The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by rfjox

  1. .
    When someone can drop $10k on a novelty bag, they should darn well have their house paid in full.
  2. .
    QUOTE (hotnbothered @ 3/5/2024, 21:29) 

    That's exactly the way she's said she does not like her boobs to look. :embarrassed-smile-smiley-emotic
  3. .
    QUOTE (lena3 @ 28/4/2024, 07:58) 
    I don’t understand why The Woman of 1,000 Pumps is wearing rubber flip-flops with a suit. I said this on Marnie’s thread…use Pinterest. Search cream suit styling women. LOTS of inspiration.

    Those shoes are too small. It’s not hygienic to have your toes dragging on the hotel carpet.

    Personally, I think Lisa’s bags are real except for that Birkin.

    As my old gf used to say, "here's the thing", it's a look. Lisa thinks she's become stylish enough that she can throw together anything at all and it will be lauded. She envisions herself as a big IG celeb that everyone will take fashion cues from. :tearing-hair:
  4. .
    She asked a speaker what she used on her legs???? Are you kidding me? Does she think that lotion will magically transform her legs into that speaker's?
  5. .
    Hundreds of beautiful shoes and she picks those for those outfits? This idiot hasn't a shred of taste or class.

  6. .
    Below the clear plastic strap on those mules above, is that a beige band wrapped around her instep to ease the rubbing of that strap???
  7. .
    QUOTE (HermesStoreManger @ 26/4/2024, 00:18) 
    Shoe are Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too small.

    Exactly. Ny her standards, I should wear 2 sizes smaller.
  8. .
    Took a quick look at her outfits and as usual, she messes them up with wrong bag and shoe choices. Screenshot_20240425-1649312


  9. .
    Is anyone else having trouble with this site?
  10. .
    Are her veins crawling out of her feet?Screenshot_20240424-1622242
  11. .
    Title suggestion:

    "Long-butted lisa and her tiny brain, lives out her fantasy of fortune and fame, trying to bring back her youth again."
  12. .
    Lisa has become another "Nora Desmond" and she's ready for her close-up, Mr. Deville.
  13. .
    Lisa will always be a long-butted, short brained wannabe who lives a ridiculous fantasy of being hot, sexy and glamourous in her own mind.
  14. .
    QUOTE (A little North Shore birdie @ 20/4/2024, 15:33) 
    I’ve actually seen drag queens with waaaay better looking makeup jobs.

    I imagine that's why she gets looks when she's out...they think she's either trans or an old, long-butted clown.
  15. .

    I've just gotta give Mulva props for reproducing that disgusting mouth.
5832 replies since 3/5/2018