The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by Truth

  1. .
    So her favorite diaper bag is the one she never carries? She always carries another brand. Make it make sense.
  2. .
    Anyway, imagine thinking rolling around on a cowhide while having someone film it is good content to post. 😂
  3. .
    Don’t worry everyone- she likes being the bad guy…and the bad mom…and the bad friend. She’s trying to embrace the fact that she’s a piece of shit so she can justify her behavior
  4. .
    Gotta prioritize getting hammered and getting your ratty hair done over taking care of your neglected infant’s medical needs.
  5. .
    She’s so cringey and embarrassing.
  6. .
    Cone head is the word I was looking for! If Kodi wasn’t horizontal all her life I’d believe she just inherited Aaryns flat deflated head.

    She also has huge, long, flappy ears. 👂 The long ears and flat cranium are not a vibe. Side profile accentuates the fleshy floppy grandpa ears. Now the extensions make sense.

    Why does she think she’s soO attractive?
  7. .
    QUOTE (Mysterygal @ 25/7/2022, 22:05) 
    QUOTE (Lovetoseeit @ 25/7/2022, 19:05) 
    Is she seriously still doing these extensions? She can't even do her somewhat cute buns she used to do all the time. Now it's just a mess. I personally am over the super heavy, dense, doll hair look. I think as natural as possible is the way to go these days....shiny, healthy, and most people look best with their natural color. Just my opinion.

    I agree. Extensions are so 2017. They don't look cute at all. They look fake AF.

    She probably needs them to hide her flat ass head. Have you ever seen her head in profile with one of her stupid high buns? She has a cone head lol.
  8. .
    QUOTE (bunnybalm @ 25/7/2022, 17:52) 
    Why do you need to fat-shame every one, not just Aaryn?

    Who are you? You know who we are we , or incase you hadn't realized we are a gossip site not Aaryns fan page... I think you keep coming to the wrong page. Aaryn deserves every criticism we give her because she herself doesn't hold back being a racist , homaphobic and fat shames other people. She neglects her children neglects her own body by not looking after it. She also encourages others to neglect themselves too.. just take Nick's penis infection after she let him be idiotic after his vescotomey. She's the worst influncer to her subscribers and own family. So many women look up to her for whateverfucked up reason and here she is not exercising and counting on a random drug to help her lose weight.If you support her stay on her subscriber accounts and show your support there. She doesn't come her to scroll through comments and find people defending her so she can become BFFS with them so your wasting her time if you want to be her Hero. Influncers like her need to be called out because they encourage neglect, hateful and uneducated comments. You and her cult will pay her lead you right off a cliff it's disgusting. You come at us for calling her out? But you defend her for all hateful things and neglect she shows without shame?
  9. .
    Maybe she didn’t open her eyes wide enough at the warehouse sale but it looks like all the fat, jealous heifers hanging by a thread were the ones slurping up LaCroix to get a chance to stand next to a racist.
  10. .
    Aaryn thinks we are all jealous of her looks. Now I’m not one for vanity or placing value on looks, but hey Aaryn I used to model back in my younger days and am 5’2 and a buck 25. I don’t have big monkey ears or vampire teeth.. you aren’t the looker you think you are. I mean get over yourself you have a flat 90° angle head, wonky McDonalds arch eyebrows, naturally thin lipped and you have alcohol/botox bloat not to mention ugly personality. I also have a happy marriage of 14 years now and love my girls. 0 jealousy for you here!
  11. .
    Wow that poor baby.
  12. .
    That blue is so fkng ugly🤣🤣 $100k to look like an 80’s station wagon I can’t 🤣
  13. .
    QUOTE (CrazyDaisy22 @ 22/7/2022, 22:04) 
    Random thought:

    Your baby is almost NINE months old and can't sit up unassisted. Doesn't crawl, doesn't stand. Doesn't even move since she's forever in a carseat or stroller. Can she hold onto things like toys or a bottle, without help?!

    How about taking that insane impulsivity of weight loss and using that same energy into helping your child develop and grow?!

    My thought, my words.


    Kodi spent her first six months isolated in bed with her mother. It’s alarming, the baby looks flaccid sitting in her carseat, waving her arms around. It appears no signs of teeth.
  14. .
    QUOTE (Minions2014 @ 18/7/2022, 15:42) 
    LMAO isn't Gordon Ramsay the chef? Such solid advice.

    What an idiot. And to say she just spends and spends. That's relatable. Follow Aaryn's advice and you too can spend all your money, get high on prescriptions, and not have sex.
  15. .
    she is better off donating the ugly crap to goodwill for a tax write off. im guessing its a hit to the ego that she didn't have thousands flooding the place like she thought. even had mom come out to help. go drink more nail polish remover Aaryn. better luck next time.
606 replies since 29/4/2019