The Gossip Bakery

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  1. .
    Good god, they make that cruise look so boring! No thank you.
  2. .
    So I just watched the race video. Now, I know Jen has her faults, and they are many. But…I can’t help but feel sad for her having to take 2 young children to WDW by herself! I cannot get past the fact that she has nobody. Not a single friend, sibling, or parent to go with her. Where the heck are her nieces that she doted on for all those years? She should take one of them with her. She’ll need an extra pair of eyes and hands. I just don’t get it. But then again, I don’t understand a woman with 2 small children going to Disney World without them!
  3. .
    Just came here to say, she hated Christopher Allen’s soup! :hearty-laugh:
  4. .
    The problem with her hair is the middle part! It makes her face so incredibly round. Another attempt to try to be hip like all the kids these days with a middle part. When in actuality a middle part is hard to pull off. And the ends of her hair look terrible too, it really does look wig like 🤔.
  5. .
    Oh boy, I had to watch Karen read a book during this first vlogmas, I hope we get to watch her read everyday!!! So fun. But honestly for me the best part was when she pronounced Caulderado 😳. Hahahaha
  6. .
    Wait you guys, did I miss something? Whatever happened to her fabulous girls weekends where people would pay to go to her and Betsy’s ranches in the beautiful Texas dust bowls? Tikkaa talked about it constantly for about 3 days, then nothing.
  7. .
    All I know is I’d be so pissed if I worked out as much as she does and still had that big ass. Just sayin.. :confused-smiley-emoticon-1:
  8. .
    Is it just me or did she seem to be on the verge of tears for most of this video? She is such a strange person, I just don’t get her 🤷🏻‍♀️!
  9. .
    I kinda like the dress. It is such an improvement to her normal wardrobe. I like to see her at least put in the effort. And Boden dresses are so nice, in general. If you have bad feet, well….it’s no fun. So I give her a pass on the shoes, they could be worse!
  10. .
    I just don’t understand why she only vlogs at home. When she finally does go out to do things she won’t vlog it. Shopping, dinner with friends, camping..🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m not saying she needs to video those things for their whole duration, just snippets. Anything other then in her kitchen and office! Something more interesting then canning tomatoes!
  11. .
    Omg stooooooop that dog is so creepy. And now my eyes can’t unsee that!!
  12. .
    God, that was depressing…
  13. .
    Boy, Tikaa sure is a fancy high falooten Texas lady. Waiting for a new David Yurman to be delivered yesterday while she played cards in a kaftan with other ladies of leisure. Now today, botox and fillers, shopping and dinner at a fancy steak house. Maybe she has a lot of Texas oil money stashed away she hasn’t told us about. :confused-smiley-emoticon-1:
  14. .
    Uhm, who in the world puts on a $350 dress and a face full of makeup to go to Walmart? That’s just nuts. 🤪 Then come home put on a swim suit and tons of tacky jewelry to go out on the boat?
  15. .
    I just unsubscribed, I just can’t with her bs anymore. I trust you guys will keep me apprised of her videos or lack thereof!
245 replies since 31/7/2018