The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Yew

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    QUOTE (Lainey68 @ 30/11/2022, 19:00) 
    QUOTE (Msbakesalot @ 30/11/2022, 16:23) 
    Anyone else notice that many of the food pics people tag her on for IG look terrible? She thinks if she changes 1 small element of a recipe she found online it will be the 10 eggs in her nasty baked oatmeal. She as anyone else could be a good to great cook if she just learned the basics and humbled herself to follow a recipe. I think that she is so determined to not be like her Mom that she is her own worst enemy.

    The bread, salad and tiramisu looked better than anything that has come out of her kitchen so far. I laughed when she felt compelled to say it's not a competition when guests are simply bringing food to friendsgiving. I don't know Becks....I bet they FOLLOWED A RECIPE and did not dump 4 times the oil in the pan, measured things properly and did actual research. I noticed that she often talks about leftovers after a gathering rather than people enjoying it so much that it was gobbled up. Considering she makes just enough when it comes to guests a large amount of leftovers means the food sucked. The biscotti mess is a great summary of her cooking style, ignore the tested recipe and wonder why it didn't work or say "that's ok" for the 100th time and refuse to learn.

    As others have mentioned she really is very stingy when cooking for others or sharing food. She cooks far more food for she and Josh than when it involves guests.

    The emotional bullcrap of thinking of someone when she uses something gifted to her was SO manipulative in her grifting for more to be sent to her PO Box. She doesn't need to list a PO Box for sponsors etc to contact her, they do so via email and you can send a mailing address if you accept. She already has or will find a Bosch in her PO Box and she knows it. Shameless.

    Why does she put so many eggs in it? Even if she doubled the recipe she would only need two. I can't imagine how gross that must be.

    I first remember her mentioning the Bosch on her Oreo video. That was about a year ago and the other day I heard it again.

    I hope no one tells her about Ankarsrum mixers. Those things are $800, I think.

    My new name for Becky is I'mma Sims Gardener.

    She's said that she adds so many because they get so many eggs from the chickens. Which yeah makes sense, you'd definitely learn some creative ways to use eggs in a two person household when getting dozens and dozens of eggs a week, but couldn't she make some omelets for once? Poached eggs? Preserve them? I swear Josh either has no texture 'buds' in his mouth or that he pretends to love the eggy baked oatmeal...
  2. .
    Marking my spot!
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    I'd bet those "friends" are either some people in need in her church or straight from a giving tree. Like sure, i think it's great that she's using some of her hoarding for good (like buying household items for these "friends"), but she's making it so performative that it disgusts me.
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    Almost time for a new title isn't it? This one has gone quick :D I mostly just lurk.
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    One thing i haven't seen mentioned here yet: I was SO surprised when they were writing their names on the table cloth that Becky actually wrote in "baby". Any bets, was it her mom or Josh who made her add that in there? :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    On another note, i really don't care about all the spelling mistakes she does, maybe because my sister is really dyslexic and it's not really something you can "fix". I'm mostly here for her bizarre behaviour around everything else she does, like the fucked up candle making, messing up almost every time she cooks and being scatterbrained to the MAX 😂
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    She sure was clumsy in this video wow

    I'm curious on how religious Becky is, she never mentions going to church but her mom gives me weird christian vibes. Probably not mormons since they drink a lot of caffeine lol
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    These days an IT degree from even the late 2000s is totally useless and you won't get a job with it. Why even mention it, when her viewers know she hasn't taken any courses to update her degree? It's like if someone said they're a qualified elevator operator or a switchboard operator, useless in 2022.
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    I think Becky only mentioned Jammy once, saying that she got to see all the animals, new kitchen and blah blah blah. Can't remember what video though :D

    (marking my spot)
  9. .
    Marking my spot :D
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    Was just gonna mark my following spot, but was there some drama with GTG and Jammy? There was something mentioned about GTG throwing Jammy under the bus or vice versa, i can't find the origin. I'm curious haha
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    Oh god, i can't believe they got permits for that trainwreck. Why even build a huge ass kitchen like that when in a few years half of your kids are adults?
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    QUOTE (Lula62 @ 11/11/2020, 04:34) 
    QUOTE (Whodunnit @ 11/11/2020, 00:43) 
    Her husband made a wack-Obama game app and people found out about it.

    Whaaaaaa!?!? I never heard about that! I don’t follow her thread here though.

    This is from page 11 on Frugal Fit Mom's thread here. I just can't support her :/

    QUOTE (MarlaRamsdale @ 14/9/2020, 15:28) 
    I won't say where I found these so to not link to specific blogs etc. I think someone posted here that Christine is not as secret as she would like to be about where she lives. I almost want to email her and tell her to lock down some stuff. While I absolutely do not agree with her politics and a lot of this stuff is vile, I think people should be able to live in their house/town/with their kids safely.

    1. Husband thinks gay people are being gay "to be cool"
    2. Christine thinks Obama and his "advisors" were installed by Satan to send people on the wrong path
    3. She thinks there are only two genders, and that kids should conform to their gender, and stores/organisations trying to be more inclusive are mad
    4. Her husband made an Android app called Mash Obama, a whack a mole style game where you beat up a picture of Obama's face
    5. I found a picture of Christine doing "blackface" (dressing as a gangster rap style costume with her siblings) tame but for some people in US this is an absolute no no
    6. She slut shamed women who wear bikinis
    7. She has posted full front n*de images of her two eldest kids on an old blog. I won't link to those.
    8. They are not poor. They are middle class. They have bikes, huge cars, ski gear, private schools, a big house. Dave's job is high paid and she has several part-time jobs as well as youtube. While not a huge reveal I think she relies on people thinking she is poor and I get riled up people gift her things. She is not poor! Why does she have a wishlist? it seems antithesis to her religion to beg for gifts when you are not struggling.

    I think so much of this is hateful. I get she is a mormon and they vote trump/republican, and people can have conservative views, but some of these things are really harmful.
  13. .
    Lol, Kimmy would actually get along great with Frugal Fit Mom if she wasn't jealous of her update speed. They're both racist as hell :)
  14. .
    I mean, Shaylee is probably not going to finish college if she even gets to go, because she'll have to find a husband and start making babies ASAP. But I'm still sad that she's not even getting a chance to learn, having Kimmy as her teacher in some really important times during her childhood.
  15. .
    Watching Rachel Ray is "version of going to culinary school"? Wow.
26 replies since 20/7/2019