The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by Onbreak

  1. .
    Thanks! I've missed you all!
    Things are mostly okay lol. Now.

    I think I've mentioned before that during the day I take care of my 90yo mother-in-law who has advanced dementia, and also work part time 5 days/wk in the evening as a caregiver at a 15 resident assisted living facility.

    The last few months have been a hellacious ride with my MIL. She went through a period of time where she wasn't sleeping at all so the doctor put her on lorazepam. Instead of it calming her down and helping her sleep, she had the opposite reaction. The worst week on it, she went 41 hours with no sleep and constant walking w/walker. She collapsed at the end of that from sheer exhaustion. My husband caught her. She finally slept a few hours and then she went 36 hours with no sleep and constant walking w/walker. Then she went through a period of psychosis, delusions, hallucinations, rages, crying jags. That experience. Needless to say we stopped that med but it still took time to get out of her system. My husband doesn't want to try any other meds because of that experience. We got her some THC gummies and they are helping with the sleeping. We still need to figure out the constant walking all day long (from the minute she gets up until she goes to bed) and some behavioral issues she has developed that are making life stressful (if you put together a super active toddler that won't stay out of anything or be still, and a sassy mouth 5-year-old, that's her). She fell last week because she was walking constantly but wasn't using her walker despite constant reminders, and kept going outside. Thank goodness it was a minor fall and she didn't break anything.

    It's been taking a toll. I found a gal that can come in for a few hours a couple of days a week to give me a break and she started last week. It's helping!

    Glad to see you around Towanda!
    Hope all is well.
  2. .
    My photo shop skills are a bad as hers.
  3. .
    I think next time she should take it closer to her face
  4. .
    QUOTE (Alohr @ 9/5/2024, 19:36) 
    Since she’s mother of the fucking year, wouldn’t her kids all KNOW that and rush to pamper her and give her gifts? She shouldn’t have to do that herself. Not on Mothers Day.
    Should be a true test of just how much they all care

    Well her kids should have someone take them to the Goodwill 15 minutes before closing time and just load up on any and all mark down shit items they see and gift them to her same way she does them.
  5. .
    QUOTE (Jemmer crack corn @ 5/9/2024, 09:14 AM) 
    QUOTE (SophiaPetrillo @ 9/5/2024, 14:36) 
    I wonder if she will have the kids for Mother's Day?
    Not that she would care either way. I bet she has a day of shopping, nice meals out by herself and end the day with an hour long massage.

    Frozen lasagna for the kids, or else she's going to terrorize a local restaurant.
    No reservations for a party of 15, sometimes 65 on Mother's Day.
    Or, church meal

    or root for yourselves children, Mama is not cooking or getting out of the house. Pile the gifts on my bed because that is where I will be.
  6. .
    Oh yes! My card she had on file was expired so I didn't think anything about having to unsubscribe but somehow even though I had completely different digits, they charged my new card. The dispute wasn't difficult at least. Cancelled then disputed the charge. That should be illegal. Only place she could have gotten the new card number was through Google I think.
  7. .
    I honestly believe she's pouting in a corner over the news about Monica and realizes she doesn't have much longer before Naomi leaves the Stewart compound fast quick and in a hurry. See what I did there JDelite?
    Now if she comes back and says her absence was grief for "Faith" suddenly returned I wouldn't be surprised one bit.
  8. .
    QUOTE (Justsayin @ 5/5/2024, 08:40 AM) 
    QUOTE (Onbreak @ 4/5/2024, 17:06) 
    She has a publishing company. Is she publishing this course?

    What does a publishing company do?

    Any mr Travis sightings? That would be a wild hashtag 🤣

    I could never really work out what the publishing company was all about but I thought she sold it a while back.

    people who know their writings,books etc will never get picked up by a real publisher do their own publishing
    and to try to save money,but they don't have the connections like big publishers so doubt their stuff get any good shelf space or success
    there are alot of these "publishers out there now that are pretty much just taking fools money
    "we will illustrate,edit,print and distribute your book for ****!"
    it is for people who were told no thanks by publishers to give away their money for a book they make for them but never gets sold anywhere
    it is scammy so I would bet that is type she has, where she lures people in with
    "$5000 value for only $299.99 limited time offer" like she does with her scam food "packets" and special member ship club BS
    always worth 100x what she actually charges, if you are only charging $149.99 scammy it is only worth $149.00
    and probably not even worth that
    she does all those scammer used car salesmen type ads for her crappy BS she tries to peddle to fools
    why on earth would anyone spend money at scammy jammy publishing company
    fool born every minute I guess
  9. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 5/2/2024, 09:12 AM) 
    She doesn't know how to be a friend because she's never had one, so she becomes "obsessed" with any woman that is willing to humour her for a little while. But I'm sure her chaos tornado turns them off soon enough, and then she's back to being friendless.

    I watch a woman from Las Vegas who thrifts for resale. She has alienated nearly every "friend" she has. She has moved to another set of friends. I am not sure how long this latest friendship will last but nothing is ever her fault. It may be already over because she is doing a lot of shopping by herself. She is bit of a know-it-all and I believe that is part of the problem. The last "set" of friends, she used them to get rides to estate sales, flea markets,yard sells etc. They had trucks and could haul her junk around. I only watch her because I like to see what the Las Vegas thrift stores have to offer. In a way she is like Jammy, who uses people to benefit herself, not to establish a true friendship.
  10. .
    She’s been packing up this house for what seems like months already. When is the big move?
    Every room she shows is completely empty. So the middle school aged kids have absolutely nothing to do beside video games in their rooms.

    Why aren’t these kids signed up for some type of sport with kids their age? Instead of sitting in the house all damn day long with
    no school
    no creative outlet
    no exercise
    no social interaction
    no engagement

    I don’t know how they don’t see this recipe for disaster that they are creating.

    QUOTE (Vamomof5 @ 1/5/2024, 20:01) 
    I’m not sure the FACTOR meals look much better than her slop. At least they have some different colors

    Tim probably suggested factor meals after being subjected to egg salad soup last week. 🤢🤢. I’m still recovering from looking at it, i don’t know how he ATE it
  11. .
    I thought originally the garage was supposed to be for Travis to work on his project cars or whatever. Then he got moved to a storage container. Then he still didn't get anything good to eat.
  12. .
    I’m not sure the FACTOR meals look much better than her slop. At least they have some different colors
  13. .
    Her teeth makes my skin crawl. She's got those crazy eyes like Susan from OITNB.
  14. .
    I can't watch Sarah. I can't look at her mouth. It grosses me out.
  15. .
    Egg salad is one of the easiest things to make. Why on earth would you make it ahead of time and let it sit in the refrigerator for days on end?

    I can’t think of anything more disgusting than watery egg salad. 🤢
15466 replies since 14/11/2018