The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by life by vanessas bald spot

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    Who else thinks ma and pa lemon footed the bill for paige's flight? IDK if they'd cover the boyfriend but as much money as lemon has blown through this summer i don't think she'd have enough on her credit card to purchase both.
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    QUOTE (Onbreak @ 8/7/2023, 10:55 PM) 
    🍋 💩 isn't a hanging out kinda friend.

    Fiddy is psycho and ran to TX because she knows 3 people there that don't want her men.

    Jokes on her. Miss Debra has relocated for a couple years and she definitely wants her man!!!
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    I think it's hilarious that Vee always looked down on Fiddy and was her friend because she loves feeling superior to someone that would let her mooch off her costco membership. Now that Fiddy has a job and is too busy for social media/kissing her youtube bestie's ass all the time. When is the last time they even "hung" out???
    Fiddy's life is definitely not something I'd envy but I'd much rather make pizza, have two husbands and send my kids to public school than have Vee's growing waist line, married to cankles, stank piss mini mcmansion and raise my children like veal.
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    QUOTE (CallieJade @ 8/2/2023, 01:28 AM) 
    My prediction is Mr. Hilarious sleeps in there to get away from his lazy lump of a wife. We all know he’s got a sweating problem but he doesn’t like to shower. I agree they all look like they smell like BO

    I think he probably does spend a fair amount of time sleeping the spare room. He probably passes out on the couch and stumbles into the guest bed sometime in the middle of the night.
    I feel like baby bird would sleep in her pissy pullups and sheets. Buhrice would be too lazy to go to another bed. Pearl strikes me as the the only one of the lemon drops that would get up, change and go to a dry bed if she had an accident.

    Do I need to go ahead and change my name to MarkyMarksSidePiece or CanklesEmotionalSupportFriend???
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    Those kids are gonna be so behind if they ever get sent back to a real school. Do you think there will ever be a point where they do try to send them back? Or will they just let them homeschool themselves until they graduate like Paige did? Paige may have been somewhat of a spoiled brat but at least she had interests that weren't sitting in front a video game, she actually could read and eventually got a job. Those kids are just gonna be mushy blobs who grunt out demands while Vee giggles and tosses pepperoni in their mouths.

    That whole family looks like they reek of pissy diapers and hot dog water.
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    Surprised Vuhnessa hasn't posted a pic of her fugly feet propped up at the movie theater to brag about seeing Barbie.

    Also totally not surprised she's going with her mom and aunt. What do you want to bet Ma Lemon and Auntie planned this trip for themselves and as per usual Vee invited herself to tag along. She's a full time teacher now. She deserves a break.
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    QUOTE (50 Hidey Holes @ 7/23/2023, 08:11 PM) 
    Ok…. Where is heffalump? Theories? Rotting in bed eating herself to death to a My 600 lb life marathon?

    Seems like every pound Fiddy loses from slicing pizza and running around managing Mattenga's, her youttube bestie Vee gains 5.
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    Records will be just another thing she can blow money on.
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    QUOTE (CallieJade @ 7/20/2023, 09:09 PM) 
    It’s probably for the kids not her. She is definitely a screen woman.

    Eh I see it being more of a Mark thing. He probably thinks he's hip and gonna start collecting vinyls. He'll come home, toss a record on and booze the night away to forget about the hamhock he married.
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    QUOTE (thisisnuts! @ 7/18/2023, 09:11 PM) 
    QUOTE (Anothertimesuck @ 7/18/2023, 01:35 PM) 
    Vee's pretty quiet. Is her back out? Throwing a fit because MM took away the credit card? Sulking because of all the negative comments on her river picture? Too busy playing video games?

    She is too busy opening up her Amazon Day boxes!

    ^^^ Yep. My prime day order was delivered yesterday.
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    QUOTE (RottenTwatAsaurous @ 7/18/2023, 04:54 AM) 
    QUOTE (dirtydarrylssidepiece @ 18/7/2023, 04:49) 
    I wonder what Darryl's doing?

    Or who? 🤣🤣

    He's probably so miserable. Living with Fiddy and Pawlie. Working with Fiddy and Pawlie. Wonder if she makes them carpool?
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    I wonder what Darryl's doing?
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    QUOTE (RottenTwatAsaurous @ 7/18/2023, 02:29 AM) 
    QUOTE (Onbreak @ 17/7/2023, 21:39) 
    I'm not consuming those calories unless there's weed somewhere in that cookie 😂

    My kid ordered the mini’s they are very rich and yes love brownies 🤣🤣

    Nah goooorl you need to get the butter and make yo self some rice krispie treats. I do a small batch with about 1/3 fruity pebbles & 2/3 plain rice krispies. Miss Debra be feelin gooooooooood!!!
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 7/17/2023, 11:19 PM) 
    No cookie is worth that many calories

    A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.

    As lazy and lethargic as vuhnessa is, that would be an easy 3 hr walk on a treadmill for her to burn the calories off from 1 cookie. And you know her bald headed self did not eat just 1. She def ate and drank more calories on a "sweet treat"than I eat for a whole day (1300-1500). There is absolutely NO REASON a child should be eating that much for a snack. And that's just what she showed. They were also at the water park. You know they got a crap ton of junk to stuff in their faces on top of the grazing they do at home. Gah! I guess I'm just a #PROUDGARBAGEMOM who would rather tell my kids NO instead setting them up for a lifetime of health complications and morbid obesity by the time they're 22.
  15. .
    Surprised all the colors and flavors of cookies in the box aren't terrifying Baby bird.
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