The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by PhotoshoppedlikeJenny

  1. .
    QUOTE (Yetta @ 8/5/2024, 21:53) 
    I know I've said it many times before, but it is hard to believe that someone so unfortunate looking thinks that they are so cute and adorable. It boggles my mind.

    And with not a single redeeming quality or talent. I think that is one of the reasons so many of us are so fascinated with her. Even in her pre-children days, she would come on the screen dripping with sweat, unwashed, make the weirdest faces, burp, pick food out of her teeth, and think she was cute. How is she like this? I don’t know anyone like her. I may know some that have some of her unpleasant qualities but none that would at the same time want to filme themselves for the internet. And no one as friendless as her.

    And every person I know, even some that I don’t like very much, has some redeeming qualities. And some friends/family that actually like them.

    She is stupid, has no work ethic, not a single skill or talent and no looks, which is the least of her problems.

    The only thing she has which helps her to keep going, without seeking any real therapy, is money which she acquired in a sneaky, cunning way
  2. .
    Here I am... standing around in a room... no one else around... totally isolated... HILARIOUS OMG I AM SO FUCKING HILARIOUS ahahahahahahaahah
  3. .
    I know I've said it many times before, but it is hard to believe that someone so unfortunate looking thinks that they are so cute and adorable. It boggles my mind.
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    QUOTE (Breakdown @ 9/5/2024, 02:05) 
    Here you go, SoProud. Her family should attach this to her psych ward admissions packet -- it's not cute, it's unhinged


    She just thinks she's so f'ing cute. She looks demented.
  5. .
    She always gets Genie+ when she takes the kids because it “just makes sense for us.”

    God forbid she has to entertain them while waiting on a line and teach them how to be patient.

    She gets it because she doesn’t know how to be a parent.
  6. .
    The way she throws her arms in the air to acknowledge the entertainment like they are only there for her is so fucking cringe.

    Jenny and her Main Character Syndrome.

    So embarrassing.
  7. .
    :hearty-laugh: she looks like such an asshat
  8. .
    Here you go, SoProud. Her family should attach this to her psych ward admissions packet -- it's not cute, it's unhinged

  9. .
    I have been rewatching Jen today and I cringe a lot...she is very self-obsessed ! She always comments "about herself"..."Jen this and Jen that" and she seems to be her favorite subject. It's like she is an anthropologist and her only interest of study is herself : what she drinks, buys, wears, etc.
    And she seems sincerely disturbed by the existence of others - she allows it if they are far enough - but any real interaction and her bitchyness comes out. Like every interaction seems to transform her in an instant Bi$$$$ and that is after "faking it" in her syrup fake voice. So yeah...I think she is a lost cause.

    Also she tolerates "fans" - people who pretend she is WONDERful(L)....
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    QUOTE (Agressive Brusher @ 8/5/2024, 18:38) 
    She does look stoned. Her pupils are really dilated. What’s going on with her one big eye? Is she bruising across her nose and under that eye?

    She’s a sugar junkie so she’s probably delirious because the sugar hit kicked in.

    This croissant obsession is one of the most bizarre things she’s fixated on and that’s saying a lot because the list is long!
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    I tried watching but she immediately grossed me out. Why does she think being a disgusting pig is cute??? IMG_4202
  13. .
    QUOTE (heyheyheynow @ 5/8/2024, 11:39 AM) 
    I'm going in ... already she could have cut 5 minutes not showing the ENTIRE video before the yoga :eyeroll:

    She shows that whole video and then says she has to stop filming as she is leaving the park because they are playing "copywrite music." What?
  14. .
    Definitely living that croissant life

  15. .
    I've never seen someone look so smug about a croissant while eating themselves into morbid obesity.

    Well, maybe Foodie Beauty.
41879 replies since 27/7/2019