The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by NowWhat

  1. .
    The gum to curb her dragon breath- GO GET YOUR TEETH CLEANED AND EXAMINED
    Gingivitis is a real problem ignorant trashbox
  2. .
    Stacy if stress and work caused hashimoto disease then EVERYONE would have it
    You are ignorant
  3. .
    Wow the way she was talking and then bang she is yelling - I can only imagine how she rages when her phone is not in her face- I can totally see her screaming at her daughter and kicking her fake toe nail off :hearty-laugh:
    Add bipolar to your laundry list of illnesses Stacy
  4. .
    Stacy you were already taking a shit ton of supplements BEFORE your diagnosis!

    I did not see any of her cousins or her uncle at her 21st birthday party and the only mention of her grandparents was Stacy talking bad about her mother on stories- using Stacy’s definition of harassment and slander her comments qualify for both
  5. .
    Stacy you are the one making vague threats! Have your digital forensics company look at your husband’s internet history- that is something that should concern you!

    Her acting like her diagnosis is debilitating is a joke- take thyroid meds and avoid gluten- I have two friends that had thyroid cancer and handled that so much better than this!
    No way she can handle menopause that is coming or any significant health problems!
  6. .
    I think this was the first time Stacy read here since ketoCON and she has lost her mind about the photos of her- everything else is a lie
    The way she carried on about her face yesterday- making PornoRoy and her daughter get cheek to cheek - one of the worst displays of her insecurities and there are multiple
    She clearly received messages about her FMD worshiping but no way I believe a random stranger messaged the oldest
    I hope she continues to lose followers and remember you don’t have to follow her to watch her stories
  7. .
    Stacy- anybody ever see a FMD and leave with NO diagnosis of something? There is your scam
    FMD literally selling their supplements in their offices….. never have I had my MD try to sell me anything from their office after a visit
    I have a 30 minute physical yearly and never am rushed
    No prescription drug ever forced on me
    You are ignorant - and it shows
  8. .
    How many years ago were her root canals? Stacy said it has been years since she saw a dentist I’m betting at least a decade- going on about not being diagnosed? Bitch - you can not get diagnosed if you avoid seeing a doctor for YEARS again probably a decade or more- the fact she doesn’t get her children to a doctor or dentist is neglect
    Her dogs are neglected too
    Stacy should not be in charge of a single living thing
  9. .
    Did she ever say what this message was?
    Funny no screenshot Stacy?!?
    I think it is another LIE
    No grown woman messaged her child
    If anything it was another teen probably about her “ boyfriend “ if it happened deal with it privately
    You and your husband were pushing for your CHILD to be in a relationship so these are the consequences that can happen when children get involved with grown up situations
  10. .
    She doesn’t understand how medicine even works- ins will NOT cover full panels because your neighbors cousin has whatever- and let’s be clear most people bitch about their 20 copay- they don’t want to pay out of pocket for a damn thing-
    She thinks drs convince you to buy something you don’t need so they can get a kickback no dumbass that is what influencers do
    Stacy you need psych meds!!!
  11. .
    She knows the best attorney y’all!!
    She said “F around and find out”
    Defamation? Slander?
    BITCH please
    PORNO Roy must be out this evening- nobody home to shut her off - she is self destructing

    Edited by NowWhat - 5/9/2023, 02:36 PM
  12. .
    Stacy- TSH , FREE T3, T4 are SCREENING tests performed at annual exams now IF you have symptoms of a larger problem then MD will test antibodies and treat accordingly
    CBC is also a screening test but again if you are symptomatic then a Ferritin and Iron studies would be checked
    My point is if you have annual screening tests when there is change it can be addressed
    DO you really believe FM docs aren’t just in it for the money?!? Why do they chose cash based practice? Cause they are ripping you off- taking advantage of people too desperate or stupid to know better
    It is obvious you dr hop so you can eventually hear what you want to hear- not one of your diagnoses are life threatening or earth shattering
    My MD has NEVER refused any lab test I requested btw
    How do you reconcile the fact that you attend a MEGA “church” weekly and claim that your Christian but your husband ROY has a problem with PORN? Maybe speak to your pastor about getting him some treatment because I would not want my teenage daughter any where near your home - as in the girls your daughter brings over -
    Also everyone knows what you REALLY look like - you are not fooling us
    Go see a doctor and a dentist then follow that up with a shrink
  13. .
    Stacy is so disgusting “ this has me so rattled because WE shop there” Allen is about 25 miles from her - across town basically-
    No regard for victims or survivors

    The Jordan family is vile
  14. .
    If that was my 15 or 16 year old daughter in the backseat I wouldn’t appreciate him talking about his nipples- pornoRoy is absolutely disgusting
  15. .
    And that’s with a teeth whitening FILTER - can not imagine how her teeth look in real life
167 replies since 14/7/2019