The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Obsessedwithmyself

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    QUOTE (MuscularLegs @ 13/5/2024, 13:07) 
    I find it very strange she didn’t take her kids to have lunch with her mom on Mother’s Day. Maybe it’s just me, but my mom would rather see her grandson than me 😆.

    She and Justin were “holding each other in an embrace”. What a weirdo.

    Totally agree!! My mom also lives in my city and we always go out to brunch on Mother’s Day with my kids, my sister and her kids. It would be super weird to leave our kids at home imo. And my mom wants everyone there too.

    But of course selfish pig Khate leaves her offspring the second she can to run to her mommy who is hosting her own Mother’s Day lunch. And then finds time to sit by the pool, also sans kids. Her fat swollen feet really made me nauseous. 🥴
  2. .
    I never used to mind Lauren but she’s turned into a literal infomercial the past couple months. Shill, shill, shill. Someone has to pay the bills I guess because it sure isn’t her lame ass husband. Her bland content is like watching paint dry and her awkward reels might even be worse than her sisters.
  3. .
    QUOTE (Shoes on a platter @ 26/4/2024, 13:15) 
    She literally drags the cat to be closer to her and then presses it down to stay by “petting” it.

    Yes, that was soooo uncomfortable!! 😬. The poor cat obviously didn’t miss her and didn’t want anything to do with her. He got away as soon as he could. She is the absolute worst.

    Also find it telling ole Lauren didn’t pick her up from the airport. Brohubs certainly was home with her kids. Lauren hasn’t mentioned Khate at all since before the ill fated Easter trip, it’s pretty weird.

    If Lauren had gone to Paris instead you know Khate would be been moaning about it every day with pure jealousy.
  4. .
    Agree such a stupid wasted trip, I will never understand her. But as someone who couldn’t find any compelling museums in NYC 🙄 I wouldn’t expect anything less. Any kind of cultural enrichment would be completely wasted on her.

    And why did she not fly direct from Raleigh? It’s an international airport. Spoken with jealousy because I have to drive an hour to our good airport, which is not international. It’s so annoying.
  5. .
    Agree, she looks so uncomfortable and awkward. And gigantic. Khate probably thinks she’s très chic in her all black ensemble. 🙄

    I’d love to see what she’s actually wearing. Looks like a cheap rayon top or dress. And the hopefully real leather moto is bit a dated imo and not right for that restaurant. Does she not own at least one proper stylish blazer???

    And if they leave tomorrow I will die. 😂
  6. .
    Of course big cow Khate bought herself that nearly $3K bag, which is ugly imo. And I absolutely hate the large logo strap. And I also love a nice designer bag, I have Chanel, LV, Alexander McQueen, etc. But they are all very different and interesting statement pieces.

    That one looks basically like the Clare V crossbody she brought with her. Get a different color at least!!! 🤦‍♀️
  7. .
    Holy actual shit. I’ve been following her for years and I have never seen her this unhinged ever. Wow. 😳. I just watched those stories now and am actually surprised they are still up. It’s that bad. 😳

    And I’m 51 with a college senior and a high school senior so I get a lot of the perimenopause issues and having your kids leave the nest issues. And I’ve also been married 24 years in June as a career SAHM but with a normal supportive loving husband who is also basically retired now. But the big difference is he actually really wants to spend time with me.

    But again WOW. Her behavior tonight is not normal at all. Something huge set her off or it’s drugs, prescription even, or something else big. I’m honestly worried about her at this point and hope she is truly ok . And I hope her family has checked on her 😬
  8. .
    I bet big boss businesswoman got her own room and stuck the other two together. I’d love to be a fly on that room wall. 🤣
  9. .
    Old complaining cow Khate is never as giddy or truly happy than when she’s away from her kids and husband, preferably as far as possible.
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    QUOTE (True Medium Wartface @ 22/4/2024, 17:09) 
    Anyone else notice her new IG profile pic? She literally looks 50 years old. This hair is horrible. And I personally love the picture frames coming out of her head.

    Hey, I’m 51 and I take offense to that comment! I don’t look nearly that bad 😂. It is so awful though, I agree. Terrible quality selfie for basically a business account, makes sense. 🙄
  11. .
    Oh now I am even more excited for this Paris trip! I’ve followed Andreea for years. She is absolutely stunning and so genuinely sweet. She is a truly talented makeup artist and does many big campaigns/celebrities.
    Big old clumpy Khate is going to look extra dumpy and awful next to her. She is going to be so awkward and fake and will never actually learn anything from this pro. It’s going to be awesome!! 😂
  12. .
    This is the first thing I saw from her this morning. 🤢🥴🤢
  13. .
    I literally cannot wait for this Paris trip, it is going to be epic!! 😂. She is going to hate everything so much, feel completely out of place and I hope rude Europeans make her cry every day, lol.

    Agree seems so dumb to take such a short trip there, business or not. I personally would still tack on at least 2-3 extra days at my own expense to make it worthwhile, she is so dumb and cheap. And I can’t imagine how this 6 hour time change will affect her when she complained about the one hour time change for two weeks. 🙄🙄🙄
  14. .
    God, she is such a selfish bitch. The worst part of this all was having to eliminate planned fun and activities, who talks like that?!? Agree she is just super pissed she couldn’t dump her kids on her parents the whole time. And that she had to drive there and back alone with her miserable sick kids.

    I also love Lauren is having a great time. Thankfully her kids didn’t get sick, yet. The extended family must have been her parents. Again, what a selfish asshole.
  15. .
    Those jeans are SO AWFUL. And then she cut them even shorter?!? Such a derpy awkward highwater length but she’s so pleased with herself. She’s literally a walking joke of what not to do.
960 replies since 30/7/2019