The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by SwimmingLeggings

  1. .
    One of her paid friends needs to ask her during a live at what age her parents started taking her to the theater. Just to hear her justify why she can’t take CC.
  2. .
    Did Steven get fed up and leave one night like Donald Christopher decide to leave his marriage like Jennifer did? :(
  3. .
    you guys did it finally happen? did someone catch divorce from Jen? Christopher Allen is heavily hinting ☹️ he may need to borrow the divorce announcement shirt
  4. .
    The heir popped out, the wonderland closed.
  5. .
    She said she walks between 2.5-3.5 miles everyday just around her house.

    Busy, busy, busy. Never sits down. Never watches TV. Constantly picking up after the kids.

    Nobody fucking cares.

    Also, I don’t believe you. I’ve seen the state of that basement.
  6. .
    So, two of her favorite things RN are ice cream and brownies, says the one who doesn't crave sweets like she used to and has problems tolerating it since she turned 40 (:
  7. .
    Preview… you’re welcome 🤣

    Nothing like displaying a hideous Lego castle in the main room of your house 🙈

  8. .
    I just listened to it again. She doesn't say that "poop hit the fan" in November. She said that she changed her word from Onward to Magic in November. She then said "and that was even before I knew that poop would hit the fan".

    She changed her word in November, but Poop Hit the Fan in December. No one was in space exploration in November, it was December.
  9. .
    I remember back in the day her smug ass bragging about waking up early. No job, no responsibilities and she was so ptoud of herself for that 'accomplishment.' It's much easier to get out of bed when you're not headed to a job you hate. I love seeing her now: sweaty, sleeping in, lazy, smelly, with no purpose in life. This is who she always would have been without Don and his money.
  10. .
    I find it very interesting that Jenny doesn’t feel the need to get up at the crack of dawn on the mornings when she doesn’t have the kids.

    It’s like she needs to exercise before they have even woken up to be able to deal with them.
  11. .
    She has definitely bought all the current ones and is going to buy these for herself and only herself too, right?
  12. .
    This crazy maniac spent 3.5 hours on peloton today. She basically did everything…meditation, yoga, Pilates, running, stretching, a full hour of strength training, and riding the bike. She started yoga at 4:53 AM and continued with stretching and running until 6:50 AM, just in time for Green Lights. Are we headed i to a manic phase?
  13. .
    Vision boards created today that are suppose to reflect future goals that have already occurred in the past. Talk about times wimey! Vision boards are a guide for the future not for rewriting and manipulating the past.
  14. .
    She needs to call them what they are: magazine collages
  15. .
    Will her patreons please call her out? You don't make vision boards for the past. WTH. She needs to call them revision boards instead.
31995 replies since 19/9/2019