The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Marie123

  1. .
    I’m not sure why she replaced the laundry fridge (it was black) and sold the ‘nice’ one just to buy a new laundry fridge.... then get the one she wanted when Covid hit. #lemonlogic
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    QUOTE (Xtine @ 16/10/2020, 15:02) 
    So I’m watching that DITL video, she definitely secretly filmed that realtor to show us ~garbage people~ but I’m more confused now. I didn’t pay a check to the owners and title work was paid for at closing.

    Surprise her video is late because her computer crashed. Here’s a tip 50, stop spending so much at the dollar tree and invest in your channel. Skip the dollar tree for a month and you can get a new laptop.

    We had to pay a earnest check as a deposit to show we wanted the house. We paid the check to the title company by the request of the seller.
  3. .
    I need a PM as well 😂
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    She’s in so much denial calling women’s line items “junior” 🤦🏼‍♀️
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    “I don’t even know what makes my girls a little more lazy”..... wellllllll maybe go look in the mirror?
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    QUOTE (BellaRose @ 13/9/2020, 20:57) 
    Last vlog was meaningless. Moolissa house walls are lined with crap... Lined!! The videos show everythg n OPEN up SECOND HALLWAY TO THE KITCHEN..WOMAN! DAM... Remove that tacky, hideous, ridiculous bookshelf.. blocking the entrance. Spend all this free time (jobless..u n Andres) deep clean the house, throw away shit that's COLLECTING dust! Also, that dumb ass wooden forsaken desk in the up some room..cow!

    Has she ever mentioned why they block it off? It makes no sense to me.
  7. .
    And making a video like that just brings out either a) sympathy or b) more “haters”.
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    According to property cards it is 100% Vanessa & Mark’s. Also it’s not worth the 400k they paid for it. The active listing in their neighborhood are $279-375k. The $375k has a pool though 🤷‍♀️
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    Spent $28 for 35 hangers instead of going to Costco to get 50 hangers for under $15.

    Also find it interesting she has to instacart groceries but can drive to another town to do this shopping spree.
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    I’m in love with Wendy’s new Frosty-chino it’s a frosty mixed with iced coffee. Not healthy at all.
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    QUOTE (Booky @ 30/4/2020, 01:15) 
    I work in a grocery store as I've said a lot of times, I live in central Ohio and things are getting a bit back to normal we have TP and paper towels on the regular. Beef and chicken in stock, milk, eggs not a problem. The only thing in high demand and not in stock....lysol wipes, spray and hand sanitizer. Most everything else is in stock.

    But I do hear quite often and don't want to cause a panic is some meat distubution places will be shutting down for a time?!?!?! Tyson was mentioned especially.....meat shortage rumors?!?!?!

    Tyson plant in Indiana is shut down. I’m having a problem finding butter in Indiana.
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 29/4/2020, 18:39) 
    I’m sorry. I’m not understanding. 50s school district gives free breakfast AND lunch to ALL children?!?!? Not just the low income families? Mya isn’t even in school yet. Why is 50 taking it for her?

    This lady bought steak and very expensive jumbo shrimp in one of her recent grocery hauls. But is taking food from the government.

    I think she has big balls posting that. And even taking it. The amount of money she spends on food is ridiculous . Their bellies are OVERLY full but she takes free food from the government. Leave it for people who actually really need it!!!

    Daryl has to have kooliad and Gatorade. He can’t drink water??? It annoys me so much when people spend their money on junk but then think they are entitled to government food. No. Tell your husband you can’t spend $50 a week on his sugar drinks because instead you need to buy milk and cereal for your children.

    Our school district in Indiana is giving 5 breakfast & 5 lunches weekly to children 0-18. No proof of living in our district is required either.
327 replies since 9/10/2019