The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by SwimmingLeggings

  1. .
    Just saw the the pins on her new house Pinterest board. No starter home for Tens :flcvoy01:
  2. .
    QUOTE (BackupSize8 @ 22/5/2021, 17:27) 
    So how does the old, distant friend know for a fact that she posted pics on Tinder saying she's thirsty? Shady. I still don't trust this person.

    100% something a guy friend will send me if they saw an old common friend on tinder with a cringe description
  3. .
    Imagine if Tens was princess from tindergate 😅

    Edited by SwimmingLeggings - 22/5/2021, 17:31
  4. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 22/5/2021, 16:30) 
    I can't get over how this development has totally silenced her. she must really be unraveling. Jill should get her out of the house more often and go have lunch at Needless Markup or something

    I really want to know her and Gravys true feelings about all of this

    “I told you a man like him wouldn’t stay in the market for long, Jeniffer. I hope you are happy with you decision to walk alway from your marriage/ No thread your husband better and make him walk away”

    I don’t actually see Jill as nurturing at all
  5. .
    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 22/5/2021, 16:24) 
    QUOTE (cheap ass soy sauce @ 22/5/2021, 16:23) 
    I dont think Jen made out like she thought she would. Not in the divorce settlement or single life.

    That’s because she has no idea about how the real world works.

    Also she thinks she knows better than everyone else. We said how delusional she was about her after divorce life and I will bet anything that Jill told her too.
    All she could see was more ME ME ME time.
  6. .
    Trying to be optimistic: Jen will try to gain her kids love by being a good mom and buying them stuff to “win” over Tens out of spite

    Get a pool Jen, I dare you!
  7. .
    QUOTE (doughy @ 22/5/2021, 16:11) 
    Five kids under six. That house is going to be crazy, noisy and fun.
    When CC and Donny return to Jen's they'll be back to scootering in the big empty ballroom, eating grilled cheese on their trash plates, and then parked in the basement while mom gets her bike on with CodyBoo.

    They will have FOMO from all the fun their siblings are having in the “main house” while they are away :/
  8. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 22/5/2021, 15:56) 
    you know when I think about this new woman and how cute she is and how she shares some things in common with Don I start feeling a bit sorry for Jen who is constantly alone and miserable

    then BAM! I remember what an asshole she is. just posting this again in case anyone else starts feeling slight pity for her

    She is really holding up to that “mine case and Lee’s are the same” story. What a cunt.
  9. .
    Just watched the Ben and jerry stories.
    “My life is now complete” :hearty-laugh:
    Sure Jen
  10. .
    QUOTE (Main Course of Choice @ 22/5/2021, 15:07) 
    Come on, Jenny Jenny Jennnnyyyyyyyy!

    Flare those nostrils on an IG stories! We're waaaaaaiting!

    Do we think it’s going to be scolding? I think it’s going to be a lake foto or something saying how this is the happiest she has ever been.
  11. .
    QUOTE (HonoraryMelissa @ 22/5/2021, 14:39) 
    QUOTE (Rumpus Guitar @ 5/22/2021, 08:22 AM) 
    Remember when she bought the house and she gave a semi tour and said that the house has room to grow or something to that effect. Something about if she meets someone with kids. She also was so into the idea of a blended family when she was idolizing Ali Edwards. I think she must be so depressed Don is actually living her dream.

    Yes but her partner would get the “reach-in” closet while she keeps the claundry for herself!

    She is even a selfish bitch to an imaginary person
  12. .
    Jeff is 100% Don’s friend. But he will also humor Jen and accept gifts :)
  13. .
    QUOTE (shitshow @ 22/5/2021, 14:02) 
    QUOTE (cheap ass soy sauce @ 22/5/2021, 13:48) 
    5 is a lot but none of those kids are just theirs. She has a argument for a nanny Jen never had. A real job.

    Do you all think she will continue to work? NFW. Girl just landed her whale. She’ll quit her regular job either when they combine households or when the wedding band hits her finger.

    Being a SAHM of 3-5 kids is a lot of work… She will probably continue working so she doesn’t loose her mind and can enjoy the kids when she is with them (I know I would)
  14. .
    I changed my opinion about a new baby, in the hashtag Tens seems to think (rightly) that 5 is already a lot

    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 22/5/2021, 13:35) 
    QUOTE (SwimmingLeggings @ 22/5/2021, 13:33) 
    I think because of the quarantine the Rosses might have been less overbearing. Poor Tens don’t know what is coming to her. No space for individuality in the family :strong_no_smiley_emoticon:

    She already has three kids and her own job, she has her own life and personality. She won’t be that easy to take down as Jen.

    So the kids won’t be working at the soup kitchen?
  15. .
    I think because of the quarantine the Rosses might have been less overbearing. Poor Tens don’t know what is coming to her. No space for individuality in the family :strong_no_smiley_emoticon:
680 replies since 19/9/2019