The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Avocado Toast

  1. .
    Has she admitted to a divorce yet? Or why are there so many comments saying they are praying for her? Because of her alleged miscarriage?
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    QUOTE (SophiaPetrillo @ 14/4/2024, 18:52) 
    QUOTE (Avocado Toast @ 14/4/2024, 18:27) 
    I hope that Meg goes ahead and uses that name anyway. Jammy just assumed her blood clot was a girl.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Mother in hospice now. Cancer is heartbreaking. I hope she's well taken care of in hospice and they can help ease her pain and suffering. Can I ask how long she's been fighting Cancer?

    She found out in March of 2023.
  3. .
    I hope that Meg goes ahead and uses that name anyway. Jammy just assumed her blood clot was a girl.
  4. .
    QUOTE (Monday‚ Monday @ 13/4/2024, 20:00) 
    Avocado Toast

    Thank you!!!

    Can we please get a thread for Stephanie Harlowe/Crime Weekly News? There has been so much drama going on with her.
  5. .
    Okay, you guys called it. I just got home from visiting/ helping my dad with my mom. She was put on hospice after stopping chemo. I opened YT and saw Jammy’s big, fat crying face.

    Can anyone give me just a brief breakdown because I’m not sure when I will have a chance to go back and read everything I missed? I definitely won’t be watching it.
  6. .
    Totally off topic, but I know one of you can answer this: How do we request new forums? I feel like I’ve seen a place to do so, but I can’t find it.
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    QUOTE (Toomuchlaugh @ 2/4/2024, 10:02) 
    Running Jammy is back. Sigh. Thought she'd moved on to book writer...

    Why does she need shirts for each hobby, like she is soooo quirky? I wish she had bought one during her bread baking season that just said “YEAST”. I wish she’d learn to enjoy things without making them her whole personality. It would be much less annoying.
  8. .
    QUOTE (hotnbothered @ 24/3/2024, 01:57) 
    QUOTE (Mysterygal @ 22/3/2024, 21:44) 
    I'm sorry but I think that that Kate Middleton video looks very suspiciously like a deep fake. The whole thing is suspicious. All they needed to do was ask for privacy during a hard medical diagnosis or something like that and all the rumors would have stopped. Instead they put out doctored pictures and a weird video of somebody that didn't even look like her shopping. The whole thing is super suspicious. I don't understand the point of them not saying something before all the rumors started or right after.

    What is the point of faking anything about Princess Catherine? If she is dead why not just say so? I don’t get it.

    I agree. People need to stay out of her business. I guess people were quick to forget what happened when she was in labor with Prince George and people felt entitled to know everything. It makes me sick that people were trying to get her medical records. As someone who is currently watching my mother die of cancer, I understand why the royal family wasn’t quick to make the announcement. Kate has every right to take as long as she needs to come to terms with her diagnosis and she should be able to do so privately and on her own damn terms. I am so glad to not be on TikTok.
  9. .
    QUOTE (IsThisForReal @ 4/2/2024, 20:40) 
    If you choose to watch Squeaker D-Bag, please do it on invidious so she doesn't get you tube views.

    Here is the link:

    Anyone who can sit through one of her videos has my respect. Her voice grates my nerves, and calling everyone “neighbor” like she is Mr. Roger’s. :nono2:
  10. .
    I am trying to get caught up, but the whole Squealer D thing kind of pisses me off. No one here is a Greg fan, but the plain and simple truth is that he is NOT the YouTuber. Amy is. I am also fairly certain that his time spent on camera is because Amy forces it. Why is she digging up his past and why is it relevant? His ex and his estranged son did not ask to be blasted all over the internet. My sister was born to very young parents. Her bio dad had zip, zero, zilch to do with her. My dad married my mom when my sister was a year old. Trust me, it was for the best. No one wishes her bio dad was in the picture. I suspect the same is true for Greg’s first child. As for the other allegations: even if Gag Maryon is subscribed to every porn site known to man, I do not care. It’s a free country. He is not the only man who is into that sort of thing. I hope someone does a deep dive into that tiara-wearing lunatic’s past. She deserves a taste of her own medicine.
  11. .
    Oma’s basement was nicer.
  12. .
    How the hell is it that they couldn’t afford a house when she was cranking out videos and the housing market was decent, but now that housing prices are out of control and she barely makes the effort to squeak out one video a week, they can move out of the basement apartment?!
  13. .
    I guess I am the only person who doesn’t think that Gypsy Rose got enough time. I do not think that it is fair that she coerced her boyfriend into murdering her mother, just to get a lesser sentence. I also feel that she loves this attention and “fame”.
  14. .
    QUOTE (Mysterygal @ 20/12/2023, 22:21) 
    Has anyone watched Kendall Rae's new documentary 530 days? What do you think about it? Am I being over critical? They've been talking about it forever. I just started it and I've seen some clips and sorry but it is not what I expected at all when they said they were doing a documentary. This looks so amateur and there's a lot of Kendall and Josh in it. We really don't need to see them getting on the plane. They really didn't even need to show their faces at all but they're sitting there like they're Diane Sawyer or something nodding their heads with staged looks of sympathy on their faces. Idk I feel like they think they are famous and professionals when they're not at all. They are YouTubers that profit off of victim stories. It seems like high school kids made it. I think it's great that they're highlighting victims and their families and giving them a voice and everything but it seems like they're trying to highlight themselves more and profit off of victims. It feels very exploitative to me. The background music when victims are talking is so loud you can hardly even hear what they're saying. I mean do we really need 200 shots of Kendall and Josh with this look on their face blinking while people are sobbing and pouring their hearts out? Josh saying he feels rejuvenated after talking to a victim. Ugh. Them talking about the way they felt was unnecessary and in bad taste.


    I started watching it, but had to quit for the reasons you mentioned. Also, I am not a huge Josh fan. He loves to talk over Kendall and Janelle. I think he forgets that he is a cohost and not THE host.
  15. .
    QUOTE (Mysterygal @ 1/12/2023, 16:41) 
    Wait she's saying that she's 118 lb and a size 10? Hahahahaha. That's absolutely hilarious to me.

    She did say she is a size 10. I was just being overly dramatic about her weight. She said she lost mega mama lots and tons.
441 replies since 20/10/2018