The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by GrownUpStickerBook

  1. .
    Something tells me she didn’t wait for them to show an interest in these Disney documentaries before forcing the kids to watch them. And it’s probably all she lets them watch which is why they’ve watched them multiple times.

  2. .
    QUOTE (BerthaGene @ 4/28/2024, 05:25 PM) 
    Here's an idea for what to do with your moon water-- pour it down the drain.

    Not one shower gel or bar of soap? WTF?


    Good catch! So she really does just sit in her tub soaking in oily bath bomb water mixed with sweat and dirt. :20130930103114-64d41b31:
  3. .
    QUOTE (TheHairyChild @ 4/28/2024, 02:01 PM) 
    I’m watching Emma Chamberlain’s new video and she and her stylist got turned away from a restaurant in Paris because they weren’t dressed chic enough. And then they went back to their hotel restaurant, and they almost got turned away there, but they told them that she was staying at their hotel so then they were able to get a table.

    I hope if Jen is going to Paris, she has similar experiences, lol!

    That would bring me great joy. You know she’d be decked out in too-small, too-smelly Crowned Athletic junk or Disney themed sweats.
  4. .
    QUOTE (LateKate @ 4/27/2024, 09:51 PM) 
    She keeps saying that CC hasn’t shown any interest in this or that, one of her multiple possessions. I’m sure when CC did show interest in something, she went, “NO, THIS IS MOMMY’S” one too many times and now CC is too afraid to show interest in any of her things.

    That’s one of the things that makes me nuts about how she treats her children. It’s her job to introduce new things to them, not wait on them to ask. Just like saying they won’t eat anything but grilled cheese, broccoli, bacteria rice, cardboard pizza, etc. How will they learn about other foods if nobody offers it to them?

    But then again she is one of the parents who waited on the kids to notice Daddy was gone and left it up to a couple of preschoolers to ask where Daddy sleeps.
  5. .
    I’m just waiting for Jen to start saying, “My dear friend said sometimes plants will produce new blooms every day!” “I’ve been spending afternoons chatting with my dear friend.” “Now that the weather is nice, I’ve been spending time outside having a drink with my dear friend.”

    (Her “dear friend” has more hair.)

  6. .
    QUOTE (parrothead1 @ 4/27/2024, 04:48 PM) 
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 27/4/2024, 02:36) 
    I feel really bad for her housekeeper(s). Oil and grease all over her tub. :20130930103114-64d41b31: I hope they get hazard pay.

    I don’t for a minute believe she is bathing. She said she doesn’t wash her arms or legs so- no- she’s not bathing. She just shows the bombs. Same for the shower — only on hair wash day.

    Bathing—no. Sitting in a tub of oily water eating a plate of food—yes. :b_wink:
  7. .
    QUOTE (True Medium Wartface @ 4/27/2024, 09:13 AM) 
    Wow what a surprise that K16 didn’t teach her daughter to put her own hair in a ponytail but don’t act like she is a freakin genius for figuring it out herself.

    I can’t wait until she teaches herself to cut her hair (as all kids do). :snickering:
  8. .
    After three years, the moon water clearly isn’t working for her. Flush it.

    I agree that she half-assed cleaning those drawers (like she does everything). At least swipe the top edges, especially where the drawer fronts attach. That creates a nice little corner where dirt and hair like to hide. But she wasn’t really cleaning or decluttering—she was looking for easy content to fulfill her community promises.
  9. .
    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 4/26/2024, 10:31 PM) 
    I am so upset because I woke up today and all of my tampons had expired.

    :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

    (Apologies if I’m being insensitive to the fires you’re walking through.)
  10. .
    QUOTE (JudgyPants @ 4/26/2024, 08:31 PM) 
    Imagine having a casual conversation about body lotion, and saying you don’t need to use it because the bath bombs you use leave an oily film on your body
    (Also known as reason #732 why Bakers don’t use ‘other peoples’ baths ☠️

    I feel really bad for her housekeeper(s). Oil and grease all over her tub. :20130930103114-64d41b31: I hope they get hazard pay.
  11. .
    So I’m going to switch up my career path. I’m going to set up a camera and film myself doing my mundane daily chores. From time to time I’ll stop and point the camera at my ungroomed self and yammer about nothing of substance, then show a sped up sequence of the actual boring work. You can all watch for the price of a coffee—you know, help me keep the lights on. Just don’t expect them to be on during filming—that was never promised as a perk of being in my community.
  12. .
    “Well, since you already have one Switch at your Dad’s house, I guess you don’t need these so Mommy will just keep them!” *Nostril-flaring Jen stomps off with her hurt feelings and regrets*
  13. .
    Again with the blooming flower friend. Apologizing for not updating yesterday because “the day got away from me”. Such a busy bee. Also, stop trying to compete with a real gardener with real lush hair.
  14. .
    She bought a sunscreen on their trip and got sunburned, so she’s questioning if it’s effective. Girl, we’ve seen you use a pea-sized amount like it’s Retina-A. That might be why you got sunburned. But she proceeds to say she’ll put the ineffective sunscreen in her pool bag. That makes sense.
  15. .
    She has all the time and money and opportunity to make her life better. Chooses to clutter her bathroom with magical moon water like that’s the answer to all her problems. :10:
5358 replies since 4/11/2019