The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Itworksformyfamily

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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 28/7/2023, 22:30) 
    letting your 9 year old watch unlimited horror movies is disgusting.that is definitely NOT a hobby that i would support nor keep buying things for !!! Put her in an activity if she has nothing else to do all day but watch people getting murdered!!!!What is WRONG with these parents????? And i use the word parents very lightly. Because i don’t see much of any parenting going on in this house.

    Vanessa thinks that’s a cute hobby????

    I’ve loved horror movies since I was the twins age. Stephen king movies were comforting to me and still my go to sick day viewing.
    HOWEVER as an adult I do see a problem with how much sex and nudity I was exposed to in the genre. I highly doubt lazy nessa and checked out Timmy are screening the horror content she is consuming or having hard conversations about what is appropriate to replicate from a movie and what is not.
    Also I’d love to know if she really loves horror movies or if she’s just into ghost face which is hot all over social media right now.
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    QUOTE (Onbreak @ 21/7/2023, 23:28) 
    My teens listen to cassettes and vinyl

    Why buy a cd when you can just listen to it streaming?

    I love the way old vinyl sounds but honestly new players and records don’t play the same.
    I agree though I personally don’t spend money on albums. We pay for Spotify premium family. 14.99 a month and I get all the music and podcasts I want. I hit 2000 listen hours last year.
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    QUOTE (LemonLisp @ 11/7/2023, 23:11) 
    How much money do you think she dropped on amazon today??? I'm proud to say I didn't even go on the site today. I love saving money.

    AT LEAST 7-800. I don’t even have an Amazon account. I may make a purchase from there twice a year if it’s an item I really can’t find anywhere else
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    QUOTE (BostonGal @ 11/7/2023, 22:40) 
    I still can’t wrap my head around their homeschooling decision. It’s clear watching the unboxing video that it is the worst option for all three of their children. I just feel so bad for them.

    Are they ever with friends anymore? Are they ever away from each other? Instead of buying more and more junk, get them involved with other kids - camp, sports, Lego club, horseback riding, art classes, whatever.

    I looked out of curiosity. UTSA offers a kids art summer camp. $185 a week 9-12 Monday-Friday. They offer scholarships also. The girls would love that and it sounds super fun with a theme each week including things like embroidery, ceramics, and a week of comic characters.
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    QUOTE (Amkytay @ 28/6/2023, 14:06) 
    Exactly - we all need protein but I rarely grab an easy option as protein shakes - they are in our garage fridge for my husband to grab quickly before he heads off to work .
    Of course I can afford and drink as many as I want but it would kill me to “ waste “ so much money on them for me , when I can easily look up recipes and make myself so many “ easy “ snacks and lunches that contain lots of protein . 🙄
    Jesus why does blowing so much money not phase Lemon at all ??

    We just buy protein powder in a container. It’s cheaper than premade shakes and taste better.
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    QUOTE (Scarlet66 @ 28/6/2023, 12:52) 
    Why did I just spend 15 minutes watching someone walk through Ikea, good thing I had some cross stitching to do at the same time..

    This is hysterical because that’s exactly what I was doing while watching this garbage this morning
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    QUOTE (Amp74 @ 27/6/2023, 20:30) 
    I do at least 2 if not 3 loads of laundry a day. It’s hot and sweaty here AND people in my home actually exercise almost daily. My husband wears a GI to do Jiu Jitsu it’s too heavy and gross to wash with other things
    We also run the dishwasher daily but we cook which lemon doesn’t really do,

    We’re a family of 3 and I also do 2-3 loads most days. We’re all really active so between gym clothes, regular clothes, pjs, towels, and bedding there’s always laundry to do. we only use reusable cleaning cloths plus mop pads so those get washed every week. Plus I wash our bedding every week including the throw blankets on the couch since we have pets.
    I also run the dishwasher most days. Pots and pans get hand washed but 3 meals a day at home using nothing disposable adds up. Sometimes it’s every other day but probably on average 5 loads a week.
  8. .
    Well well well she has returned
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    QUOTE (my groceries @ 22/6/2023, 17:41) 
    I vote for divorce papers :smoking-smiley-face:

    I think she had WLS and wanted to keep it a secret.

    Has anyone checked the obituaries to make sure something didn’t happen to pat?
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    QUOTE (Amkytay @ 22/6/2023, 15:09) 
    Lemon puts things like her bad back and relaxing before she puts any urgency on prepping salads or doing anything else .
    That’s what makes lemon so unrelatable 🙄 she acts like “ taking care of herself” Is so important . And at the top of the list always .
    Which it is important to take care of yourself - but that also goes along with what you put in your body - and yes you should allow yourself to rest but that doesn’t mean you sit and watch an entire movie or finish a video game or not get out of bed to you feel like it . There is a great way to balance your busyness and actually accomplish things and take care of yourself .
    I know we can’t say it enough
    But if I asked my husband to clean a bathroom or chop up stuff for salads on his days off he would do some serious looking in to what I do with my daily life .
    And no I’m not saying men can’t help out their stay at home wives and yes mark lives there too he can do stuff . It’s just that the one who’s there the most does so little . 🙄

    You hit the nail on the head about mark helping so much. Of course there’s nothing wrong with men doing housework but he bit only has the full financial load but also has to do 50% + of the housework while lemon spends hours in bed and playing video games. She’s not running multiple kids to activities several times a week or actively homeschooling with curriculum planning and field trips. Hell she’s not even making 3 nutritious from scratch meals a day and cleaning up after herself. 95% of the food she makes the family is dump and go or frozen in the oven. Mark does the dishes most of the time and the kids homeschool themselves online for an hour or two a day.
    She doesn’t even put much effort into YouTube anymore.
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    QUOTE (IfYouWill @ 22/6/2023, 02:18) 
    Now that it's summer I kinda feel like Lemon lol. It seems like we do one load of laundry between work clothes, sports uniforms and the pool every day. We normally don't have multiple loads though. And this will come as a shock to lemon, but my son starts the laundry before I get home and drys it too.

    We’re only a family of 3 but we’re all very active so we are doing a load or two most days between clothes, towels and bedding. My son is 12 and has been responsible for washing, drying, folding and putting away his own laundry including bedding for close to 3 years. He started doing the towels a few months ago. He still manages to do the laundry, keep his room clean, feed the pets, takes care of the cat boxes and puts away the dishes even though he’s in year round travel sports 4-5 days a week plus band and robotix. It doesn’t really take him more than 15 minutes a day on average. And I’ll share what he gets paid for his chores not to brag but because I’m genuinely curious how much other people decide to pay their kids. He gets $30 a week auto deposited onto his green light card with 20% automatically going towards saving 10% for long term and 10% for short term.
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    QUOTE (Trixie27 @ 21/6/2023, 03:51) 
    There was a bad accident in Petawawa today, a military helicopter went down during a training exercise crashing into the river. They’re still looking for 2 of the 4 people on board. We know Darlene loves to talk about death so maybe she’ll finally show up :dunno:

    In all seriousness, how horrible to not have a loved one return from work.

    It hits home particularly hard when it happens during a training exercise because you just don’t expect it.
    A good friend of mine lost her fiancée during the big crash in 29 palms. Also just a training exercise.
  13. .
    The only things they couldn’t have done close to home is seeing Paige in Niagara and her friend in MD.
    For probably half the price and a whole lot less headache they could have flown to Niagara with mark and Bryce and then rented a car visited her friend for a few days and then fly home from DC
  14. .
    Well she cut the trip short. Another change of plans and drove straight home
  15. .
    It’s Wednesday now and still no new video she promised in her community post.

    My bet is Andrew has transitioned to a new home and she doesn’t want to admit it. Or Steve moved out. Or someone had a medical crisis.
1344 replies since 11/8/2019