The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by TruthHurts

  1. .
    It's a good thing Josh made a snark video. She always stays nice and quiet after a Josh video.
  2. .
    This is too much.🙈💩
  3. .
    QUOTE (Dismom8606 @ 27/9/2021, 23:37) 
    TruthHurts it's the little things that mean the most to teachers. Maybe have your kids write them a note telling them how they applied a standard or lesson to their everyday activities. Maybe like "Mrs./Mr (teachers name) I watched a show and I remember you teaching us about__________."

    Or you can write a note thanking them for all the times they missed important events due to lesson planning, grading papers, staying late for after hour school functions.

    If you want to spend money, don't spend a lot. Maybe some eye gel pads, a sheet mask and a white cloth. Little things matter most.

    Thank you, that means a lot ❤
  4. .
    I see that and my jaw drops that's crazy. I have the upmost respect for teachers, it's a very stressful job. I also appreciate all the time y'all invest in our kids. I honestly wish I could do something special for my kids' teachers because of how much I appreciate them, but I don't know how to show my appreciation. Please feel free to give me ideas. You are a real gem. Not like Meg's chakra rocks!
  5. .
    QUOTE (unicorncandy @ 26/9/2021, 23:50) 
    QUOTE (TruthHurts @ 9/26/2021, 02:22 PM) 
    I think they write off as much as possible. Remember CR said they told her to lie on her taxes and who knows if she lied to get PPP loans. Sure they like to splurge at bath and body works,home goods, and traveling, but I spend a lot on those things too and I'm not rich, not even close. I also spend $300+ on groceries a week. Meg couldn't keep up with my spending habits. I can go target and homegoods everyday. The way she spends and the money she makes on views don't add up.

    I'm like to think I'm really minimal, but I spend a lot on facials and skincare, I have a serious sneaker addiction and with teen boys my grocery bill is insane. We make good money, don't carry any debt and our home is paid off. Our kids go to private school and we have funded their 529s since birth, and have been otherwise investing for over 25 years. In our position, I feel comfortable spending how I do. Meg's spending makes me nervous, but I'll admit I'm fairly conservative when it comes to what I view as wasting money. I don't decant my entire pantry, I have cute bins but nothing like these YTers do (would be pointless anyway with how my kids eat). I don't buy every trend that comes down the pike and I try reallllllllly hard not to buy things that will just end up in the landfill in a year. Even my seasonal decor is nice/quality but I have a ton of it that I've collected over the years, adding a piece or three every season.

    We were "poor" when we were young. Not like Meg and Justin seemed to be but we definitely had to budget in extras when we still had student loan debt, so I semi-understand her desire for better now that she's made some money but the thing with her is, the money isn't continuing to grow. My husband and I both grew in our careers, increasing our income, and therefore our saving/spending/budgeting habits have changed over the years to reflect that change -- as most people do. Meg seems to be making less than before but spending the same, if not more, than when she was making that doctor's pay.

    Same here, we have no debt, our home and cars are paid for. Our kids also attend a private school, but I always feel a little uncomfortable when people ask what school my kids go to. Then they start asking why I send my kids to a private school and also ask how much it cost. I hate answering those questions, especially about money. Do you have the same problem? Somebody has even asked why I send my kids to a private school when they can get a free education.

    With that being said, we do live a humble life and I don't own a Mercedes, lol.

    QUOTE (Dismom8606 @ 27/9/2021, 03:19) 
    QUOTE (unicorncandy @ 26/9/2021, 23:50) 
    I'm like to think I'm really minimal, but I spend a lot on facials and skincare, I have a serious sneaker addiction and with teen boys my grocery bill is insane. We make good money, don't carry any debt and our home is paid off. Our kids go to private school and we have funded their 529s since birth, and have been otherwise investing for over 25 years. In our position, I feel comfortable spending how I do. Meg's spending makes me nervous, but I'll admit I'm fairly conservative when it comes to what I view as wasting money. I don't decant my entire pantry, I have cute bins but nothing like these YTers do (would be pointless anyway with how my kids eat). I don't buy every trend that comes down the pike and I try reallllllllly hard not to buy things that will just end up in the landfill in a year. Even my seasonal decor is nice/quality but I have a ton of it that I've collected over the years, adding a piece or three every season.

    We were "poor" when we were young. Not like Meg and Justin seemed to be but we definitely had to budget in extras when we still had student loan debt, so I semi-understand her desire for better now that she's made some money but the thing with her is, the money isn't continuing to grow. My husband and I both grew in our careers, increasing our income, and therefore our saving/spending/budgeting habits have changed over the years to reflect that change -- as most people do. Meg seems to be making less than before but spending the same, if not more, than when she was making that doctor's pay.

    There's nothing wrong with the life you live. It sounds like you've worked hard for it. The problem with Meg is not her desire for "stuff" we all want "stuff." Meg and Justin are condescending, arrogant, rebellious, insensitive humans. Meg prides herself on pushing the envelope. That is why she constantly post stories of how she wants Julie to "dare to be different." There's nothing wrong with charting your own course, but not at the expense of hurting others. Meg relishes in the fact that she was able to introduce Justin to a different way of thinking. She knew he came from a home of believers. Their faith was in God. It didn't matter to them if people viewed their faith as extreme, they were committed to the idea that they would rather die believing in God, than to die as unbelievers, only to find out that God was real. Meg prides herself on being able to take this very young man away from his parents, introduce him to ghost, paranormal ideologies, and now manifestation and energy. She knows what it's doing to his family, but she couldn't care less. She views that as empowerment. She thinks it's cool posting stories of herself as a nice girl battling some sort of inner demon. Meg has pushed away family and good friends because she views humility and submission as weakness. So her message to Julie is: "be a rebel. Who cares about school? When someone tries to offer you wisdom and constructive criticism, don't take it. You call the shots. As long as there's Botox, fillers, and filters, you'll make it in life." That's why she doesn't care to post much about Ross, because he's like the old Justin. Julie is like her. You are a good steward of your family's money; caring for others, and making smart choices. Meg views money as power and control over anyone who doesn't have a similar lifestyle. She truly wants to be the big fish. You are an example of financial freedom and humility. Meg doesn't possess those qualities, and that's why she's experiencing calamity.

    You hit the nail on the head.
  6. .
    I think they write off as much as possible. Remember CR said they told her to lie on her taxes and who knows if she lied to get PPP loans. Sure they like to splurge at bath and body works,home goods, and traveling, but I spend a lot on those things too and I'm not rich, not even close. I also spend $300+ on groceries a week. Meg couldn't keep up with my spending habits. I can go target and homegoods everyday. The way she spends and the money she makes on views don't add up.
  7. .
    If she believes in ghost, witchcraft is right up her alley. I hope she's not casting a spell on us. Julie and Ross' behavior is a cry for help. Wait til they get a little older and she can't control them.
  8. .
    Who here knows about these rocks? I think it's a chakra kit, interesting.
  9. .
    Instead of Meg worrying about her hormones she needs to worry about her children. Ross desperately needs therapy for his feet and Julie needs to get her blood checked. I wouldn't be surprised if she has an iron deficiency and is anemic. She needs to throw all the junk away in the homeschool room and replace it with fruit.

    Also, if I was worried about fertility, I would never rely on an at home test. I would go to a real doctor and get myself checked out because it could be something serious.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Dismom8606 @ 14/9/2021, 01:51) 
    Hmm, I see Meg or her cusband paid us a visit on the thread. Hey Meggy, keep rolling out those daily videos. It'll take four of them to catch up to one of Beaston's. Do what ya gotta do girl! We ain't mad😉

    Remember the day when Meggy said she doesn't care about the algorithm. Remember when Meggy said she'll put up videos when she feels like it. Remember when Meggy said she couldn't be cancelled. Now look who has to roll out a daily video to pay the mortgage. Sometimes it's just good to keep your mouth shut.

    Cusband 😂
  11. .
    You all make good points on having navy, black, and dark natural doors and I agree it does make a home look upper class. I do also like some exterior colored doors. When done right, they can look so cute and charming. However, when Meg does it, it just looks cheap. It was alright when she did it at the trailer, but she needs to stop being so tacky and abide by the HOA rules.
  12. .
    QUOTE (Jayanna886 @ 29/8/2021, 22:38) 
    There was something so off with her in today's video. Something is definitely up, she just didn't seem her usual self and came across almost nervous and sad.

    It feels like she's on the brink of a mental breakdown. I sensed a lot of anxiety. Maybe she was on her period and it was just her hormones or something.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Wayupnorth @ 21/8/2021, 16:49) 
    QUOTE (Elle Avate @ 20/8/2021, 21:28) 
    If she ever really consulted an interior decorator. She is so impressed with her own ideas I'm not sure her ego would even allow her to do that.

    It was Justin!! Justin was the Interior Decorator!!
    Justin is EVERY professional Meg consults!!
    Comment deleter
    Tile layer
    Car buyer
    Vacation planner
    Cleaning lady
    He homeschooled the kids before she hired a “teacher”
    Therapist for Meg
    Pediatrician for Ross
    Cleaner sniffer
    Spray painter if the junk
    Fluffer of the throw pillows
    Back patter
    Life coach

    It’s all Justin!

    I'm so late, but he's also her lawyer and and bookkeeper.
  14. .
    Not that I know of. I think smaller cleaning channels were the only ones using her product and making videos. Maybe they wanted a shout out or something. But, Lynn and Amanda don't really need Meg. They can stand on their own two feet. Meg should be humbled by that.
  15. .
    Haha I'm gonna have to pick it up next time I go to Target. She said it was only 2 bucks.
88 replies since 20/3/2019