped PJ's @ 22/5/2022, 01:12) 
    The flowers with some candles,maybe a light colored table runner or a greenery runner on each table with all clear glasses would have been beautiful. (I probably would have used wooden dough bowls for the arrangements) Hillbilly Landyn, beer taste with a champagne budget.

    Is this Landyns picture? I haven’t seen this
  14. .
    Was that Olivia in the “full house full heart video”?
  15. .
    I can’t either! My child graduated last year and we used our high school colors! I figured I would use college colors at that grad party 🙄 I don’t ever understand her
380 replies since 9/4/2018