The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Loulousmom

  1. .
    This woman is actually nuts. She needs an intervention ASAP. I feel like we will read about her in the paper one day. :(
  2. .
    QUOTE (gardenhoe @ 8/9/2020, 22:13) 
    Doggie style yoga pose on IG. Admits to liking to stir the pot.

    I hate her. So much.
  3. .
    Every time I think I can’t possibly hate her’s like WAIT! THERE’S MORE!!!!!! Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. She is something else.....
  4. .
    Maybe that’s her new boyfriend in the passenger seat. I wouldn’t even be surprised. These people are that nuts.
  5. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 1/5/2020, 18:02) 
    how did I miss that she chose this as her thumbnail? she looks like she belongs in an institution


    Don if you're reading this please remember that you're never ever ever getting back together. must be a hard loss :10:

  6. .
    She is so fucking useless. Thank god she isn’t “essential.”
  7. .
    How are y’all finding this. 😩😩😩
  8. .
    It’s super easy for Jen to sit here and preach to us about how we need to take time for ourselves and blah blah blah when she doesn’t work, barely takes care of her kids, outsources housework to maids, lives off her soon to be ex husband. Fucking hell....she pisses me off so much.
  9. .
    I see why she has so little time in her day...if I chopped veggies like that, I’d never get anything done. Ughhhhh.
  10. .
    QUOTE (DeliciousDeliciousMocha @ 10/1/2020, 17:45) 
    Honestly, might be an unpopular opinion around here but I’m heartbroken for her. Her and Don were together for so long, from such a young age. And to have two kids so young, going through this is probably really difficult. I’ll say from experience, being with your partner for years and years before having kids, kids can certainly shake up what you thought was rock solid. I can certainly empathize with the seriousness and heaviness of the situation.

    Nah. She gets no sympathy from me. Not everyone has the support system she has. Or the money to cushion the hurt from a divorce. She won’t have to worry about losing any income like most people do. Welcome to reality, Jen.
  11. .
    He cheated. I would bet money on it. Slime ball.
  12. .
    Holy. Shit. Balls.
  13. .
    QUOTE (JenuinelyUnorganized @ 9/1/2020, 07:50) 
    Could one of you fabulous bakers message me that preschool FB info?

    And a few pages pack someone asked about Kennywife and you tube. She removed every one of her videos when the Safe for Kids thing happened, because she was not about to be fined for get content. She has an IG as well as Twitter. Both are snark worthy, and if you all think Jen is self unaware, Kennywife is 10 times worse.

    What is Kennywife actual username?
  14. .
    QUOTE (EyerollOlympian @ 20/12/2019, 21:40) 
    Not one shitquote by her,about being a mother. Unless I have missed it.
    Only shitquotes justifying laziness and self care.

    This is an EXCELLENT point. I never thought about it like that. Selfish witch.
  15. .
    QUOTE (Jill2dot0 @ 5/12/2019, 14:41) 
    She's never known any type of hardship, or discomfort. Jen has never had to worry about being able to pay for a dental visit, or worry about having enough gas in her car to get to work … or even the slightest bit of discomfort - hence her "walking pharmacy", and all that massive over packing.

    So she creates all these problems in her own mind - so she can feel part of humanity.

    She really is an empty shell.

    Maybe I do loathe her a bit …

    ALL. OF. THIS.
49 replies since 5/11/2019