The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by EyerollOlympian

  1. .
    She has the same exact smugness, and " taking care of my babies" rant, as when he had back surgery last. Not even married to him now, she still resents his ass for making her take care of the kids full time.
  2. .
    "We celebrate Christmas in this house" is something she has been saying for a second year in a row, now. A shitty jab at Tens, I am sure.
    I trust that if there is dirt to be dug, The Bakery will unearth it. This place hasn't missed a beat .
    But aside from health or travel, what else can incapacitate Don so much? Even if he is separated from Tens, still doesn't make sense.
  3. .
    Well we don't know if he spent any time with the kids over the holidays. We only know what the 3 haired freak show tells us. He might be spending less time with the kids then usual, but enough to trash her "solo travel plans".
    Are they still going on the Disney Cruise? If so, she can leave the country. I don't think anyone is arrested or in jail. This is either health thing, or Tens and Don decided to travel around the world for a bit, sans kids.
  4. .
    Vain as he is, a new job would be embellished on his LinkedIn asap. I don't see any changes since March.
  5. .
    Her incessant repetition of " we have our health" sure sounds like she is gloating over someone's illness. Especially someone she resents. The photo of Don and Tens on her profile, more specifically the most recent one, reveals a Don that has lost an incredible amount of weight, very fast. I cannot see anything else,but the weight loss is dramatic.
    Tens also looks like she is forcing her happy smile a little bit. Maybe I am stretching this but it's what I see.

    My money is on either post-surgery recovery of some sort, or a new diagnosis that requires travel abroad and/or extensive tests.
  6. .
    She is desperately trying to take back and walk back anything and everything she did with Don. Bending backwards to reinvent it, relieve it , redo it, erase it all.

    She is too narrow minded to accept the fact that even tho getting dumped by Don sucks, Sushi Mondays were still a nice moment. Or whatever day of the week it was, I forgot.
  7. .
    Any more nourished and clothing size will enter a more expensive bracket for her.
  8. .
    This bitch made a whole video about changing how she parts her hair.
    I am sure the Chaos Lottery is some minute change to the kid's schedule, that threw her whole imaginary planning off.

    The most fascinating takes for me are:
    1. She really thinks she has an actual job/profession.
    2. She cannot wait to be an empty nester,while kids are so young, but actually being an empty nester most of the time.
  9. .
    I don't think Don, warts and all, is the petty, vindictive one in this equation.
  10. .
    That Virtue web site , good lord. " Human keratin" that will integrate into your hair.

    People believe this nonsense?? A sucker is truly born every minute. No shampoo or conditioner can replace an actual keratin treatment at a salon. Which is quite the toxic procedure in it self(the amount of formaldehyde used is insane). Otherwise, you are washing your money away in the shower.
  11. .
    I don't have a lot of pre-marital experience, not to out myself here too much, but what I did have, matched the personality of the partner. Vivacious, happy, energetic , kind -the sex was similar.I married that one :D
    Lazy, selfish, awkward-same kind of sex -dumped that one.
    Compare Jen and Tens and you will get the picture.
  12. .
    Sulfate free Pantene is the same thing, for the fraction of the price.
    But neither Virtue or Pantene will help with genetic hair loss. Hair transplant or a wig are her only options. Well, and hygiene.
  13. .
    I have learn in my life, which is not short, that all men think they are hyper sexual, which is one of the top cringes about men in general. They all think they can handle polyamorous relationship or juggle women, but most can barely handle ONE woman. Sometimes not even that.

    And Jennifer married into a "daddy issues" relationship, where Don who wanted to take care of her, met Jen , the infantile narcissist and it went amazing till kids came.
    Then she lost her mind, because kids are a crapton of work, sleepless nights, laundry, breastfeeding, and anxiety.
    So there enters the closet makeover, so princess Jen doesn't have to go to the basement to do laundry, and then her obstinance when Don had back surgery, her digging her heels when she had to prep for holiday gatherings,decorating the living room fully inaccessible to any adult, and the incessant crying on YT with the everpresent sentence that she has to " do it all".
    Don is also a spoiled brat. A perpetual child himself, not used to lose stuff or not having what he used to enjoy. So likely he protested and pushed for his time in the light, until he realized she is not letting up. And then I don't doubt he strayed, or came very close.
    These are people that don't do well when you take their toys away.
    Jen however, was not as wealthy as Don when she got married, and she was lonely then, and she is lonely now. This is likely how she lived pre-marriage. Isolated, pimply , unkempt child, that was red faced and fist clenched whenever asked to do anything responsible.
  14. .
    I never got the gist that Don was high maintenance. Of course, what we see on camera is not reality , but I got the impression that he pretty much left her alone most of the day. He cooked, took her out to places, but most of the time he was doing his own thing. In the basement or at the office.
    10 years ago it was more than obvious that she had enormous amount of time for a million meaningless activities.
    Now, I have worked with ton of abused women, verbal abuse, sexual, assaults, etc. Your day and life are consumed with the abuser. There is no way you have time or focus to run 5 Youtube channels, shop like a maniac, and have a very elaborate personal care routines. For 10 years!
    I don't buy the oversexed hypersexual crap. I think she was expected to step up to the plate when the kids were born, and to finally grow up.
    When she failed, the marriage fell apart.
    I still think she provoked him to leave and he called her bluff.
  15. .
    Sex is an important part of marriage. But it's rarely end all, be all, aside from the pathological spectrum. Just my smol opinion here.
    Knowing Jen, it's just a part of a much larger picture in the divorce, I am sure.
    There is that sordid reality that she is a vindictive, small minded little soul. Aside from the laziness and selfishness.
2750 replies since 22/10/2019