The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by rfjox

  1. .
    “These people” needs to be in the next thread title :snickering:
  2. .
    QUOTE (Mulva @ 14/5/2024, 07:34) 
    What a condescending witch. In her Patreon preview, as she was pulling out of McDonalds drive mind you, she said: Wow! who would’ve thought a patreon would upset these people as it has. So now her longtime subs are now “these people”.

    It’s not that she has patreon but the way she went about it.

    “I want us to sit around a table talking like friends”

    The only catch is that to be a friend and sit at her table you have to PAY for the privilege.

    There are people out there who have Patreon that actually have something of value to offer the world, not the earth shattering news that they’ve just spent another $2500 on a haul that goes back as soon as the camera stops rolling or which lip liner goes with which lipstick.

    There are very well known people whose Patreon is only $5.
    The delusion, grandeur and self importance that is Lisa is staggering.
  3. .
    Look, there is a lot that we can discuss regarding her character and "scheming" without having to resort to comments about her body or using derogatory names. That just feeds into the "we are all just jealous haters" narrative she will spin this into without actually responding to the (hundreds) of legitimate complaints.
  4. .
    Did any of you see the comment where the medical professional said she reached out to Lisa in a DM about the Modere she was taking (shoving down her throat to quote the medical professional 😂) and how she could aspirate it into her lungs if taken the powder by mouth. Lisa’s response was back to her was for to "mind her own business"and some other smart ass snide remark back to her.(sorry i should have gotten a screen shot because she may have deleted it now) Lisa knew that no one would ever hear how she treated this follower. Well it’s out now and I’m sorry but her smart ass remarks have solidified for me EXACTLY HER TRUE COLORS!! Imo she’s a snake 🐍 only wanting "friends" 🙄for money! I can’t stand to look at her now!!!!
    Who else on here is looking forward to this slut crashing and burning? I know I am! I actually have watched her since 2015 used to like her but since she lost weight, got that Instagram worthy home, car, and started making lots of money, well she’s been changing. I started to see her changing with the now infamous nose rant. But the amount of Chanel bags she buys every other week is pure gluttonous. Gluttony comes in different forms and Lisa’s isn’t from food but from material things! Sad thing is so many of the minions that sub originally have just forgotten about them being subscribed, some have prolly passed or simply don’t do you tube any longer and she’ll have those subs forever. Her sense of monetary self worth and that she thinks she’s so important enough to get idiots to pay so much for her patreon is so above my realm of comprehension. I also read a comment saying how WRONG it was in for her in the video basically telling her unsubscribed watchers that they HAVE TOO subscribe, turn on notifications and like to be included in her Lives and how that was a sad way to get subscribers, likes and views. Imo that says it all about this poor excuse of a human that calls herself everyones friend. I’m glad I have physical friends that I can talk to face to face, have fun with and actually touch! Friends on the other side of a computer screen are not friends at all!!!

    Penelopy those are some really ugly legs and knees. I agree with Lisa she needs to work on her leg!
  5. .
    She needs that 4-pound weight thingie to pull her shoulders back.
  6. .
    QUOTE (PamelaAndersonwannabee @ 5/13/2024, 12:58 PM) 
    Can we see how many patreon subscribers she has? I’m dying to see how many drank the koolaid. I hope no one subscribes!

    It's telling that she is keeping that a secret by not showing her subscriber count. Of course, it's obvious she put no thought into setting this up other than the $ amount she is asking her subscribers to pay each month to hear her drivel on about nothing.
  7. .
    I quit watching her banal and boring videos years ago. Maybe Karma will pay her and Jawn a visit.
  8. .
    She’s starting to delete comments. They were at 1274 a little while ago. Just put this here for reference…..1263

  9. .
    heh heh :smoking-smiley-face: :1485540604: ...
    the backfire heard 'round the world...
  10. .
    QUOTE (nordan2 @ 13/5/2024, 02:26) 
    I bet Lisa is in a corner in a fetal position sucking her thumb, due to the Patreon fiasco, no one wants to fork out $25 to watch more of her BS. She has to be bleeding subbies at this point. Backlash is a beautiful thing. :snickering:

    I doubt it, she would have to have brains and compassion and more than a thimble full of intelligence to be in a fetal position. She believes that she is worth $25 per month and anyone who refuses to pay for her patreon is a “hater” and as she put it “a bitter woman”.

    Anyone who left a negative (or rather what SHE perceives to be a negative) comment, has validated her conviction that we are all haters and are jealous of her.

    She has lost the people who were with her from the beginning and have gotten her to where she is today. This is a total slap in the face for them. Now that they’ve gotten her to where she is she has basically told them to fuck off.

    Maybe this is what they needed to help them see exactly who they’ve been supporting all these years.

    Damn Lisa, when the mask falls off, it falls off with a thud huh?!
  11. .
    Wonder how’s she handling the fact that she’s lost more than 1000 subscribers? She’s down to 174,000 🤣
  12. .
    QUOTE (Chalky @ 5/12/2024, 06:20 PM) 
    QUOTE (CathyW55 @ 13/5/2024, 03:18) 
    From what I got from it, she will still do Friday and maybe Lives….but she wants to save the good stuff for those who pay! And THAT’s the slap in the face!

    But she never has good stuff :blink:

  13. .
    QUOTE (CathyW55 @ 13/5/2024, 03:18) 
    From what I got from it, she will still do Friday and maybe Lives….but she wants to save the good stuff for those who pay! And THAT’s the slap in the face!

    But she never has good stuff :blink:
  14. .
    She kept saying she would still do her regular videos. Well, she can’t even get out promotional videos in a timely manner. So how is she going to add paid videos and live hangouts. And the live hangouts are just another money grab because she will get superchat tips from the diehards.
  15. .
    I bet Lisa is in a corner in a fetal position sucking her thumb, due to the Patreon fiasco, no one wants to fork out $25 to watch more of her BS. She has to be bleeding subbies at this point. Backlash is a beautiful thing. :snickering:
2078 replies since 3/5/2018