The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by DaisyMay

  1. .
    Saywhat, he has a baby blanket he still sleeps with. In the other apartment on 5th. she made a video and even said so.
  2. .

    My wife is hotter than yours!
  3. .
    :thumbs-up: There is a Dennis out there as well!!! Gungor is thanking his lucky stars. Berk really needs to hit the road and get the hell out of dodge. With all her nasty talk about gays and wanting dogs to bite off the faces just like they did Brooklinn Khoury. He might should be worried. Brooklinn removed being friend on his IG page, but Karly didn't it all goes full circle. Watch out Berk.
  4. .
    Little Miss. Fizz Arbonne lasted 2.5 seconds! LMAO
  5. .
    10 hours ago (edited)
    Loribeth428 or ll42863 does NOT want people on the spectrum to view her channel even if they function, in life, far better than she does. So she can’t compliment or find an ideal woman and now she has asked all imperfect women or women on the spectrum to stay off her channel. It’s time that all question why they continue to watch this hateful, jealous woman - she’s a bully and has threatened 💀☠️ on to other women/woman on YouTube. What’s too far?

    I listened to 1/4th of this and majority doesn’t describe me or is the opposite of me. Some aspects do. So this woman isn’t like me but all of aren’t welcome on Loribeth428 channel. She’s lovely. 😂
    7 Signs of Autism in Women with Barb Cook (DSM-5 Symptoms of Autism/Aspergers in Autistic Adults)

    Lori you've dug your own work grave! Enjoy!
  6. .
    True. Very sad. TayTay HunnieB etc. all claim to be God fearing people but all think it's ok when LARDS is making fun of others and its cute when Pompom is choking. I don't understand them. Not one of them have a child or a grandchild that is on the autism spectrum. Not ONE said "HEY that's not cool Lori" not one!
  7. .
    Paid Govt Operative
    ‘Starbucks is a rip off’ says the ebeggar who spent$7 on a 4 oz iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts.
    Paid Govt Operative

    Is there any furniture in that Section 8 apt? It echos.
    Keep eating 🐳
    Paid Govt Operative
    Is there any furniture in that Section 8 apt? It echos.
    Shamu isn't up LOL
  8. .
    She got fired from the pool job. She wasn’t there 3 days. One shouldn’t make fun of children that are sponsored by someone you are working for. Another Mensa moment. I was thinking the same thing about her sooner or later in a drunk live giving away what her con is. Tucson College of Beauty 6 min drive from Metro Tucson Apartments another giveaway from Lardy.
  9. .
    Wow! That's a strict pain management! I've been in pain management in CA for years and have never had to bring my pills into the office. Yes, I've had many injections. Just be careful you don't get too many in the same visit. I had my hip bursitis both sides and both knees done at the same time and I was down for 3 days. Much relief after that though. Best of luck you get relief

    Lolly and Pops
  10. .
    That seat is broken! WOW!


    Lourdes Selman
    ​My mother never paid for anything. If there is a mom out there that will pay for everything please adopt me 😀😀
  11. .
    Here it is the look she is going for!
    RachelTeeKae HER BFF not a thought of her own damn LARDASS!

  12. .
    Certainly a far cry from Brookline, huh? Yikes. I would come back in a heartbeat. Learn to ski….winter’s not so bad.

    Wow. Glad your ok and didn't escalate...
    @louiscassas they r too strung out to escalate, I didn’t yell at them, I shamed them, not for what they are doing…I could give 2 shits but that they chose an apt complex picnic table where kids play when there r thousands of other places they can smoke and no one will bother them
  13. .
  14. .
    ​Yeah, the guy that did mine, did Justin Bieber’s , Lol
    She was telling her all about her Viking dreadlocks
    Dream on Lards!

    loribeth428 ( new IG )
    She is smoking crack he is filthy and the other one is in a beautiful car with a brand-new puppy I asked them to do their business elsewhere like seriously you’re going to smoke crack on private property so I stood there and waited while they packed up and left, this is so foreign to me coming from where I did on the East Coast to basically the slum of Arizona this problem is rampant here

    Enjoy your new gated community Mrs. Langer!
  15. .
    actually, that pig looks kind of cute! LOL
4958 replies since 14/7/2019