The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by GrownUpStickerBook

  1. .
    I *wondered* during her weekly update if she was even planning to shower before going to the theatre because she was going in an hour, and she still had the kids. I hope she went smelly and unkempt and got chastised by an embarrassed Jill.
  2. .
    I’m sure it’s been said before, but Jen should be vetting every single suggested charity before putting it in the jar. Not having a clue what it is at the time it’s drawn makes her stupidity and self-centered nature more apparent. I would have no problem with her pulling it and saying “Let me google to refresh my memory about this charity”, then give a brief explanation of what it is. And it might avoid donations to any organization that might be controversial. But she’s too stupid and doesn’t care. Just wants to placate those who suggested she donate 10% since she doesn’t need their money, and she welcomes a tax deduction.
  3. .
    If she would just put stickers from the places she’d been on the cover of her journal and not all the self-affirmation bs, it wouldn’t look so much like a fifth-grade girl’s diary.

    Dear Diary,
    Today Jasper said he loves me! Eeeeeeek!!! We reunited with our bestie Blue and I felt so warm and cozy tucked in the back of her. And I had a croissant!!! And then another croissant. Tee hee! I never want to go home. Life is perfect when it’s just me, Jasper, Blue, and a dozen croissants tucked into bed at 7 pm.
  4. .
    Ahhh, Jen and her GrownUpStickerBook. I feel seen. ☺️

  5. .
    Is this a ponytail or a lizard’s tail?

  6. .
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the soup kitchen has the kids make something for her for Mothers Day. But she doesn’t want handmade things from her kids—she’s pissed that nobody is showering her with expensive jewelry and breakfast in bed. It’s all about being spoiled, not about appreciating her Circumstances.
  7. .
    Her travel/Disney vlogs are nothing but “Watch me wog! Watch me shop! Watch me eat!” Just more episodes of The Jen Show. (And each time you ask yourself “Is this a rerun? It seems like an episode we already watched.” But she can’t pare them down. Every moment of every repeat trip is just so important to the story. I can’t wait for the new hours-long episode(s) of her latest fabulous RunDisney trip. :10:

    I watched a river cruise vlog last night because my cager and I want to take one someday. The guy gave tons of helpful info and his ship tour wasn’t a brief glimpse at a few areas with the remainder being a smug face. No, he showed pretty much anything I would be curious about…and never showed his face. He never mentioned any “special status” or wasted time filming any entertainment (just a couple of seconds to give you an idea of what was offered).

    Jen has a lot of nerve calling this a “job”.
  8. .
    That croissant would feed a family of 4! Or Jen. :snickering:
  9. .
    The Summer of Kale. When Jen failed to lure Sweet Boy back home with her hot bod. That must have hurt.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Blue-tah Trunk Celery @ 5/5/2024, 11:42 AM) 
    What happened after the RV trip they can't even sit together?

    via GIPHY

    If I recall correctly, we assumed she learned about Tens on this trip and hightailed it home early to drown her sorrows in a vat of Ben & Jerry’s. And her besties friendship with Don ended after that “betrayal”.
  11. .
    QUOTE (ID**’tEatSugar @ 5/5/2024, 12:16 PM) 
    Last night a toddler went missing in my neighborhood and was later found deceased in one of the retention ponds. I can’t help but wonder how Jen would react if it was one of her kids.

    That’s heartbreaking. I’m so sorry.

    I think any time Jen’s kids get sick or injured on Don’s watch, she gets high and mighty and starts the blame game. On the flip side, if anything happens on her watch (or failure to watch, as we’ve seen), I’m sure she makes herself the victim—“It’s hard to keep an eye on them all the time as the only adult on the premises!”
  12. .
    I hate flashy logos and other obvious branding. It just screams “LOOK AT ME!!!” I do hope her strap gets sweaty while she’s lumbering around.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Alimony and Wonder @ 5/4/2024, 05:57 PM) 
    So she knows Charlotte loves performing but refuses to take her to any of the 125,315 performances she attends. What a shitty mother.

    Wouldn’t it be DELIGHTFUL if Jill told Jen, “I’ve decided to take CC to the next show since she’s never been. If she enjoys it, I think it would be a fun thing the two of us could do regularly. If not, you and I can resume our regular schedule.”
  14. .
    QUOTE (Livi! @ 5/4/2024, 02:28 PM) 
    Okay, I gave the new Disney video a shot. I'm only 9 minutes in ... so her kids do text her while she's gone.
    Again, what if they need her for something? Does she just text back: "no honey, I'm sorry, I can't come over real quick cuz I'm in Florida having fun at Disney". And what if they text her when she's out in some AirBnB in the middle of nowhere with no network ... so they basically text mommy and mommy doesn't respond.

    What a strange mother to have.

    I like to imagine they know she’s off having a fun “yes” day, so they text just to mess with her. :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic
  15. .
    Yesterday I saw a man carrying a Costco-sized box of croissants. I thought about approaching him and asking if he was a professional athlete getting ready for a big event. :snickering:
5448 replies since 4/11/2019