The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Saul Goodman x

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    QUOTE (RosieBelle @ 2/5/2024, 13:20) 
    QUOTE (Saul Goodman x @ 2/5/2024, 12:23) 
    His mum was right after E1 was born, when she said he had a new toy to play with.

    Doesn't that statement ring all the bells 🤯 still Anna went on to make 4 (including squid) more babies.

    Yes it does, his mum knew what he'd be like and Anna gave in to him and had more kids. Even his 'joke' about giving her rohypnol to have more babies when they only had the E's, didn't put her off despite the fact she lost an opportunity with Asda over it.

    She must have made demands to agree to it, like having both A's in a private hospital and getting 'push' presents and more nannies for a short while. Now she's checked out of her marriage and in some extent her kids' lives, she used to help get them ready for bed etc but gets J to do it all whilst she goes to bed early.
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    I only know that the E's and Alessia have been going to Stage Coach which is the UK's largest franchise network of extra curricular performing arts schools for children aged 4 to 18. It has a lot of one star reviews on trustpilot, so isn't the best.

    If that's not what he means and he's talking about an actual stage school, I doubt E2 will get in as J's grooming has done that boy no favours and none of his kids have the talent to be accepted. It's much more competitive and harder to be accepted in those schools, so J is talking out of his arse as usual.

    The more he pushes those kids, the more he ruins them. He would've been wiser to have stopped showing them back when they were in their last house and he first said he'd stop showing the E's as they were getting older. He was lying as usual and is too lazy to earn a living by himself, so he carries on using his kids. His mum was right after E1 was born, when she said he had a new toy to play with. He certainly treats those kids as his possessions with no feelings. Some kids treat their toys better than J & A treat their kids.
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    Matt is still sucking up to Anna who is loving having a friend she can flirt with constantly.

    The more time he spends with Anna, the more he ruins his face with fillers and botox just like his bestie.
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    J uses this guy to make the thumbnails for him now, talk about lazy, or it uses up too much drinking time in the evenings. I guess in his mind he has no spare time as he does all the school runs since the A's left the old school, Anna only took them to see Matt and take snacks for his kids every day. Since the kids moved she's not interested and won't be helping with baths/showers after school either and leaves that to J. She probably goes to meet Matt after he's dropped his kids at school.
    The thumbnail looks creepy and fake, Alessia's hair isn't that long.

    While Anna must be far too busy dancing in cafes with Matt to acknowledge Albi's birthday herself and it's left to their dog walker to do instead.
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    In this reel Anna asks Matt if he's really not seen the film 13 going on 30 and suggests she should go over at his to have a movie night. If Matt really is gay and not bi then Anna's doing her best to turn him as she believes herself to be the most irresistible woman ever. This is from Matt's phone and her face and body look bigger here.

    Here she has a picture of Matt on her phone and teasing the fans re the nature of their friendship. Notice how the buttons on her too tight jeans are straining for dear life even when she's standing. Her face looks slimner here as she's using her camera where she uses fiters. Although those jeans can't lie. Also they're doing this in a public space and seem to have no shame whatsoever.

    I don't care what size she is by the way, it's the fact she uses filters and spouted body positivity before having surgery. She looked fine before but told other eating disorder sufferers that she accepting how she looked as it helped her get over bulimia, but it wasn't true as she wasn't happy. She did upset quite a lot of her fans who had eating disorders who felt they were lied to.
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    Billboard Chris Elston is known for travelling around the world with a billboard carrying messaging warning against the "errors of gender ideology", particularly in relation to children.

    Here he posted this about Eduardo and I really hope for E2's sake that his parents do not take things this far, no matter how desperate they are for money. However they are awful parents so i'm not sure they'll care. I agree that A & J do belong in prison.
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    Here's Matt doing his morning routine, Anna shared this. They are as narcissistic as each other.
    He must be getting some freebies as he has a picture of his daughter drinking some bubble tea and has tagged TKMaxx, her face is shown. If his ex didn't want his kids used for content, he should put a stop to this before Matt starts showing them more.
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    Re monies put away for the kids, when J bought the house he said he had used all their savings for the deposit to get the house. He was pleading poverty and was begging people to buy the kids book he had published at the time.

    Then, during lockdown, when brand deals were thin on the ground, he repeated that they had 'liquidated' their savings including the kids' to get by. I doubt they have replenished the kids' savings, if they really had any in the first place as he lies a lot.
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    QUOTE (UptownElegance @ 27/4/2024, 20:40) 
    QUOTE (RosieBelle @ 4/27/2024, 08:29 PM) 
    Honestly, I don't get any good vibes from the oldest Franke kids, Chad and Shari. Chad doesn't need to sell himself for gossips. The whole situation of Ruby-Jodi was beyond disgusting..but it's just my intuition, idk

    If the Ruby Franke case didn’t put a stop to family vlogging nothing will. How this is allowed to go on is beyond me.

    The platforms are at fault, it could end instantly if they banned all content involving children, but they won't as there's no laws stopping them. There's the brands too who use influencers with kids to sell their products, apparently it's cheaper than making TV adverts, but it's a poor excuse as you never know what issues the influencer has had in the past as they never seem to check. There's also the problem of child labour, usually forced by the parents who then pocket all the money earned by the child. These brands need to be fined heavily if they use kids in that situation. I don't know any child who would want to be ridiculed online just so their parents could make a living. I know it's different for the kids born into vlogging who know nothing else, or feel helpless to change their situation.

    The government should bring out laws to protect kids but nobody is doing anything, even the so-called child protection charities or Social Services do nothing.

    This should be a topic in schools everywhere, teaching young kids about the dangers of family vlogging and how they do not have to be filmed if they don't want to. I know they do talks about internet dangers but i'm not sure they talk about the dark side of family vlogging. Imagine if the E's were warned about it and realised they had rights and had numbers to call for the NSPCC etc, they'd be forewarned at least and be able to reply to A or J's blackmail attempts to make them feel they had to perform or risk losing their lifestyle. No child should give up their childhood to keep their parents.
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    Just some pictures from the time he was 'writing' his book and cooked up the idea with Anna to transition E2. He claimed he threw out all of his clothes in favour of more feminine items. That was only a ploy to get Eduardo to agree to get rid of his clothes and start wearing Emilia's old clothes and a few gifted items. J said E2 had a choice to go back but how could he? Whilst J quietly slipped back into his mens attire, once he was satisfied E2 was sufficiently brainwashed.

    These were interspersed with images of him trying to prove he was still with Anna despite his revelations about being non-binary.
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    Wasn't there another entity alongside Giselle who lived in Domdie? I'm sure he named someone else in his fairy story..., I mean book. The whole thing was fabricated, and J admitted that he wanted to be a girl, hence stealing his sister's undercrackers to wear to school.

    Then there's the story J shared about how he was in the changing rooms as a schoolboy before gym class and was wearing his sister's knickers, so he took them off and exposed himself to the other boys. :sick:

    I think he's projecting his desires onto E2 so he can get his kicks from seeing his son be the girl he wanted to be. Hence E2's OTT taught behaviour and not listening to him at the start when he said he was just a boy who liked to dress up.

    If Emilia or Alessia were tomboys and preferred more boyish clothes and toys, it wouldn't mean they were trans or would be lesbians when they were older. They'd just be normal kids playing. It's the same with Eduardo, although he was rarely given any alternative to dolls despite him liking things like dinosaurs.
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    Imagine behaving like two bratty kids in public, it explains why the SJ kids behave the way they do.

    They were patting each other's legs in the next reel, Anna must have enjoyed touching his bare thigh seeing as she's besotted with him.

    Of course they must have their daily cakes too...
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    Anna's still milking this as if she cares, she was over it a day after he passed.

    She's so heartbroken she's busy making stupid reels for her Instastories with Matt. She looks unhinged here.
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    QUOTE (eileen- @ 25/4/2024, 13:02) 
    The other kids will loooooove that E2 gets another day out without them, whilst they are stuck in school....

    I think the other kids have it much easier as they don't have to do endless Tiktoks to pay for the whole household like E2 is made to do. They get to go to school whilst E2 gets homeschooled which won't be much, he'll also be deprived of the social aspect of schooling and will be further manipulated by J & A and isolated. So a day out while his siblings get the benefit of an education isn’t much of a pay off in the long run.

    Add to that the implications of the trans storyline and how far his parents plan to take it, which could ruin his body irreversibly. The others won't ever have to deal with that on top of being filmed. J has already groomed him into putting on an OTT character, I had a quick look at J's latest video and Emilia is as obnoxious as ever but has the advantage of not having to do as many Tiktoks or change her identity etc.

    I know after reading elsewhere E2 gets quite a bit of hate even for the slightest thing, I feel as sorry for him as his siblings for being exploited. I personally don't blame him but his parents and every other adult in his life who could've stopped this.
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    I read elsewhere that Matt has had positive comments from other men under his pervy posts, so it'll encourage him to do this more. If anyone tells him he looks ridiculous he puts the waterworks on to gain sympathy.

    When he first met Anna he was quiet and mumbled a few words, now he's the opposite. He won't ever be rich or famous by doing this, but A & J will have filled his head with impossible dreams and he's believed them. It's his kids who I feel sorry for and if he isn't careful, he could alienate them with his behaviour.

    It looks like Anna took E2 to Brighton, no doubt to see Erika. It looks like E2 is definitely not in school.
    I wonder what Erika feels about her sister's weird life in a sham marriage, semi permanently attached to her bestie Matt who she behaves like a child with, and continuing to allow her son to be groomed by the buffoon she married.
4123 replies since 18/11/2018