The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by URL23

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    QUOTE (WTFJenn @ 9/1/2021, 21:28) 
    I could not give two shits about her political opinion. I’d bet a large sum of money that it’s not well thought out or researched. If you don’t want to talk about what’s going on - don’t get defensive about it. Say, “I’m not an expert and I don’t think you should get your news from me.” HOWEVER it is not political or partisan to acknowledge that something terrible happened. She just gets way too defensive.

    Oh and the way she tries to diminish what she’s trying to make of her IG. Her first job is a mom and this is just a creative outlet? Um okay 🙄🙄

    Yeah because most creative outlets end up with a fun bowtique to play in and a townhome to decorate for fun 🤨

    QUOTE (Coach19 @ 9/1/2021, 18:58) 
    So her friend Maile’s word for 2021 is Build. Landy had to piggy back on it and have a word as well! Foundation. Everything she just rattled out other mouth made no fucking sense! Just spilling shit out again and talking in circles. Nervous energy.

    She sounds like she just got off a therapy session and the therapist told her all that and she’s like yes that’s great I’ll do that... next week she’ll have huge news of something really big like countertop rearranging in her play house that will take weeks of content and depress her family
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    QUOTE (Living with Blandyn @ 7/1/2021, 19:44) 
    It looks like Steve is the one that is out of town. Squints is probably curled up in a ball in the chicken coop, rocking back and forth.

    I have a free day today, lots of home projects and freshening up my décor. Which made me look to IG and some of my favorite design accounts. Which then led me to look closer at Virginia and Jenn Reid's homes. Both are stunning.

    My girlfriend lives in their area and sent me a link to both of their houses when they sold and purchased new ones ... just WOW. :in-disbelief-smiley-emoticon:

    Jenn's former home sold for 6.5 million! There are just no words for how spectacular it is! Their new one is over the top amazing as well. And Virginia's new house is the prettiest thing! So much charm and character ...I was drooling over them.

    Virginia’s home is gorgeous so unique and put together so well. Not cookie cutter. Landyn house is in a good area she just doesn’t know how to utilize her resources to actually put the right thing in place and I think she thinks she’s a girls girl decorating with home goods and maybe thought eventually she would get a brand deal or something. I think what has failed for her is trying to reach so high for brand partnerships with target and home goods when she burned every local resource. Things are changing to be more sustainable more supportive of local businesses and she doesn’t have a support system to pull from
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    Her store isn’t close to this area. She’s off Charlotte rd and the bombing was downtown. She won’t sympathize because she’s not a true Nashville native and cares about the city. Nashville has had a rough year and this has brought in FBI and will take way more hands on deck
    Then these stupid bloggers and their donations for attention.
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    QUOTE (DumpsterFire @ 16/12/2020, 06:00) 
    Maggie owns magpies a sweet little children's store in belle Meade close to landyn. I still, for the life of me, can't understand why Maggie supports and promotes landyn. Maggie is hardworking and seems the total opposite of landy.

    I will never understand it either other than Nashville has become a big kissing ass fest and I’ve had enough of it
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    QUOTE (Scamdyn @ 8/11/2020, 16:56) 
    I respectfully disagree. Being the first woman to make any accomplishment - whether that entails becoming an astronaut and flying to the outer space, being the first all-female surgical team in an OR suite at a given hospital, or in this case becoming the first female VP of the US - is worthy of raising a glass to. It is a sign of much needed, overdue progression that we need to continue embracing in order to move forward as a society and to bring women closer to true gender equality.

    Now add racial inequality to that.

    Bringing it back to Landyn: if she was a true girls girl, and wanted to stay out of political talk on her IG, she could always simply say “I don’t know much about Kamala,” (or anything else, for that matter) “but I hope that she does well in her new role and makes females everywhere proud.”

    Saying you don’t know much about someone in a leadership role of our country but then raising a toast and acknowledging their success isn’t a great response in my opinion. You should know policies and plans and Kamalas policies and past history is really not something I personally can raise a toast to. I do agree with the previous poster that yes, we have made great strides to get here but stop the dancing on stage and the boasting and the memes, lets be classy and as woman lets allow everyone to do their research and form their opinion. Just because a woman won doesn’t mean we agree she’s the right person.
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    QUOTE (Ugly Green Hat @ 26/10/2020, 02:53) 
    This thread is my nightly entertainment and I’m so thankful I found this site! 🤣

    Random, but did y’all ever sleuth and find out who Jen Reid was referring to in her adultery post??

    I don’t think she was referring to a specific influencer. She said it’s happened to three families they know so I assume it’s most likely their social circle.

    Also Landyn is dressed like its 20 degrees cold in Nashville, it was like 55 degrees at the coldest yesterday, the white beanie needs to go. She’s not a head accessory person why can’t she see this?

    I CANNOT believe she called cafe NONA cafe NANA!! It is a very known local spot and as a “local” business owner she needs to pronounce her fellow SBO peeps correctly. Wow I’m just in shock. For her and Steve to be such food experts, they don’t know the actual good places to eat in Nashville just the new spots where they can say they have been and get attention, ugh these kind of new Nashville transplants just killing Nashville vibe one day at a time.
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    That spray painted mum ... barf
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    I don’t get Maggie’s devotion to Landyn and how “sweet” she is. Landyn couldn’t even describe Maggie’s store or what she is about properly it’s all Landyn and how “supportive” she is. This has been discussed before but it really bothers me for someone like Maggie who has literally put blood, sweat and tears into her business and is truly talented vs. Landyn an attention whore who is funded by her Former NFL husband and buys her “fame.” It makes me question a lot of things.
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    QUOTE (HeyWTF @ 26/9/2020, 05:18) 
    I’m sure someone will scrub this real quick since y’all all bitter, icky people but I can’t help but wonder how you can feel good about yourself, filling your lives with this stuff and continuing to belittle, bully and break down peoples lives. Put yourselves in the other shoe. You are all bullies and life suckers. Sickening! And if you somehow justify this as “she deserves it since she’s on social media”, well then you are justifying your bullying behavior. If you or or your loved ones are ever in this position, I hope people give you grace rather than claiming to “not” follow along but really do in every moment and micro criticize everything. At the end of it all, will you feel pride in your judgmental position on someone who is only hoping to bring interest/joy/light to others? If you don’t like Landyn, just unfollow and leave her alone to live her life. And you do yours, improve your perspective and do better!!

    I know quite a few people in Nashville whom Landyn has been extremely unprofessional to behind the scenes. This isn’t about bringing joy to anyone’s life this is all about a big ole competition especially in Nashville. It’s who has the most money and can get the most attention. Maybe you are a sheep and have some serious wool over your eyes or maybe you just hope by being fake about your allegiance to Landyn you’ll get popular too. Anyone who supports Landyn I question your reasoning because there is nothing genuine about her. I don’t think anyone here comments on her to be truly hateful I think honestly it’s like watching reality tv and this is a gossip site
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    QUOTE (lornadoone @ 16/9/2020, 19:05) 
    I take real issue with Landyn and her big mouth sharing Lily's trouble with her skin on Instagram. No boundaries. No respect for others. No brains.

    And it sounds like Landyn and Mister are butting heads on paint color. Why does that amuse me?

    Yes! Awful
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    I hope Landyn is very clued into Lily’s mental state on accutane, it’s a depressant. Now thinking about how off Lily’s tik Tok videos are I’m slightly concerned for her. Coming from someone who was on accutane in high school I ended up having to go off it I was so depressed especially adding in acne and high school emotions. Just a random thought I was thinking how I can’t imagine being lily on accutane and Landyn as my mom I would definitely be depressed
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    QUOTE (Stay at home shopper @ 4/9/2020, 17:30) 
    Just got home from getting my Botox and wanted to let y’all know how smart you are (which we all knew but I just want to tell y’all again)
    As I was telling my dermatologist what I wanted and didn’t want (I was very specific b/c I’m into NOT looking like a freak) I don’t remember which part,maybe it was talking about my eyebrows...and she said “oh no! I can’t do that or you will get this line right here,it will look like a shelf” YA’LL it was where Landyn has that awful line. I said oh lord no,for what I’m paying you I don’t need to CREATE problems! I need them taken away!!! So y’all were’s Botox done wrong. That’s sad to pay that much and look like shit

    Yes because Biesman is awful! I think he does local bloggers for free for press and they go to him but he is not what locals who know what they are doing are going to.
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    QUOTE (electriclies @ 19/8/2020, 23:13) 
    She went all the way to Bell road in Antioch. I’m surprised she went out of the belle meade area.

    I think she said Bellevue which is just outside Belle meade
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    Lily’s Tik toks are extremely concerning. Maybe I’m just getting old but she seems very disturbed. I think she’s like any other teen with breakouts and boys all normal things to be concerned with at that age but she seems to be calling out for help in a way. I would be mortified if my daughter took to a social media platform in that way, but I could see Landyn going with it trying to be a “cool” mom. That family does not fit in Belle Meade I don’t care what anyone says and she doesn’t have a genuine bone in her body. You can tell at some level lily is struggling with the attention seeking ways of her mother.
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    Doesn’t he have an industrial fryer in the pool house? I get not wanting to use a big one to cook a few fish but come on!
204 replies since 14/9/2019