The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Lizzieindi90

  1. .
    What happened to bad neighbour she deleted her account.

    I felt so sorry for Abigail no interest in her easter toys just the food. I haven't been watching a lot of them as I have been ill. Hope you are all well.
  2. .
    Thanks for your advice. You do not need to justify yourself to anyone. I believe you.
  3. .
    I think I have coronavirus what were your symptoms I have a temperature not much of a cough but I feel really ill. Also I was sick last night. This feels a little like a hangover.. I have not drank sorry if this post is not appropriate I just wanted to know from someone who has had the virus
  4. .
    Vile pos using Raf she need a mental health
  5. .
    Is this altered she looks a decent size here. In other news how is everyone, this is a horrific time for us all. Just went to Lidl with my face mask on futile most likely and a woman collapsed with breathing difficulties. I am hoping it was a panic attack. We were evacuated from the shop, some of us did not even have to pay for our goods just told to leave immediately. Hope all bakers are ok it is all ages this disease is affecting young old health difficulties irrelevant we all deserve to live a long happy life xxxxx

    Edited by Lizzieindi90 - 26/3/2020, 14:40
  6. .
    I hope you and your husband recover as fast as possible I actually know a few hospital workers that have it here in South Wales. All of them so far are not experiencing serious symptoms The hospital staff all over the world are heroes in this crisis, along with all the other workers like supermarket staff, pharmacists and their staff, delivery drivers, essential office workers, factory workers and all other workers I have not mentioned who are helping us at this really evil time ❤❤❤

    Someone mentioned here earlier that people are going into work sick. My partner works with a man who's partner is a teacher and has been in contact with children who returned from Italy, the man continued to go to work despite his wife being the illest she has been in her life, 111 NHS refuses test as they didn't have enough and advise him not to go to work. He continues to go to work even though a colleague has a daughter with a serious heart condition. Selfish if anything had happened it would have been carnage this was about a month ago as the NHS told his 80% chance he had it.

    Edited by Lizzieindi90 - 23/3/2020, 09:36
  7. .
    I know someone kn intensive care she is a gp.hope you hubby is ok xx
  8. .
    Why are they so thick sculled? The whole world would not be stopping everything for a bad case of flu.
  9. .
    Hardar saying he could only work in a job that specialising in weaponry maintenance. Fuck off action man. You need a job you will not find one now in this crisis.
  10. .
    Stupid is as stupid does as MayaD said. No trip normally world pandemic let's go on a road trip. Do they realise the hotels maybe shut? Only essential travel maybe allowed. Why? His military friends cannot fly home, my cousin is stuck in Philadelphia when she wants to be home with her elderly parents. She works there and was about to fly back before the flight bans On a nicer note Abigail pretending to on the phone to the police was sweet.

    Edited by Lizzieindi90 - 17/3/2020, 15:39
  11. .
    Your country appears to have a lower death toll than other European Countries 5000 cases and 12 deaths so you all must be something correct. Just an article on the BBC I just came across xx

    Worldometers is a good stats website. I will refrain from banging on about the virus as this site maybe an escape for some people.

    Your youngest sounds hilarious ❤

    Edited by Lizzieindi90 - 16/3/2020, 16:42
  12. .
    Batido de Mamey
    Thank you, everyone is in panic mode but it will not change anything I agree .

    With what I said about Boris I just meant he looked so stressed. He has the luxury of placing his parents and pregnant finance in a mansion somewhere we are just told to get on with it. Its wrong that Amazon are taking our money and an extortionate amount for £1 products and should not charge the money until they know that have stock

    I got some toilet roll today 😁 and antibacterial wipes.
    I actually had to resort to wiping my butt with baby wipes which is great apart from you cannot flush or recycle them.

    As for the Fooly's I just cannot they are selfish the pair of them. I hope Andrea has done her mother a shop if she couldn't order online. Hardar needs an assessment more than his son.

    Edited by Lizzieindi90 - 16/3/2020, 13:50
  13. .
    I am freaking out in the UK with this coronavirus my elderly grandparents refuse to stay in and are sneaking out. Despite all their shopping being done, they insisted on going out to the garden centre and the town centre for a light which they do not need. The UK is considering herd immunity despite this being an unknown virus and we literally have no ventilators at the hospitals if we need them. Every other country in Europe appears to be doing a better job.

    Our prime minister looks as if he is having a nervous breakdown and will probably go into isolation. Order hand sanister and rubbing alcohol from Amazon they charged 40 pound they still have not arrived. Partner works in a mass gathering power plant which they refuse to shut.

    My parents I am worried for and my daughter all of my family as we all. If the coronavirus does not get me then the stress bloody will. Had to rant I am going spare here. I feel for everyone in this situation its awful
  14. .
    I do not think LGM is very well. YouTube is making her ill.
  15. .

    Elite writers clique? I am not in that if it exists. My posts always have mistakes. Would she able to youtube on disablity
454 replies since 5/6/2019