The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Resting Bitchface

  1. .
    She also re-used this cartoon of herself this morning. She used this last week when she posted that she had gotten five hours of sleep and was going back to bed for another five or more. She's even using throwbacks on her cartoons. I don't even know what this is intended to mean. Is 5 am goodnight for her? What does she mean by Good Afternoon? IDGI.


    She begs everyone to subscribe to her rumble channel and then rarely posts anything there OR on her youtube channels. She is well and truly done on all platforms. She has nothing new or interesting to offer and other youtubers, including new youtubers with a fraction of her alleged subscribers are running circles around her.

    She always complains that January, February and March are her worst months due to lack of ad revenue and here it is almost mid-May and she hasn't done anything noteworthy the entire year. She can't even be bothered to do lives on most days.
  2. .
    So this morning, after being completely absent on any of her channels without any explanation since around Thursday, May 2nd when she was out in the garden and then taking the last three days off to add to the 16 days she took off last month, Beg just HAD to post something for "your" daily video this Monday morning, right?

    So what did she post? Well, as she is always too happy to brag about, she has over 3,000 videos on youtube spanning the past 14 years. So she thought it would be meaningful, interesting and helpful for her viewers to do a throwback video that from the looks of her, must be at least 10 years old, maybe more. Sooooo relevant to most of her audience who I am sure are constantly finding the need to darn the toes of hand knit socks, right?

    Forget that there are at least a hundred, probably more, videos on this subject on youtube. Out of all the 3,000 videos in her extensive 14-year catalogue, this is what she picked for a throwback video? :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: Why, God, why? First we had a throwback to cleaning goat's intestines, another talent most people need and now mending handmade socks. Beg sure knows her audience folks.

    I love how she always adds ! at the end of her titles. That's to let you know what your about to see is very, very special. ^U^

  3. .
    Yeah, I suck at making tortillas and she makes it look easy.
  4. .
    This sweet woman popped up on my feed today. She has Beg beat by a country mile when it comes to filming technique, cooking instructions, frugal shopping and cooking tips. And she's not sweating, snoting, yelling at or rubbing on her dog or complaining. Imagine that! I can see where her videos could really help people who are struggling.

  5. .
    She's been weird, out of commission, taking it slow, loving herself and basically doing even less than her normal bare minimum ever since Easter in Kingston. Frankly, I'm amazed she even revealed the story about how she acted at Mel's parents house on Easter morning. That def did not show her in a good light.

    The only thing that is keeping her from being suicidal is that rag tag manure pile of a "garden" of hers and the thought of all the food she will soon be canning and squireling away. Food is her best friend AND her worst enemy.
  6. .
    Today must be another regularly scheduled unscheduled day off.

    I am wondering how long those shingles are going to sit out in the yard before Daddy gets to work re-roofing the shack. He'll probably wait until it's 90 in the shade. What would be the point of having shingles delivered if he wasn't ready to start roofing work?

    No, they just HAD to get both the roofing materials and flooring materials delivered at the same time and isn't Racing Season coming up in 3,2, 1? Plus, his work in getting Boss Lady's garden ready, planted and whippersnipped is also waiting.
  7. .
    I've had a few Doris Cannon shorts pop up on my feed lately. She uses similar words to those Beg uses when in the throes of her rants... "Source," "Volunteers" and she talks a lot about aliens. It's New Age STUFF, but I am betting Beg is very familiar with Doris Cannon's belief system and teachings and that's where she probably gets a lot of her ideas. This also may have been what led Beg to believe she is psychic which is the funniest part of all her crazymaking.
  8. .
    I like that the woman called it "fear porn" in her video. That is a very apt description.

    Beg is always advising others that words have power and tells them they have to be careful not to manifest negative things in their life through their choice of words.

    What does she think she does with her constant fear mongering and focusing on nothing but the alleged evils in the world. She has literally manifested a world in which she has surrounded herself with constant worry and fear for the future of mankind.

    Then she will post little ditties like this...


    She can't have it both ways. She can't have peace while filling her head with thoughts of chaos. She was up this morning three hours ago posting the scary non-stop. It seems like that is her REAL joy job. She literally feels compelled to do it.
  9. .
    Saturday is one of her normal weekly days off. LOL

    Interesting that we are only days away from Mother's Day and Beg has not decorated the Mother's Day Tree in her office nor has she mentioned a word about Mother's Day in any way, shape or form. You would think she would at least get a gift or card or make some mention about Mel being the mother of her only beloved grandchild. But nothing, notta', no mention whatsoever.

    Ditto for Howie's mother. If anyone is going to give gifts and send cards with money in them, it will be Mum sending them to these two freeloaders. At no time since I have been watching Beg for four years have I ever heard her mention getting or sending or delivering a gift to Mum for any occasion.

    You can bet your ass that Beg is expecting some kind or recognition for being Mother of the Year to her two sons. They may call her, but that will be the extend of that. I'm not even sure she's even speaking to Mel and Arthur and it's like Bubba no longer exists. She has not said a word about him since her embarrassing Easter drug overdose.
  10. .
    And it's always the same exact dairy. Never any yogurt or cottage cheese, buttermilk for baking, or different cheeses or even sour cream or cream cheese. Nope. It's got to be Marble Brick Cheese and plenty of it.

    Of course, it's OK for them to buy any treats they like, but it's her attitude that she eats healthy, is focused on nutrition and "organic," while they are the two most unhealthy people on youtube that is so irritating. She didn't get to weigh 400 lbs eating apples.
  11. .
    OOPS... I missed the milk and two coffee creamers in my list. So add $7.59 x 3 or $22.77 for the milk and $3.15 x 2 or $6.30 for the creamer to my total. So that would be $257 - $247. This leaves about $10 unaccounted for unless I missed something else. Part of that could be tax. So it doesn't look like Mrs. Lyin' Eyes was hiding anything in this haul.
  12. .
    QUOTE (baconfryer @ 5/4/2024, 08:35 AM) 
    I believe that "green stuff" is her watermelon.

    You are right! It looked like celery leaves to me in the video. LOL
  13. .
    She posted zero content anywhere yesterday, not even a FB notice for Freaky Friday. Then last night fro, 11 pm to 1 am. she re-posted on FB 30 times. And she claims FB bans most of what she posts on FB.

    Then at 2 am on Friday night... for "your" Saturday morning video, she managed to pre-schedule... or post when she got up to pee... her bi-weekly grocery haul video that she filmed on Thursday when Daddy got home with the same groceries they buy every other week. Fascinating stuff folks.

    She claims "THEY (Howie) actually got some deals." They spent $257 for practically nothing. She doesn't give the prices on everything, so I googled Food Basics in Ontario to check if she included everything in her video. And note folks... Daddy still had at least $257 on his pre-paid card THE DAY BEFORE PAY DAY.

    "Now there's 'OUR' lunchmeat," she says as she puts her man hand on the standard double-double packages of bologna and ham. She's got a pantry full of canned meats and he eats nitrite and preservative filled lunchmeat every day of his life and I suspect she does as well. The bologna does not appear to be beef bologna, just regular fatty disgusting bologna and the ham is "chopped," formed and sliced. The photo of the product is too blurry to read the ingredients. $6 each.

    1 watermelon... "and it's not exactly ripe, but we'll deal with that." She conveniently doesn't mention the price which was $6.88 each!!! How's that for frugal folks? And for the record, watermelon is NOT in season. And it's not ripe, so good buy there, folks. Watermelon does not continue to ripen after picking.

    Looks like about 8 or 9 bananas at 25 cents each... I am sure Beg doesn't buy the "organic" bananas which are 48 cents each. If they were organic, she would def mention that folks.

    Gala Apples... I can't see if she got one or two bags. Last time, she got two bags, so I'll say she got two bags this time as well plus they were on sale, $4.98 each... down from $5.98 each.

    Lemons - I couldn't see how many she got and she moves the camera around so fast with her crappy camera work, it's like she doesn't actually want you to see what she got. It looks like a 2 lb bag of lemons which are were $3.98 down from $4.88. No clue what she would need all those lemons for. She doesn't usually use lemons in any of her craptastic recipes.

    6 loaves of 12 grain bread... "buy three or more - $2.66 each. So $15.96 just for bread.

    2 lbs butter - $6.49 each or $12.49 total. Beg had a mini-rant over this "American-style" butter because the pound was divided into four sticks and each wrapped in foil. Mrs V does not support this kind of waste in packaging!!!! Of course, she could have paid a dollar more and gotten her usual butter. Nobody forced her to buy it. Honestly, Beg has more crusades that Carter's has liver pills. Absolutely everything pisses her off folks.

    Two 30-count flats of eggs... "Cuz' Papa loves pickled eggs." $9.69 each or $19.38 for eggs! I don't care how much Papa likes pickled eggs, no way I would be making them when eggs are that expensive. Obviously, the 30 pickled eggs she made right after shoppin' two weeks ago are gone. Mind blowing. I'm starting to think Howie is a food addict, too.

    4 more blocks of cheese... 400 grams or about 14 oz... $5.99 each, down from $7.99 each. So that's $23.96 just for cheese!!! Again, how do two people possibly eat 4 to 6 almost 2 lb bars of cheese in two weeks? It's insane? You rarely see her grating that cheese in her cooking. "Daddy loves his pickles and cheese."

    1 Family Size box of Cheerios... "one of Daddy's favorites"... $5.49 down from $7.49.
    1 Family Size box of Shreddies... "one of Daddy's favorites"... $6.49
    1 box Wheat A Bix ... "one of Daddy's favorites"... $4.99

    So that's $16.97 just for cereal. And he buys cereal almost every two weeks. She claims she makes him a hot breakfast three times a week, so when is he eating all this cereal? Oh that's right, she says "Daddy eats a ton of cereal on the weekends" while she's lying in bed until noon in stead of getting up for her joy job of cooking him breakfast. In any event, that's A LOT of cereal considering there is only one person eating it... allegedly.

    2 bags Lightly Salted Potato Chips at $3.99 each. Almost $8 for chips! There's frugal for ya', folks. Told you Daddy would understand the assignment and get more than one bag. He had to if he had any hope of getting a chip, right? She kills me when she points out how Daddy wisely selected lower sodium products. As if that is going to make a difference to either one of them. Too much salt is not good for anyone, but do either of them have a diagnosed medical condi9tion like high blood pressure that requires they reduce sodium? "Increase the white flour and fat and reduce the sodium." That's the ticket.

    3 13 oz packages of lower sodium bacon at $3.99 each, down from $4.99 ea. Daddy said it was $2.98 each, but that's not what the store's website says. Who buys an entire hog for the freezer and continues to buy bacon every time the go to the store. As you know, "bacon is a rare treat" for the Fooley's. So that's almost $12 for bacon that neither of them should be eating on the regular. Question: Is it really frugal to stock up on food you shouldn't be eating to begin with?

    And "the steal of the day"... three bags of her beloved fatty chicken leg quarters. I don't even see these on the store's website, but one label says $6.59, so let's say $20 total. Beg, who looooooovvvvvveeessss the farmers and fully supports them as you all know, says "I haven't seen these for less than $2 a pound in a lonnnnnnggggg time, so Howie wisely bought three bags. I will be vacuum sealing and freezing these tomorrow." We just hope there won't be a video while she does it. Exactly how much does she think chicken farmers make if their product sells for less than $2 a pound? Those giant bags of no name chicken parts make me gag. Ewww. They are never well-trimmed with big globs of fat. Disgusting.


    2 850 gram jars of Orville Redenbacher Popdorn at $4.99 each, down from $5.49. I guess one jar wouldn't be enough for two weeks. This is another super frugal purchase, right folks? Beg explained that "she's a popcorn snob and OR popcorn is the only one that fully pops." So the store brand of popcorn for $2.49 just won't do. Note she buys popcorn every two weeks. I don't even know where she finds the time to eat so much popcorn. A few kernels makes a giant bowl of popcorn. So $10 for popcorn it is then.

    1 big box of Tetley Tea... $9.99

    1 big can of Maxwell House Coffee ... $8.99, down from $10.99.

    1 giant box of Coffee Pods ... $18.49... why does he need both? Beg says she only allows him one pod a day.

    2 jars pickles at $3.29 Beg says "she had pickles in the pantry for two years and Howie found them and now she can't keep pickles in the house." She also said Daddy had gotten her on the pickles, too, but she left that part out. Blame Daddy.

    So MY total comes to $218.30, not counting any applicable tax if there was any. That's a far cry from $257 she said they spent. We have often wondered if she leaves things out of the haul that she doesn't want us to see and I believe this is evidence that she does. Unless I made a mistake in calculating what she got and spent, there is a $39 discrepancy in what she showed and what she spent. $39 hides a lot of treats folks.

    What's that green stuff? Don't tello me the World's Largest Celery Grower actually had to BUY celery! She didn't mention this in her haul.

  14. .
    Looks like it's time to add a day off to the MAY 2024 spreadsheet. You can look forward to that grocery haul of everything she instructed Daddy to buy when doin' the grocery shoppin' this week. We already heard her list. There's no need for a video. "Oh, and add a bag of Low Sodium Chips!" You know Daddy will make that four bags. He knows the code. "She just hopes he's got enough money on his pre-paid card that she allows him money on to pay for HER groceries.

    She's now switching to not in season... especially in Canada... Watermelon instead of apples. Remember, three apples a day was the secret to Beg losing weight, right? They haven't bought apples in at least two shoppin' trips. I guess she OD'd on the apples folks.
  15. .
    Almost 2 pm and not a peep out of her. Surely she is lying in her bed or man-size Barkolounger writhing in pain from overdoing it yesterday doing practically nothing. She couldn't have been out there in the garden from Paradise more than an hour tops. Throwing some seeds in a bed and swooshing too much soil over them doesn't require a large time investment or physical effort even for people with painful mobility issues.
8113 replies since 16/10/2018