The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by GrownUpStickerBook

  1. .
    QUOTE (Gene Is Sis Concert @ 5/13/2024, 10:45 PM) 
    I hear, “Jennifer, this is your mother” in Emily Gilmore’s voice X)

    We’ve been saying for years that once perimenopause/menopause hits, this wide-backed cow was going to balloon up. Well, here we are. Add to that the excessive sugar, carbs, and unhealthy fats she inhales daily and it’s no wonder she’s gaining weight at an alarming rate. Simple as that, except in her mind it’s not that so of course it must be some other medical reason. BTW, nobody is worried about you so stop saying that.

    “…they don’t always have it (art festival) on Mother’s Day weekend ‘cause I’m usually home on Mother’s Day weekend to be, you know, with my kids, we try to arrange it that way cause that’s obviously what I prefer.” What a lying sack of dog shit. The gaslighting was unreal in this video.

    Has she ever been with her kids on Mother’s Day before now? She visited them in Don’s apartment the first year after he left, but after that I don’t remember her babysitting on MD. She really does love to pretend that she wants to be with her Circumstances 24/7, even though the evidence proves otherwise.
  2. .
    I doubt Jen has any new tea to spill. She has just been dying for months to write her tell-all book about the Christmas-time chaos lottery.
  3. .
    I get so pissed when Jen starts with her vaguebooking about holidays, especially Mother’s Day. For some of us, it’s truly another “Fraughtsgiving” for a variety of reasons. But shot-in-the-fat-ass-with-luck Jen can’t appreciate any of her “privilege” other than her damn Don Dollars.

    Did Jill tell you you’re spending too much money on worthless travel and childish “costumes”, making you loathe the idea of celebrating your mom? Did the kids dare to ask to FaceTime Mama Tens, or even worse, ask to buy a gift for her? Did CC or Donny not say “yes” on Mommy’s Yes Day?

    I really can’t stand looking at her smug, fugly face. I hope her flight to Sweden gets cancelled or delayed and she misses the Taylor Swift concert.
  4. .
    I’m in my mid-sixties and I wouldn’t be caught dead in 99% of her “outfits”. Correction—I wouldn’t be caught dead in 100% of her outfits because she never gets the combination right. There is the occasional “piece” I like well enough (the striped button down shirt from Chico’s, for example). She always finds a way to make things look dowdy and/or mismatched.
  5. .
    “But doctor, there must be sunthing else going on to cause my weight gain. I eat well and exercise—a lot. Run the test again!”

    Newsflash—Jen has been shopping! Friday’s lazy super-exclusive content will be another haul because she’s feeling herself in jeans and is buying big-girl clothes.

    Umm, ma’am, I think you have given a specific time for your special early access (but never promised as part of your paid membership) YouTube video. “24 hours in advance” is a specific time.
  6. .
    Have a heart. Poor Jenny had to babysit. On Mother’s Day, no less. She didn’t birth “those children” so she could love and nurture them. They are an income source. Circumstances, if you will. The curveballs never stop coming. Fires are burning all around.
  7. .
    When has she ever “popped on” IG not looking like 💩? This is not new, Jen, and it’s not “that child”’s fault!


  8. .
    As usual, Jen makes ridiculous purchases from social media influencers in an attempt to buy friends. All they see is a sucker.
  9. .
    I saw a video last night describing the actual brain damage caused by social isolation. I think we’re seeing that play out before us in Jen’s videos.
  10. .
    Jen is NOT going to let the Circumstances spend any of those child support Don Dollars—that’s her money, payment for birthing the cash cows.
  11. .
    And doesn’t she always show a family-sized piece of CHOCOLATE cake from Gideon’s after her FunRunDisney? Just because it isn’t wrapped in foil doesn’t mean it isn’t chocolate.
  12. .
    How has she convinced herself she’s an expert at everything? She has all day to learn but she knows absolutely nothing.
  13. .
    Somehow I’ve got to find the time and stamina to watch this one. It sounds like it’s loaded with Jen-level nonsense—all the body positivity, ridiculous home “improvements”, philanthropic donations of expired foods, and carb-loading her fat ass.
  14. .
    Married a man she didn’t love and had children she didn’t want, all for money she spends on things she doesn’t use. Yeah, I’m jealous.
  15. .
    QUOTE (Alimony and Wonder @ 5/10/2024, 12:06 PM) 
    She has to wait until her kids are old enough to order window coverings?

    I will never understand how her mind works.

    Never say Jen doesn’t work. She works overtime making the Circumstances’ lives miserable. It’s funny—you CAN have furniture and window coverings with young children in the home (especially when it’s very part time). You just teach them how to take care of things. It’s called parenting. Hey, Fatty, try putting an ounce of energy into that instead of “training” for these never-ending challenges you pay tens of thousands of Don Dollars to participate in.
5405 replies since 4/11/2019