The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Loulousmom

  1. .
    After some thought, I think this is a mutual separation.

    There is no way she’s going to be silent forever. She has to talk to the minions or she’ll lose her mind. And the speculation and sympathy will keep pouring in. She can’t walk away from all of that.
  2. .
    Ok longggggg time lurker here.

    I don’t get why so many people think this is fake. I have been cheated on and left by my ex husband who I NEVER thought in a billion years would have eve cheated or left. It broke me. But I came out stronger. As will Jen ultimately. The stuff he has on the profile is so common to find on dating sites. And really tame compared to some guys. Lol.

    I feel bad for her but, then again I think she needs knocked on her ass as a wake up call to REALITY.
47 replies since 5/11/2019