The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Vegan Crumb Manager

  1. .
    I don't know about you guyz, but unless my marriage is majorly sucking, I don't feel the need to dedicated a page in my planner to read marriage related books. And I surely don't feel the need to buy a marriage gratitude journal on top of already having a plain gratitude journal. :confused-smiley-emoticon-1:

    So many things are snarkworthy in that video, srsly so.many.things, but I want to say a gigantic positive:

    GOOD JOB for getting him speech therapy!! :thumbs-up: :giving-thumbs-up-smiley-emotico :clapping-hands-above-head-smile

    Now get rid of his GD pacifier!
  2. .
    QUOTE (cardboard food @ 1/9/2020, 04:27 AM) 
    I especially liked the story where she has a video to post about her new work bag Matt got her for Christmas. But when he got it, it was $50 and now Amazon has it for $200. And now how can she do the video when the bag is $200, nobody will want to buy it for that. AKA no point doing a video if she can't get those affiliate dollars!

    Very small financial channel I watch, has 9k subs. She shows how much she makes in affiliate links a month, it's $500-$600. If that size channel that links just casually in their description box makes that much, how much do you suppose link whore Sam makes. Enough that she doesn't want to post a video if she can't link the $50 bag. Ridiculous.

    What channel is that? I always enjoy finding new finance channels.

    Of course she wants to do a video with the now expensive bag because she is trying to prove he finally bought her a decent present :smoking-smiley-face:
  3. .
    I think she did have to work if she wanted that big ass house and to keep up with her shopaholic tendencies. We speculated at the time of the move that it was possibly a cut back for Dan because all of a sudden she was talking simpler life and "lifestyle change" and all that. Then she showed us her smaller, more humble house.
  4. .
    QUOTE (wife of the beats @ 1/8/2020, 03:10 PM) 
    In the comments of her latest vlog she is asked if she works during the summer. She stated her hours shift, yes they shift to zero. Proof us wrong Sam

    The things that stress and overwhelm her are the most mundane easy tasks

    Stop using the phrase "push through" you rest and nap more than anyone

    Yes and it's baffling. Her youngest kid is seven, right! I could understand if her kids were all tiny but they aren't.
  5. .
    That's rich from someone who doesn't even leave the house to grocery shop.

    Sadly announcing that makes her look silly whether or not they go to all those places. 1. If she doesn't go then she looks like a poser and full of shit. 2. If she does go, then I will side eye her real hard for not already having a house already. That's a lot of money to blow on 47 trips in a year. Shit like that is precisely why they don't have a house.
  6. .
    QUOTE (bitchybetty @ 1/7/2020, 05:51 PM) 
    She acts like they are going to take 10 trips this year. Yeah right. Maybe 2

    Where did she say that? Of course they will take 10. Just like they took that amazing Hawaiian babymoon trip... :crying:

    Srsly Jamie, are we going to get 4 two minute videos this week? Don't wear yourself out there.
  7. .
    Based on his dad's eyes, I'm guessing he will need a lot of vision correction if his eyes are going to present normally. It looks like they have been working on it. I won't snark her for that.
  8. .
    QUOTE (ThelmaHarper @ 1/7/2020, 06:23 AM) 
    She is doing a “finansho” Q&A? There are people who are asking the perpetual renter for financial advise? I find that very amusing. My husband and I were way ahead of her and Colby when we were their age. They even had several years more than we did to start planning, as my hubs and I we were several years older than Jamie and Colby when we got married and started our financial journey! Bottom line is Jamie stayed home when they didn’t have kids which wasted several years of doubling their income, which would have enabled them to invest in properties or savings, just something to propel them so she could stay home once they had kids. Wanting her financial advice? No thank you. Not everyone wants to purposely live in squalor.

    ^^Agree with all of this. I think she does these BS money videos to try to make them look better off than they are. Remember how they were saving a billion dollars for a house and a vacation and this and that? Yet they rented a dumpy place yet again? I'm sure she will have some excuse for renting & tell us about how they already have half a billion saved up already.
  9. .
    Who in the f*cking hell asked for a "finanshoe" Q and A from her?!

    What's with her IG post about TWO gratitude journals. Really? Two? I'd understand one (or she could just use a notebook or a planner she's probably already got 5 of). Sounds like someone is miserable and trying very hard to find some happiness with TWO gratitude journals.
  10. .
    We ask for no gifts now that there are nieces and nephews but our parents still insist. Usually it's cash so we take it and thank them. I don't have a problem with them getting gifts or even cash from their parents, but I think using that and declaring that you're doing a "no spend" is disingenuous. My family also does a no spend every January and it means NO SPENDING in January, minimal necessities, minimal groceries, nothing extra.
  11. .
    Here are my opposing theories & they may have already been posted by someone else. I think they are separated (whether he's living in the basement or out of the house, who knows), but she's being sneaky about showing him on purpose.

    I think he initiated it and she's showing glances of him to try to get people to STFU. She's personally having trouble mentioning him and said some crap like "Don is fine, he's just working a lot". Honey, working a lot doesn't mean he is completely gone and he's no longer wearing his wedding band!

    I think she's trying to sort of cover up the fact that he's gone by sneaking him in occasionally.

    Clearly in the light festival photo, it seemed like he didn't know his photo was being taken. Also the Christmas morning death glare, it looked like he was on his phone too distracted to notice she was filming and when he did notice, he glares and she cuts it off. She can't outright show happy family with don because they aren't. It might be so tense and she's unable to film when he's there most of the time because it may be obvious they aren't together if she tries to film a lot when he's around.

    About the ring, have we EVER seen him without his wedding band? That's bigger to me than not putting themselves on the xmas cards. (For the record, my husband and I don't even wear ours, but that's our normal, it seems like Don always wore his).

    On the flip side, I am wondering if she is trying to drop hints occasionally by showing him absent, because legally she isn't allowed to discuss any of it.

    I'm not sure if she's trying to cover it up or she's trying to tell us. Either way, it's clear that they are not together & I'm a train lifer. I just can't figure out what the hell she is doing. :being-confused-smiley-emoticon:
  12. .
    Holy scripted video, batman. Why don't you just go ahead and read from a cue card, Sam. Way to come off as genuine and authentic...

    Also, so defensive with her "title" on Youtube. She's really trying to clap back at everything discussed here.

    Great decision getting rid of other IG accounts. What an epic fail for her trying to manage the other ones. This isn't snark, it really was a great decision to ditch the other ones. It was too much.

    Yes, good job, Sam, you are disclosing affiliate links. YOU ARE FOLLOWING THE LAW. All infuencers are supposed to do that legally.

    Is she trying to be... hip, sassy, snarky, cool, edgy? She just comes across to me as a tryhard.

    Also the thing about only liking YouTubers who don't do it as their full time job because ??? :being-confused-smiley-emoticon: yes, dis the people who can actually make a living off of it while you go drive 4054 hours a day to your pretend job at your husband boss office. The other employees probably roll their eyes when you come in as you please.

    She comes across very holier than thou at the very end.

    LAstly, (not in order of topics in the video), I just want to put this out there about her comments about not vlogging anymore...


    You got thin skin, Sam. Really the entire video proves it but the vlogging section moreso than the rest.

    ETA: I shouldn't have posted before finishing the video. THe only part I liked was her addressing her eyebrows!
  13. .
    I hope she did put him in speech. He's two and shouldn't be just yelling like that.
  14. .
    How many times is she going to make videos about making videos?!
  15. .
    I agree they looked good to me too! I would have eaten those. :thumbs-up:

    To keep with the snark: they sure as hell don't look gluten free to me.

    Also, proves how little they have going on when she IGs 500 cookie photos. If you have time to make 4000 cookies, you probably have time to make one video per week and stick to your own goals. But what do I know. :being-confused-smiley-emoticon:
359 replies since 21/11/2018