The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by EyerollOlympian

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    I had to laugh hard at someone recommending she hires some poor stay at home mum to sell Jen's stuff. Have they no concern to Jen's anxiety of commoners? The audacity! :D
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    Long time reader and lurker, first time poster. I feel like Canadians are underrepresented, so here I am, tee hee.
    I have been following Jen since 2011. I was tackling mess and debt and hubby and I always looked for organizational suggestions and management. Youtube suggested her, and I thought she was adorable.
    Not so much any more. I was going to keep silent, but when on her Insta she flagged the Uncurated Life Podcast, I lost it. The woman in that podcast, which is amazing actually, has severe kidney and liver polycystic disease and is lined up for transplant.
    Jen has first world problems only. This is why I like watching Jen, because it takes me away from real misery. It's like watching a vanilla soap opera.I have to have hope that such people exist. Whose issues in life are the craptice and that their husband didn't serve breakfast in bed that one time.
    I can't say I will pretend to know if she does or doesn't have major issues, but I am not sure she has depression or anxiety disorder, in the clinical sense. Disease is defined as an intrusion to daily functioning, and it's severity measured as such. She is high functioning and her self care is off the charts.
    As a med. professional, I can tell you one thing for sure.
    You cannot fake healthy. She speaks of faking it and being a great actress. No Jen ,if you can fake it, it ain't that bad honey. Call me when you cannot get out of bed, and cannot function. If you can fake it, and without meds and a therapist for 8 weeks, then you are mildly inconvenienced,not quite sick.
    Now that I got that off my chest, carry on folks, I love this board.
2852 replies since 22/10/2019